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Copy Terms

  • My graphics are linkware. All I require is a link back to my site and an email if you use my sets. You may not use them in any graphics collections or on commercial sites (if you have a commercial site, you have to buy the set). My linkware may NOT be used by individuals developing web sites for others for financial gain whether from the site itself or from the web page developing service

  • The clip-art used in the sets are to the best of my knowledge royaltee-free. If you find images that you think is copyrighted, let me know and I will remove them immediately. It's not my intention to copyright infringe.

  • I have spent a lot of time making Free Graphics to offer. So if you use any of my Graphics you must use my logo and put it on the same page as you have one of my graphics on and link it back to . I wont accept any credit pages, where people have no idea which graphics on your site that is mine.

  • If you are using my graphics please copy them to your own server, don't be a bandwidth thief =0)

  • Please email me if you use my sets so I can have a look. ( I would love to see how my graphics look on your site. I'll then add you to my "Users of my backgrounds" page. It gives your site some extra hits aswell =) I don't think it's to much to you??

      Do not alter my graphics without my permission by resizing, recoloring, or rename them. Using portions of my graphics to make your own or to make a logo that match the set is strickly prohibited. If there isn't a matching logo to the set use the one below.