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Current time in Oklahoma

Welcome to my graphic designs. I am currently trying to do some much needed house cleaning in this site, so some of the links may not work correctly. Please bear with me while I do some adjusting and redecorating.
I do hope that you will enjoy your stay at my site. To use one of my sets, please read my Copy Terms, before you download them. I also ask that you provide a link back to this site so that I may receive credit and traffic to my site.

On these pages you will find two different logo names. One will read as DarnellDesigns and the other will read as Graphics by Mickie Sue. They are made by the same person, me. I just used the ones that I have with my graphic design business also.
All graphics were created by myself using my graphic CD's and PaintShop Pro5.

Here are my graphic sets.

Yellow Rose>
Yellow Rose 2
Stained Glass
Purple Rose
SW flavor
More Flowers
White Roses
Victorian Flowers
Blue Sun
Flower Bouquet
Flower Bouquet 2
Floral Vase
Pink Roses

In this area I will be adding bordered table backgrounds. Be watching for the new additions.

Lady Garden Home

Just backgrounds.

Kittens Fans Blue Kitten Texture St. Patrick

added this section 2/13/00

Outlook Express Stationery

Before you leave, won't you sign my guest book and tell me what you think?
Thanks again;
Mickie Sue

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The background used on this page is for my personal use. Please do not take it.

After several inquires, I have created an universal logo to be used for graphic listings. Please link it back to this site. Thank you to everyone for your words of encouragement.

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Graphics by Mickie Sue .

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