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DISCLAIMER: Advertiser web links found on Families Help Line and/or Access Jobline, USA web sites lead to sites maintained by individuals or organizations outside of these two companies. The majority of advertiser web links on these sites are not part of Families Help Line and Access Jobline, USA so therefore giving them no control of the content displayed, expressed or implied by advertisers' owners that include all information, materials, products, goods, services and warranties. Furthermore, Families Help Line and Access Jobline, USA disclaim all implied warranties and representations claimed by linked advertisers found on their web sites to include linked advertisers' information, materials, products, goods and/or services. Any one who visits Families Help Line and/or Access Jobline, USA web sites and makes a purchase or uses any linked advertisers' goods and/or services not affiliated with either Families Help Line and/or Access Jobline, USA, do so at their own risk.

PRIVACY STATEMENT: All information given to Families Help Line for hiring or employment recruitment purposes will not be shared with any third party without having the job applicant’s, client’s or the potential client’s prior consent to do so.

CONTACT US: Families Help Line and Access Jobline, USA maintain these websites. If you encounter a problem with our websites, please let us know. We will promptly attempt to fix the problem. We can be reached at the following: Families Help Line/Access Jobline, USA