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Our departments patch says a lot about our community. You look at our patch and see our state and state seal naturally, but also the heritage of Clinch County and Homerville are depicted in this patch as you see the pine tree which stands for the first and most prosperous industry in Clinch County, the Timber Industry. As we move around the patch you find a blueberry bush that stands for the seasonal, but also profitable business of blueberry farming in our county. Below there you find a beehive. Honey production in Clinch is big business, honey production is also seasonal on the harvesting of honey, but a year round operation for most. Not to make you think all we do here is cut down trees, pick blueberries and sling honey, but these are some of our counties oldest industries that have kept our citizens here through it all and have enabled Homerville and Clinch County to grow. Now, last but not least you see the Black Panther. The Panther symbolizes Clinch County's athletic department. There is a winning spirit that runs with our Panthers and one that is not soon to leave.

Maybe that gives you a little understanding of our patch and the heritage of Homerville, Clinch County. There is no better way to display this than to let the ones who serve and protect wear this patch honorably and proud.

Homerville Police