Radio friendly unit shifter</HEADER>

	I have indicated the chords formation at the end of this.It is more
important in my opinion to get the strumming right, so I have included some
naff arrows (above chord)  to guide.. ^ = upstroke; v=downstroke.

	Starts off with some tunefull feedback acompanied by some mutterings,
Anyone know what is said?

Verse 1: feedback and random (or is it??) rambling, all on A.

	 v ^  v  ^ v  ^       v  ^   v  ^  v
Chorus:  A A  C  G G  B       F# F#  F# F# F# 

	              what is  what I want..	
( O.K. maybe the arrows don't help, at least I try..)	

verse 2: same as 1st.

Bridge: C      E        A   G
	Hate, hate your enemies,

        C      E       A  G
        Save,Save your friends..

        C      E       A  G
	Find,find your place,

	C      E         A  G
	Speak, speak the truth			(I love those words..)

Back into chorus..

Chords:	A  C  G  B  F# 
	5  3  3  2  2 
        5  5  3  4  2
        6  5  4  4  3
        7  5  5  4  4
        7  3  5  2  4
        5  X  3  X  2       Allthough most of the time they are power chords.

	Well I hope that's some help, Any comments (constructive!!) or 
requests to me here.....
Ben S.

\|[,~!@#$%^&*-=)"{>?}}<>!!?l? Ben Sholdice "Boat Aak"!@@#^%&&^*)%R~.,\']      
Trinity college, Dublin.e-mail: as above or..
"After Dinner I had ice cream, I fell asleep and wathched T.V,I woke up
 in my mothers arms..." Kurt Donald Cobain 1967-1994 \-/@%&  RIP.