Dave Vogele-REALTOR
IS LEVY Realtor & Associates
The Design Center
3445 Winton Place, Suite 114
Rochester, NY 14623

"SHOCK" your well!!

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Chlorine is the chemical of choice when disinfecting a well.
Household laundry bleach is a convenient source. (no additives, i.e. scents)

Pour one gallon of chlorine into the well.

Use a garden hose and run water from your home down the well for fifteen minutes. You will be able to smell chlorine coming from the hose. At this point, rinse the well casing above the water line.

Run all water taps(hot & cold)in the home plus the washing machine and dishwasher until the smell of chlorine is detected. Turn the taps off. Leave the chlorinated water in the system for twelve to twenty-four hours. Turn off the water heater at this time. For persons without a sense of smell, use a swimming pool chlorine test kit.

Remove the chlorinated water from the well by running the pump and placing the garden hose in a safe area. Caution! Don't put the chlorinated water in the septic system, creek, flower or vegetable garden. Check with the authorities before adding to the municiple sewer. The small amount left in the home can be put down the drain.

Run the system until the smell of chlorine is gone.

Obtain a container from a water testing lab.

Note: The water may be turbid and discolored. Don't do laundry for four or five days or until the water is clear in both taps (hot & cold).