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anilogo.gif© Warlord Systems 1998


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Hey thanks for stopping by. This page is kind of empty now but as I learn more about the Sport I will be adding more to the site. I have My wife Erin And my Father-in-Law Dave to thank for the interest in the Sport. Dave took me to My First Fight. It was Very Cool .
I am Making this page to help more people be Aware that This is a Sport..

Thanks Again For stopping by .

Attention! Oklahoma Gamefowl owners and breeders.

Visit my message board: Message Board
Legislators are tring to shut you down.Updated 3-29-99 Please email me for more information on what we can Do to save our sport.


Email me .


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Copyright 1998 by Cyber Grafix Designs.
A Holzhauser production.

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