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Arnold Vosloo Resource Page:

Veritas: The Quest
Cast/Crew Screening Report

**This report will be very light on spoilers, so please read without any worries!!**

On Saturday, January 25th, there was an invitation only screening of 3 of the Toronto-made episodes of ABC's new action/drama series, "Veritas: The Quest". The episodes screened were 1.2 "Antarctica", 1.3 "Skulls" and 1.6 "The Name of God". The pilot episode, shot last March/April in Montreal was not screened and I'm assuming that this is for a couple of reasons. One, the current Toronto crew was not involved and two, the pilot had a large screening in Los Angeles last May.

I attended with my husband, who is not a fan of dramas, and my six year old son who has the attention span of a , well, a six year old. I'm happy to say that they were both entertained and are looking forward to following the show on a weekly basis with me!

The first episode screened was "Antarctica". The Veritas Foundation is in pursuit of an ancient power source, first studied by Nikko's dead mother. This is, I'm assuming, Nikko's first assignment with the group and there is some tension between him and his father as to whether he is up to the task.
The actors are all top-notch. Alex Carter and Ryan Merriman are quite capable in the leads. Arnold Vosloo portrays Vincent, Solomon's right hand man and confidente. He explains things as the story proceeds and keeps the audience in the loop. He also provides some great comic relief.
The production values are also top notch. The special effects are of movie calibre and caused my 6 year old to gasp out loud a few times.
My only complaint was having not seen the pilot, as I feel that a few plot points were missing.

The second episode screened was 1.6 "The Name of God". Eli Wallach guest stars and he's fantastic as a Jewish elder capable of speaking the name of God, which has fantastical powers. The Veritas Foundation is in need of his ability to translate an ancient artifact. Unfortunately their interest places the elder in danger.
Ryan Merriman gets to shine in this episode as he romances the elder's grand daughter, much to the dismay of everyone involved.

The final episode screened, 1.3 "Skulls", was my favourite. Liz Vassey guest stars, and steals the show, as a Lara Croft-type tomb raider. She and Solomon match wits and eventually join forces to stop a group of neo-Nazis from collecting and using the power of 4 mystical skulls.
This was a 'lighter' episode and Alex, Ryan and Arnold all got to play it up and have some fun with their characters. I'm looking forward to seeing this side of the show develop even more.

Finally, just a comment about the music and opening credits. Very slick! Arnold Vosloo is credited last as "and Arnold Vosloo as Vincent".

"Veritas: The Quest" will air Monday nights at 8pm ET on ABC

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