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Scoops Archive #2

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Scoops Archive #1 Feb, 29/2000--Aug, 28/2000
Recent Scoops Nov, 6/2000--present
So what's the difference between a "scoop" and a "spoiler"?? A scoop reveals a small amount of info about the film, the cast, etc but does NOT discuss the plot in any great detail. A spoiler is just that! It explicitly tells you the plot of the film--no holds barred. All spoilers are in black text. Right click and drag your cursor down the page to view them! You've been warned! So now, if you get "spoiled" you have only yourself to blame!

November 1, 2000: And the news keeps pouring in! New pictures tonight courtesy of MovieHeadlines.Net (this site is amazing!). A first glimpse of AV in character smooching with Patricia Velasquez.

Some more scoops from our Anonymous Scooper!


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(direct quote) "in the jungle scene where O'Connell rescues Alex from the baddies and where the baddies and their henchmen (the red turbans) are attacked by pigmies, one of the lead henchman called Loch Nah (an actor called Adewale) who works for/under the Curator (Alun Armstrong) is killed in a fight with Ardeth Bay just before the pigmies act and just before he is about to kill Alex and O'Connell rescues him (Alex) from death. P.S the Curator character is kind of a father figure for Loch Nah and Meela (Patricia Velasquez) and it is they who are digging at the start of the movie for the Mummy and the Book of the Dead at the site of the original film. Also the Mummy is resurrected in a warehouse where there ends up being a shoot out between the red turbans and O'Connell and Ardeth Bay. There is also a chase scene on a train involving the red turbans and the heroes."

Continues to sound great, eh?

October 30, 2000: An AVRP exclusive scoop tonight. From an Anonymous source, here is how the final scenes of "The Mummy Returns" play out!


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"The ending of the film is very much in the vain of the first movie and takes place primarily in the Scorpion King's lair and also the "dunes" where Ardeth Bay and the Medjai (sp?) have a battle with the army of Anubis (which are made out of black sand and there are literally thousands of them).

O'Connell sees Imhotep in the cavern beside a huge door and Imhotep bangs a huge gong which causes the room to quake and in turn, creates a huge crevice in the floor. Jonathan and Alex (Rick and Evelyn's son) carry Evelyn's dead body through the the pyrmaid's tunnels which house the Scorpion King's lair. They enter the gateway and see Anck who then attacks Jonathan while Alex snatches the book of the dead. Alex takes a long time to read the words much like Jonathan in the first film, while Jonathan gets his *ss kicked by Anck. Finally, Alex says the words and a bog spirit rises out of the ground around Evelyn's body. Just as Anck is about to give Jonathan a final blow a hand stops her: it is Evelyn. Evelyn tells Jonathan and Alex to go as she circles Anck. Evelyn and Anck start a fight to the death. Anck calls Evelyn "Nefertiri" (sp?) as she is a reincarnation of an Egyptian princess. (Evelyn has flashbacks during the film where she is figting Anck in an Egyptian court in front of Seti and Imhotep. Patricia Velasquez is also known as Meela, the reincarnation of Anck, in 1930's London.)

Back in the lair, as O'Connell and Imhotep fight, the chamber continues to quake resulting in a huge door bursting open. The Scorpion King appears. O'Connell and Imhotep stop fighting. Imhotep says to the Scorpion King "I am your disciple" and the Scorpion King instead goes for O'Connell while Imhotep grins. The Scorpion King ends up killing the Curator (Alun Armstrong) who bursts in the chamber and is cut in half by the Scorpion King's pincers. O' Connell ends up killing the Scorpion King with Jonathan's Scepter of Osiris which opens into a spear. At the same time, the Medjai and Ardeth Bay are about to die as they are outnumbered by the army of Anubis. Anck and Evelyn rush into the cavern and as Jonathan throws the spear at the Scorpion King, Imhotep grabs it in the air and throws it at the Scorpion King's back and says "now the army of Anubis will be mine", but the Scorpion King just bats the spear away with his stinger. Imhotep is lost and cries out "NO!". O'Connell grabs the spear and throws it, impaling the Scorpion King in the chest. The Scorpion King explodes into black vapour. As this happens, the army of Anubis, just feet away from slaughtering the Medjai also explode into black vapour.The chamber quakes and the crevice opens further, both O'Connell and Imhotep are knocked into the crevice. Evelyn runs toward the crevice and O'Connell, but is pushed back by the razor sharp stalagtites (sp?) dropping from the ceiling. Evelyn goes to help O'Connell putting her self into danger. Imhotep calls Anck to help him but she does not and instead runs away leaving Imhotep in shock. Evelyn helps O'Connell out of the crevice. Imhotep lets go of the crevice wall and falls into eternity. Anck ends up falling into a moat of scorpions. The heroes end up escaping the collapsing pyramid by flying out on an air boat that belongs to a character called Izzy."

Whew!! sounds fantastic! I have no way of confirming this report, but it fits with a lot of the bits and pieces we've seen and read about so far.

Also tonight from MovieHeadlines.Net some pics from the reel of footage screened this weekend at SciFi Expo.

Patricia Velasquez in her dual role, Meela, the reincarnation of Anck

Evelyn in the past as an Egyptian Princess, battling Anck. Notice a familiar looking chest in the background?? Looks like Imhotep to me!

***October 31***My anonymous scooper notes that Anck and Evelyn are fighting to entertain the crowd and not hurt each other, and that this is the first time Imhotep ever sees Anck.

October 27, 2000: Want to see 4 minutes of footage from the film, PLUS the trailer??? Well, if you're in the Dallas area this weekend, check out Sci-Fi Expo and please report back to me if you do go!

October 26, 2000: More news! What a week! This is from


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How do you revive interest in a monster who’s been dead for 3,000 years? If you’re writer-director Stephen Sommers, the mastermind behind The Mummy, you cast a bankable leading man with a good sense of humor (Brendan Fraser), find a beautiful leading lady to play his straight-laced love interest (Rachel Weisz), tap George Lucas’ Industrial Light & Magic to give the story its mesmerizing visual flair, and, most unexpectedly, you add just the right amount of slapstick comedy to the classic horror story. It was this mix of movie magic that helped Sommers turn his big budget remake of Universal’s 1932 classic The Mummy into the eighth biggest hit of 1999, and one of the 31 highest grossing films of all time. The $80 million campy creature feature grossed over $414 million worldwide at the box office and launched a film franchise that will further unravel the tale of dashing American adventurer Rick O’Connell in at least two more Mummy movies, starting with The Mummy Returns, which will premiere on May 11, 2001. The sequel reunites The Mummy stars Brendan Fraser as O’Connell and Weisz as his sexy sidekick, Evelyn Carnahan.

The surprise stellar success of The Mummy has prompted Universal Pictures to consider giving new screen life to some of its other famous monster men, including Frankenstein, the Wolf Man, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, and the Invisible Man.

Few monster movies, however, are more anticipated by horror fans than The Mummy Returns, which Sommers promises will be even more spectacular than the first film. “Our intention is to make it as good, if not better than the first one. Not necessarily bigger—just better,” Sommers told the Hollywood Reporter in August 1999, shortly after he signed with Universal to write and direct the sequel. “I’ve got to come up with a whole new set of tricks, not rely on old tricks.”

The Mummy Returns is rumored to be more effects-heavy than the first film, and though he won’t be relying on any old tricks, Sommers will be working again with much of the cast and crew from The Mummy, including the Industrial Light & Magic special effects team, producers James Jacks and Sean Daniel, and co-stars John Hannah, Oded Fehr, Patricia Velazquez, and, of course, Arnold Vosloo, whose evil Mummy character, Imhotep, once again returns from the dead.

Audiences can expect even more cartoonish, over-the-top action and slapstick shenanigans in the second installment of The Mummy, which features hulking World Wrestling Federation body-slammer The Rock (aka Dwayne Johnson) making his film debut playing—what else?—a menacing half human/half scorpion warrior called the Scorpion King.

The Mummy Returns is set in 1935. It’s been ten years since Rick, Evelyn, and her brother Jonathan (John Hannah) raised a little hell in the ancient Egyptian city of Hamunaptra (aka “The City of the Dead”). Rick has since married Evelyn, and the couple left behind the sandy sarcophaguses of Egypt for a simpler life in London, where they are raising their nine-year-old son, Alex (played by newcomer Freddie Boath).

London, it seems, is a popular destination for people fleeing Egypt. The remains of Imhotep and his beloved Princess Anck-Su-Namum (Patricia Velazquez) end up in Rick’s new U.K. neighborhood as part of an exhibit at the British Museum.

It’s not long before the tireless thrill-seeker and his family take a trip back to Egypt, searching for a mysterious bracelet, which they find along with an inscription about the legendary warrior the Scorpion King.

Meanwhile, back in London, Princess Anck-Su-Namum and her mummified lover have returned from the dead, intent on finding Rick’s son, who Anck-Su-Namum believes can help them resurrect the powerful Egyptian god Isis. Coincidentally, the O’Connells’ visit to the sandy dunes has unsettled another evil Egyptian spirit, that of the merciless Scorpion King, whose sting is mightier than anything Imhotep has up his ragged sleeve. It turns out that the bracelet Rick and Evelyn found belongs to the Scorpion King, who will not rest until he gets it back—which means Rick’s simple life is about to get complicated again.

After the O’Connells return home, Rick and Evelyn and visit Jonathan to show off their latest find. What they all soon find out is that Rick and the bracelet are wanted by the Scorpion King and Imhotep. Appropriately enough, the first signs of trouble appear at an Egyptian-themed gaming casino owned by Jonathan. A group of Imhotep’s warriors attack the casino, causing chaos for Rick, Evelyn, and Jonathan. Alex is subsequently kidnapped and taken back to Egypt, where he is hidden in a pyramid.

The unfolding drama leads Rick, Evelyn, and Jonathan back to Egypt to find Alex and face their demons—the Scorpion King and Imhotep, who is never far behind. Fortunately for everyone, Ardeth Bay (Oded Fehr), the head of the desert guardians, joins the O’Connells and Jonathan in the final showdown against the evil undead.

Will good triumph over evil? Or will the Scorpion King and Imhotep continue their reign of terror and keep the Mummy film franchise going strong for a few more years? The studio is keeping a tight seal on that information, and we’ll have to wait until May 11 to find out.

Whatever the outcome of The Mummy Returns, however, there is already talk of a prequel focusing around the Scorpion King and featuring The Rock in his first starring role.

Meanwhile, over a year after its debut, The Mummy has demonstrated terrific longevity with horror fans and continues to set sales records for its video and DVD sales. The Mummy’ debuted at the top of the Billboard video sales charts, where it held the number one spot for three consecutive weeks. In addition, The Mummy was the second best-selling DVD title of 1999.

Sorry for the lengthy report, but I think its worth a read. Sounds great!

October 5, 2000: Arnold Vosloo and the rest of the cast make an appearance on Entertainment Tonight. For pics, video and transcript, CLICK HERE.

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*Scoops and Spoilers are of course, considered 'rumour only' until the film is released. We all know films can change dramatically in post-production. This is a fan site for actor Arnold Vosloo, however, he is not involved in any way with these scoops/spoilers. All pictures copyrighted by Universal Studios. No infringement intended.