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So I guess you would like to know a little bit about me eh? Ok let's see if I can explain myself. ^_^

Name: Tiffany/Kateri

Age: 16

B-Day: Oct. 5 1983

Height: 5'5''

Hair: Brown, shoulder length wavy

Fav. Sport: Volleyball

Fav. Anime: Dragonball Z, Pokemon, Oh! My Goddess

Fav. Food: Peaches

Fav. Subject: Science

Least Fav. Subject: Geometry

Fav. Music: Anything except heavy metal and hard rock

Fav. Animal: Cheetah

Fav. Book: DRAGON'S BLOOD by Jane Yolen

Personality: I'm usually quiet (unless I have something to say) and easy to get along with. I do well in school (except for geometry. >_< I just don't get it) I like to joke around although some of my jokes are concidered lame. (I don't think they are)