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Ann's Doomtree

Okay , listen up. Yeah , I know if you visited this page your saying why isnt it ever updated. Well , this is the dusty and old page! I suggest you get your lazy self to click on this nifty image that will take you to the new page unless you wanna look at the usual boring old page *Yawn*
AnimeTop 100

Updates *new!*

The gallery . *New images added!*

The profiles on the two aliens. *Finally finished editing it*

The story of the two aliens of the doom tree

Artwork done by me. Ann and Alan artwork. *Some new artwork!*

Photos with funny words explaining the pictures by our favirit duo!

Hear the sounds from our duo

Banners you can use to link to my page *a few new banners added*

Awards I have won. Be forewarned theres alot bragging going on in that page for my awards :P

The credits. Thanks.

Recommened links

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-Who do you like better? Ann or Ail (Alan) ?-
Who do you like better? Ann or Ail (Alan)?

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((((((Im looking for some fanfictions for Ann or Alan and also fanart. If you do have any of these things . E-mail me them.Im also looking for images of Food Fetish episode. If you have any and you wanna dedicate it to my gallery. Please e-mail me them and ill put up your credit. Thanks , I apprecite it) Note***~ 'I do not' apprecite piccy stealers. I asked permission for alot of these pics myself. If you really wanna use those pics please contact me at my e-mail address (which is somewhere on my page)and ask and I may let you borrow a few pics and please put my credit up somewhere on your page with one of my baneners. I apprecite it. I hope I dont sound like a complete grouch. :P) Ann: Hey , Alan , check this out *snicker * *snicker* Ann's Doomtree
