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The story of the two aliens of the doom tree

Was once known as the Tree of Life, but is now known as the Doom Tree. On a planet, there was only the tree and ocean. The tree and the ocean decided to make it's own race. That race was peaceful, until dark forces started to influence them, and the fought against each other, until they destroyed themselves. The Tree of Life was able to excape the planet, with what was left of the face that followed the Tree. Over time, the Tree grew weak, and it stopped talking and started to be known as the Doom Tree. Eventually only Ann and Alan were left, and to live, they had to steal energy for the Doom Tree. This lead to them to Earth, and the energy they got only killed the Doom Tree, more. They pose as brother and sister at Serena's school and begin to have major crushes (Ann+Darien&Alan+Serena) . They finally realize how much they are hurting the Doom Tree and eventually Ann and Alan realize how much they care about eachother . The tree asks Sailormoon if she could heal all the negative energy and Sailormoon of course heals it . The tree doesn't die , but becomes a seedling . Ann and Alan take the seedling and decide on starting over on a new happy new life.

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