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I just started this update page . The updates will start in August.
~August Updates~ I started Alan's humanform gallery. I added a few more images to each gallery. I made a image page with funny captions. I made a transparent gallery. I added some images to the transparent gallery. I changed the images with the cards where you click to go to the pages to new images on the main page . It looks much neater.
~September Updates~ Im gonna be really busy because school starts again and its my last year. Though , ill try to update this page sometime in the month. So , the best time you can ever see alot of updates are in December , June , July , and August. Hah! I updated the page. I added two new banners to the banner page. One banner made by me and the last banner made by someone on the banner page. I also added a second gallery to Ann and Ail gallery. Im also gonna have a sounds page soon as possible up.I added a link to my links page . Yes , more updates! Arent you thrilled? Well , I added sounds to my page (special thanks to someone and you know who :P). Well , what do I have in store for you next month! Maybe , if I ever get my scanner to work , more artwork by me ~_~; . I guess you can probley count on seeing more pictures and other things. Well , maybe even fanartwork (not done by me , but by other people) . Well , thats if anyone is interested in having any of there artwork shown (it must be Ann and Alan). Well , if you do e-mail me at or .
~October Updates~
+October 8th+
Today , I updated the page. I added a transparent gif to the gallery. Im also working on a faster and less graphic Ann and Alan page with all the same pages , but ill still be updating this heavy graphic version. Note: This high graphic version page will stay , but ill just have two links (one to the high graphic one and one to the less graphic one) Wanna check it out? I also added a few new images to each gallery.
+October 16+
I GOT A DIGITAL CAMERA! OH , YEAH! SO , FINALLY I CAN MAKE MY OWN SCREENSHOTS OF ANN AND ALAN and I NO LONGER HAVE TO ASK FOR PICS TO USE FOR MY GALLERY! I CAN MAKE MY OWN! WAHOOOOO! :P Well , anyways I got more moving my page to geocities and gonna make a whole new look plus with alot of new pics of Ann and Alan you never seen on the web captured with my nifty camera. Arent you thrilled?! Im happy !!! Im gonna have images of the two aliens you never seen before. Well , as for now you can just look at this old Ann and Alan page until im done with my new improved Ann and Alan page. Though , when I get it looking decent ill give you the addy on the index page. Though , I will not be updating this page anymore. I hope you can wait forawhile for the new improved page ! I will keep you updated on how my new page is looking until I get it done.