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"I always used to think I'd look back on us crying and laugh, but I never thought I'd look back on us laughing and cry.." -?- "If love hurts soo much then why do we fall in love?"-JW "Some people never say the words 'I love you' For that would be too bold, but still like a child, "And I suppose I'm always going to miss those that hurt me the most."-Dana they are longing to be told." -Paul Simon I've learned that~ -Girlfriends always know the poetic value of an occasional broken heart -You should never be afraid of love, you have the memories forever -You know you are in love when the same person who can make you *SO* happy can make you *SO* mad -You should never spend a lot of money on a first date -One of the greatest gifts my parents ever gave me was their love for each other -Once a relationship is over, if you have experienced more smiles then tears it wasn't a waste of time -When you're in love you want to tell everyone about it, even though they haven't asked -If someone tells you, "I love you" never say, "no you don't." -You should make the little decisions with your head, the big ones with your heart. -If you depend on others to make you happy, you'll be endlessly disappointed -In relationships, it's better to have end with misery, then misery without end -true friends never tell your secrets, are the first to appologize, and never go after the guy you like. -people who have suffered usually make great friends, since they tend to be less judgemental then others -going against your principles for even a moment will most likely haunt you for the rest of your life -although my friends aren't always there to listen to me, God always is. -two people can look at the exact same thing and see something completely different -regardless of how angry you are, never sleep apart. -always keep your promises -marry ONLY for love -angels really do exist on earth -I got this from various posters and books. "I'm sure I'm not fond of this era of darkened sexuality where sex is as common to dating as flowers used to be."-Dana "I hope I never have to see the price of my freedom."-Better then Ezra "How bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man's eyes."-William Shakespeare "Anger is a momentary maddness, so control your passion or it will control you."-horace "Education is the ability to listen to anything without losing your temper, or self confidence."-?- "You use sex to express every emotion except love"-Husbands and wives "Small is the number of them that see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts."-Albert Einstein "You cannot become what you mean to be by remaining what you are."-?- "Anything will give up it's secrets if you love it enough."-?- "Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it teaches you to stop suffering." -Jane Roberts "I've got scratches all over my arms, one for each pain since I fell apart." -Eddie Vedder "Every time I sell myself to you, I feel a little cheaper then I need to."-Courtney Love "A kiss can be a comma, a period, a exclimation point, or a question mark."-Mistenquette "We are so vain that we even care for the opinions of those we don't care for." -Marie "I wish I could believe you, or at least have the courage to leave you." -Madonna "Say good-bye, don't follow."-Alice in chains "That's Mars. You just wished on a planet."-Christian Slater "Untames heart" "I left reality early, due to the lack of love."-P.M. Dawn "There's a moment to live, and a moment to die."-Churchill "Without trust and committment love IS just another four-letter word."-?- "Some things have to be believed to be seen."-Hodgson "And don't it make you sad to know taht life, is more then who we are..?" -Goo Goo Dolls "It's the little things that kill."-Bush "All passions make us commit faults, but love makes us commit the most rediculous ones."-Rochefaucauld "I may not agree with everything you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it." -Voltaire "You can't save someone from drowning when you are treading water yourself." -Eddie Vedder "The world is a comedy for those who think, a tragedy for those who feel."-Walpole "Experience which destroys innocense also leads one back to it."-Baldwin "It is better to be hated for what one is, then loved for what one is not." -Gilde "What you dislike in another, be sure to correct in yourself."-Sprat "For everything you have missed, you have gained something. And for everything you have gained, you lose something."-Emerson "He doesn't make sense, I don't make sense, together, we make sense."-Marissa Tomai "Untamed Heart" "Noone ever told me I was pretty when I was a little girl, all little girls should be told they are pretty, even if they aren't."-Marilyn Monroe "I've never dropped anyone I believed in."-Marilyn Monroe "What breaks in a moment may take years to mend."-Swedish Proverb "Those who stare at the past, have their backs turned to the future."-?- "If nothing ever changed there would be no butterflies."-?- "Have the courage to live, anyone can die."-?- "A friend is someone who reaches out for your hand and touches your heart."-?- "Never lose the willingness to trust or love someone, no matter how much they let you down."-?- "Love is to stop comparing"-Grasset "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."-James Dean "You should be kissed often, and by someone who knows how."-Gone with the wind If I had known then what I know now~ -I would have listened more carefully to what my heart said -I would enjoy more, worry less -I wouldn't worry so much about what other people were thinking -I would know how much my parents loved me and believe they are doing the best they can. -I wouldn't be afraid of acting like a kid -I would be braver -I would look for the good qualities in people and enjoy them for those -I would take dance lessons -I would not hang out with people just because they were "popular" -I would enjoy my body just the way it is. -I would trust my girlfriends -I would be a trustworthy girlfriend -I would enjoy kissing. Really enjoy it. -I would be more appreciative and grateful -I would say "I love you" more often -I would cry at sad movies -I would have forgiven more and held fewer grudges "You should never tell a child that his dreams are unlikely or outlandish few things are more humiliating and what a tragedy it would be if he believed it."-age 18 "Never let odds keep you from pursuing what you know in your heart you were meant to do."-?- "Believe in miracles, but don't depend on them."-?- "Say "I love you" only when you mean it."-?- "You never lose by loving, you lose by holding back."-Angelis "Love is a grave mental disease"-Plato "I've been in love before, and I've found that love is more than just holding hands."-John Lennon "Love is never having to say you are sorry."-Love Story "Love is letting go of fear"-Japolski "Love will break your heart, but, its worth it."-?- "The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost."-Chesterton "Noone is ever betrayed by true love."-?- "Quien bien te quier te har a Uerar"-Spanish Proverb (whoever really loves you, will make you cry.) "True love means:I will stand by you, support you, and love you nomatter what distance lies between us."-Kathryn David "Why does love have to be so sad?"-Eric Clapton "You make me feel worthy of your love, I'm not. You give so much more than I ever could."-Gale "If you love someone, give them a safe place to cry and never a reason to need it."-?- "The man to whom it had belonged therefor came there of himself and died there. When they tried to detach his skeleton from the one it embrased it crumbled to dust."-Quosimodos marraige "Death is not the greates loss of life, the greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live."-Norman Cousins "How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to."-?- "The more we love, the nearer we are to hate."-La Rochefaucauld "sexual love makes of the loved person an object of appetite, once that appetite has been stilled the person is cast away, as one casts away a lemon that has been sucked dry."-?- "All passions make us commit faults, but, love makes us commit the most rediculous ones."-La Rochefaucauld "If you really love someone you give that loved one the power to hurt and pain you in a way that nothing else can."-Hurnard "When you have nothing left but love, for the first time you become aware that love is enough."-?- "Our lives are shaped by those who love us, by those who refuse to love us."-?- "Never fall in love with a man who don't love you"-Mokenstaff ("He's Mine") "Doubt the stars are fire; Doubt the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar, But, never doubt I love."-William Shakespere "Never miss an opportunity to tell someone you love them"-?- "Hold me once more in your arms so I can remember how I always fall through them." "I may be young, but, I'm old enough to know, it is impossible to fall in love overnight."-Brandy "The Lord be between me and thee when we are absent from each other."-Gen.31:49 "If I had never met him, I would have dreamed him into being."-Yezlerska "The fate of love is that there is always too little or too much."-Barr "Many of us love from our need to love, not because we find someone deserving."-Giovanni "In the arithmetic of love one plus one equals everything and two minus one equals nothing."-Mc Laughlin "If I know what love is, it is because of you."-Hesse "I think we dream, so we don't have to be apart so long, if we are in each others' dreams we can be together all the time."-Hobbes "I could do without many things without hardship, you are not one of them."-Ashveigh Brilliant "He was obscurely terrified lest she should cease to be something he could feel himself unworthy of."-Huxley "There are people who would have never fallen in love if they have never heard of it."-La Rochefaucauld "She swore she'd be all mine and love me 'till the end, until I whispered in her ear and lost another friend."-Led Zepplin "I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky, but, why can't it be mine?"-Pearl Jam "Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear."-?- "But, while we're apart, don't give your heart to anyone."-Johnny Rivers "Most of the things we worry about never happen."-?- "When someone hurts your feelings it is un important unless you persist in remembering it."-?- "The dreams of youth are the regrets of maturity"-Legend "The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they cannot fly."-?- "Victims.....aren't we all?"-The Crow "All of my innocense is lost in dead end dreaming."-Counting Crows "Never take away someone's hope, it may be all they have left."-?- "Maturity is a high price to pay for growing up."-Stoppard "Imagionation is more important than knowledge"-Einstein "Abortion may have killed my best friend!"-Katie Amerson "Refrain from envy it is the source of much unhappiness."-?- "He who reins within himself and rules passions, desires, and fears is more than a king"-Milton "Guys suck!!!"-Amanda Meyer "To live without critism is to be betrayed."-Barnes "Adults are obsclete children."-Dr.Seus "Count no day lost in which you waited your turn, took only your share, and sought advantage over noone."-Brault "What was the act all for? I didn't start to like you until you took off the mask."-?- "El tiempo el arregla todo" (time heals all wounds)-?- "Everytime you turn around expect to see me, because one time you'll turn around and I'll be there."-John Wayne "Well, my father didn't leave me with much, he was a very simple man, but, what he did tell me was this: 'you know it is possible to become so defilied in this world that your own father and mother will abandon you, if that happens, God will always believe in your ability to mend your ways."-Bob Dylan "I still dream of lips I never should have kissed."-NIN "Life is pain highness, and anyone who tells you differently is selling something."-Wesly (Princess Bride) "Are you mocking my pain?!?!? I DIED THAT DAY!"-Buttercup (Princess Bride) "You were my friend, that in itself is a tremendous thing."-Charlotte (charlottes web) "Sometimes I wish I was a kid again, skinned knees are easier to fix than broken dreams."-?- "What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things."-?- "Remember to love your friends, whether they come or go, love you or hurt you NEVER let anyone go."-?- "Real love stories never have endings."-?- "A friend is someone who is there for you when they would rather be somewhere else."-?- (That's you Cheyenne:) "Love isn't love until you cry."-?- "Love is not blind, it sees more, not less, but, because it sees more,it chooses to see less."-?- "Information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom, wisdom is not truth truth is not beauty, beauty is not love."-?- "They may forget what you said, but, they will never forget how you made them feel."-Buechner "Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved."-?- "If the world seems cold to you, rekindle fires to warm it."-?- "Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow, Don't walk behind me, I may not lead, Just walk beside me and be my friend."-?- "Love is the difficult realization that something other than one's self is real."-Murdoch "For when two beings that are not friends are near each other there is no meeting, and whe friends are apart, there is no seperation."-Simone Weil "The rain fell soft down on all the roofs of uncertinty, I thought of you and all the years of sadness fell away from me."-Pink Floyd "Our modern world doesn't like visionaries....It seeks to do one of two things to dreamers: convert them, and if that fails, destroy them."-?-

If you have any quotes that you would like me to add to this page please email them to me, thanks:)
