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Mehta Corporation

Technical Data

Chemical Composition

The glass used in Mehta Glassware is a low alkali borosilicate composition made to Code No. 7740. It is virtually free of magnesia-lime-zinc group and contains traces of heavy metals only.

Thermal Properties: As the coefficient of thermal expansion of Borosilicate glass is low, the thermal stresses under a given temperature gradient are consequently low and the glass can withstand higher temperature and also sudden temperature changes/thermal shocks. Minute scratching of glass surface can however reduce its thermal resistance.

Coefficient of Linear Expansion: 32.5x10-7 /°C
Strain Point: 515°C
Annealing Point: 565°C
Softening Point : 820°C
Specific Heat: 0.2
Thermal Conductivity: (Cal/Cm3/°C/Sec) 0.0027

In general the Strain point should be regarded as the maximum safe operating temperature of our product range. When heated above 500°C the glass may acquire permanent stresses on cooling. All Benz labware is annealed in modern Lehr ovens under strictly controlled conditions to ensure minimal residual stress in the product.

Chemical durability: Benz glassware is highly resistance to water, neutral and acid solutions, concentrated acids and their mixtures as well as to chlorine, bromine, iodine and other organic products. Even during extended period of reaction and temperatures above boiling point, its chemical resistance exceeds that of most other materials and materials. It is capable to withstanding repeated sterilization with any surface deterioration and subsequent contamination. Only hydrofluoric acid, a hot phosphoric acid and alkaline solutions increasingly attack the glass surface with rising concentration and temperature. Optical Properties: Glassware made from Borosilicate glass show no noticeable absorption in the visible region of the spectrum. They maintain their clarity and colorlessness.