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Benz International Inc.,

Benz Foundation Microscopes

The Foundation series student and medical microscopes are solid tools for a solid foundation, combine economy with percision craftsmanship to meet strict laboratory standards. They have power and resolution to take you into another world to scientific perception.

These versatile microscopes are suitable for a wide range of needs and applications, from elementary and high school to college level. They are available in three configurations, the basic construction is the traditional horse shoe base, with body inclinable through 90 deg., and a standard tube lenght of 160 mm. Separate coarse and fine focusing knobs with graduation on one side. Illumination is provided through a plano-concave mirror mounted on gimbal mount.

Student Microscopes

Medistar Junior

  • Triple Revolving nosepiece
  • Stopper for slide safety
  • Achromatic Objectives: 10x - 40x (SL)
  • Huygenian Eyepieces: H10x - H15X

Model B/R Fitted with sub-stage condensor N.A. and Iris diaphargm moving up and down through rack & pinion, packed in wooden cabinet with lock, key and dust cover.
Model B/D Fitted with disc diaphragm, fixed condensor, packed in wooden cabinet with lock, key and dust cover.

Benz Advanced Medical Microscopes

Medistar Senior

  • Quadruple revolving Nosepiece
  • Fixed stage size 120 x 120mm with Mechanical stage for x and y movement of slides upto 25 x 75mm with graduated scales and verniers.
  • Achromatic Objectives: 10x - 40x (SL) 100x (SL) Oil Immersion
  • Huygenian Eyepieces: H6x H10x H15x (any two)

Benz Research Microscopes

The wide spectrum microscopes, to take you through college, university and onto the final frontiers of research. The sturdy structure will stand the test of time and the feature packed mechanisms meet the crucial requirements of research. Available in three configurations, the basic features are:
Focusing : Separate coarse and fine focusing through slides traveling on ball bearing guide bays.

Nosepiece : Quadruple revolving nosepiece, moving on ball bearings for common center of field in each objective.

Mechanical stage : Lowe drive coaxial mechanical stage for x and y movement of slides upto 75 x 50 mm with graduated venires.

Sub-stage :Moveable sub-stage condenser with N.A.. 1.25, Iris diaphragm and filter holder.

Achromatic objectives These microscopes are fitted with our Panchromatic ST type objectives incorporating a unique centering and prefocalising mechanism to further enhance the performance as per specimen requirements. 4x - 10x (SL) - 100x (SL) oil immersion.

Eyepieces : High eye point compensating wide field HKW 10x

Benz Monocular Microscopes

Monocular observation tube inclined at 45 deg. of the horizontal and ratable through 360 degrees. Prisms are anti-reflection coated

Benz 10M : Illumination through built-in-light system incorporates a 6v-20W halogen bulb with electronically variable intensity control. Quick replacement of bulb is provided without opening the base or electrical. Packed in Styrofoam box.

Benz 10D : Illumination through Plano-concave mirror mounted on a well contoured base.

Benz Binocular Research Microscopes

The Binocular observation head is inclined at 45 deg. of the horizontal and rotatable through 360 degs. All prisms are anti-reflection coated
Illumination through built-in light system incorporates a 6v 20w halogen bulb with electronically variable intensity control. Quick replacement of bulb is provided without opening the base of electrical

Benz Advanced Research Microscopes

Benz unleashes the ultimate potential of simple achromats, through this range, you can get a blend of precision and economy.

OPTICS: Newly developed high quality Achromatic Objectives (Parfocal distance 45mm) give you details never seen before in simple achromats. Sharper resolution and extra flat field of view, make a viewing a pleasure. 4x -10x - 40x (SL) - 100x (SL) oil immersion. High eyepoint compensating widefield HKW 10x.

CONVENIENT FOCUSING MOVEMENT : The CO-AXIAL focusing system incorporates a very precise and wear resistant linear beraing mechanism that eliminates vibration and backlash. The coarse adjustment know has a built-in control to increase or decrease the tension of the focusing knob by rotating the tension adjustment ring. The fine focus knob is graduated in 0.01 mm

REFOCUSING LEVER The lever can be sent at the desired focusing position of the coarse adjustment for easier refocusing, evern at higher magnifications. It also helps to prevent collsions between objective and specimen due to accidental stage movement.

LARGE MECHANICAL STAGE The 150 x 120 mm stage plate incorporates a linera bearing mechanism with right hand low positioned CO-AXIAL movement controls. It has a travel range of 75 x 45 mm with a vernier scale which can be read to 0.01mm.

NOSEPIECE Precision built Quadruple revolving nosepiece travelling on ball bearings ensure a common field centre on changing magnifications and on re-introduction.

ILLUMINATION & LIGHT CONTROL Powered by 6v-20W halogen light source. This lamp is pre-centered for your convenience. Replacement of the lamp can be done without opening of base or electricals. The light intensity control is separate from the power switch, you can turn down the microscope without changing the desired intensity.

MOULD & FUNGUS PROTECTION: Special coatings are provided at strategic points in the microscope to ensure protection from fungus and mould growth, a severe problem in places with high humidity.

Available in Binocular and Trinocular version

The Phase Contrast Microscope

Benz XL Phase contrast microscope equipped with a five station turret condensor and indispensable tool for unstrained observation of transparent speciments with low contrasts. Four annular rings and corresponding Phase Objectives are provided Ph 10x, 20x, 40x (SL) Ph 100x (SL) Oil immersion. Green filter and centering telescope is also provided.

Optional Attachments: For Research Microscopes

DARK FIELD ATTACHMENT: Comprising of an 100 x objective (Oil Immersion) with built in Iris Diaphragm and substage DF

Condensoer NA 1.33 suitable for oil immersion objectives.

POLARISING ATTACHMENT: Set of POLAROID analyser and polariser plates in suitable mounts for adapting into the microscope system to achieve polarised light arrangements. Highly recommended for Pharmaceutical Industries .

DUAL VIEWING ATTACHMENT: Ideal for conferences between two researchers or the teacher - student, when both can see the same image at the same level of magnification and direction. In built in the system is an illuminated arrow which acts as a pointer for discussions on particular object in the field of view. Its position can be manipulated by two separate control knobs for both the participants on the microscope.


  • DIRECT EXPOSURE SETUP: This technique is for Micro Photography, wherein the image formed by the objective is projected directly onto the film through a projection lens, eliminating any relay lens system or beam splitters, in between. The attachment includes a right angle side view finder.

  • WITHOUT SIDE VIEW FINDER: Adaptable on any Trinocular version of microscope comprising suitable adapter photo eyepiece and S.L.R. camera body with view finder. Exposure selector and cable release cord.

FILAR MICROMETER: Highly recommended for precision measurements of particle size or any object through microscopy. With 100x objective, one division on the micrometer drum represents 0.1 micron.

Measuring eye pieces: 10x WF eyepiece with graticule glass scale showing 10 mm divided into 100 parts. Specially designed to fit any of our research microscope.

OBJECT MICROMETER SLIDE: 1mm scale on glass slide divided into 100 parts. Recommended for use while making comparative study of the size of objects under different magnification of objectives.


For exceptional performance the design of its Optical Lens System is extremely important. Our parachromatic objectives and eyepieces assure a new level of optical excellence. The incorporate microscope objective for color and astigmatism and extreme flatness of field. Viewer can see every speciment extremely clearly, sharp focused from edge to edge.


  1. Achromatic objectives 4x/5x
  2. Achromatic objectives 10x
  3. Achromatic objectives 20x
  4. Achromatic objectives 40x
  5. Achromatic objectives 60x
  6. Achromatic objectives 100 x Oil
DIN SERIES (for our XL Microscopes - parafocal distance 45 mm)
  1. Achromatic objectives 5x
  2. Achromatic objectives 10x
  3. Achromatic objectives 20x
  4. Achromatic objectives 40x
  5. Achromatic objectives 60x
  6. Achromatic objectives 100x oil
  1. Wide Field High point HKW 10x
  2. Special purpose eye piece (with graticule)
  3. Wide field KW 15x
  4. Wide field WF 20x
  5. Huygenian Eyepiece 5x/6x/10x/15x

Catalogue of Bio FN Microscope
Catalogue of Bio XL Microscope
Botanical Slides
Zoological Slides