The Imagine Money Network

Welcome to the Imagine Money Network Money Site.

Making money online is not hard if you can find the right business opportunities. Well, that's why I am here -- to make it easier for you. On this page I have listed venture opportunities that have worked for me and many others across this cyber world. The first 5 programs are well established affiliate opportunities that have been around for years and have earned the trust of millions. I will also add some new programs that I have found that are widely becoming recognized for generating profits and satisfying both the consumer and associate.

Through many of my associates I receive emails of new business ventures. As soon as I hear about them and conduct an initial investigation, I add the opportunity to the site. Usually, the opportunities are FREE -- but there are occasions when I run across an opportunity that looks promising but require a nominal fee to join. Also, there will be programs at this site that give you the option to upgrade beyond the affiliate status (partner, associate, premium, ect.). I will never pressure you to upgrade, that is totally up to you. However, I will make it known whether the business is making me money. If it's not, it's gone!

Keep in mind that we are in Pre-Launch and we may not list all opportunities before the date we go live. I will keep you posted on our launch status.

For now -- Enjoy the site! See You at the Top!

Barry O. Canada
Imagine Money Network

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Dell Business Weekly Promo - Successful and Profitable Affiliate Programs!


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{{{{{{{{{{ Psst! ... Having Problems Getting People To Your Site? }}}}}}}}}}

Solution: I found a site that is totally free to join and will almost guarantee a 200% increase in traffic hits to your site if you apply the proper techniques. This site and other sites I manage are living proof this program will work for almost anyone.

What I like best about this program is the support. Dan Moses is dedicated to seeing that everyone is success with generating traffic to their site and making some extra money at the same time. The last thing he want is to have you join and then leave you out there in the cold to fend for yourself.. You'll have everything you need to successfully promote and market your online business. Tutorials, training, resources, support... you name it. It's all there for you.

WARNING! This is not your typical run-of-the-mill free traffic club. If you're as serious about marketing and promotion as we are, join our team. If you're only interested in watching your hit counter spin, join one of those other clubs!

Excellent Free Traffic Generator.. Join Now!

Make sure you also join below as well.

{{{{{{{{{{{ Brand New! Get in on this Now! }}}}}}}}}}}

Just wanted to let you know that there is a brand new paid click thru program officially launching today. You'll get first marketing dibs on this one. :o) ... But only if you hurry! - "click thru marketing at it's best"

As you know, there really aren't any paid click thru programs out there. Why? Because people haven't caught on to what's really important when you're marketing online. You see, it took me a while to realize that most free click thru programs have been exposed to and attracting freebie seekers. By definition, that's someone who is only interested in generating page views for their own website. Then I joined a paid click thru program and my results SHOT through the roof! It was like the difference between night and day. Those people were serious click thru marketers!

So, what if you found a click thru program that had only paying members? What does that mean to you? It would mean that you have access to Pro clickmasters that you KNOW have the funds available to invest in your products and services. What it boils down to is this. The fact that someone has paid to be a member of a click thru program means they are automatically qualified as a serious click thru marketer. In other words, they're not just there to pick up free credits. Just think about that for a minute! Isn't that what we truly want... a ton of pre-qualified buyers to advertise our services to that have the money to invest? The good news is... NOW you have it! (C M P) Capture Market Promote - Would you like to... Capture targeted traffic, Market to pre-qualified buyers and Promote where the real money is being spent? You bet you would! Don't waste another minute trying to convince freebie seekers to purchase your products and services. Join ClickMaster Pro and start promoting to other serious click thru marketers today. It's definitely one $10 investment you'll be more than happy you made!

Cost $10 to Join - Get Paid $5 Instantly For Each Referral Sale

{{{{ Another New Program Just Launched October 24th }}}}

Try us for FREE – Get $5 per referral!

the net's fastest growing business opportunity

Commission Junction (CJ)

CJ is obviously my number 1 venture because this site alone can help you generate a substantial income. Depending on what you want to do with your business, this site might be all that's necessary to get you going. The options for building your site is unlimited with this venture. CJ is the largest pay-for-performance advertising network, allowing online publishers to earn the most revenue from their audience. Choose from more that 25 general categories to build your site in the direction you want for your business.

Click here for Commission Junction


This is absolutely one of the best programs on the Internet. They have a proven track record and a great pay system! Refer a webmaster, Earn 10% of their monthly revenues! Some sites in this network made over $ 150,000.00 last month. Had you referred those sites, you would have earned at least $ 15,000.00 in commissions only !!! You are paid a flat 10% commission fee each month any income is generated, no minimum, or maximum earned!!

Click Here

One & Only Network

Opportunity Plus is the largest two-tier referral program on the Internet. Help us find webmasters for the One & Only Network Associates Program and we will pay you an amount equal to 33.3% of their earnings from all Internet Personals AYCE Club subscriptions and Alternative Connections Premier Pass subscriptions each and every month.

This program is where I have my largest downline. Attracting new associates is not difficult if you follow the marketing tips at your associate site. As in life, some of your referrals will perform extremely well and others will not perform at all. The commission structure of 33.3% on a recurring basis is a great deal for you and has the potential to be a significant revenue source for the motivated webmaster.

Webmasters can make money!


Tired of WAITING for that raise? Tired of WAITING for that Dream Vacation? Or just plain tired of working like a dog for two weeks, and then WAITING another week to get paid half of what your work is worth? Finally, WITHIN MINUTES you can begin putting CASH in your pocket with YOUR OWN INTERNET BUSINESS. We are totally dedicated to putting YOU in profit immediately. Start today, GET PAID TODAY ... MLS has introduced a REVOLUTIONARY NEW IDEA in online (and offline) marketing ... as soon as WE are paid YOU are paid!

Click Here


Join one of the fastest growing sponsor programs on the net!

-- WHY? --

- Free to join, no setup costs, no obligation
- High Paying 'Cost Per Action' sponsors.
- All BIG name, high quality sponsors.
- High Tech full featured web based control panel with live stats
- Includes FREE fully maintained freebie web site & mailing list
- 3 Tier referral program to help you earn the big bucks!
- Many Webmasters REALLY do make thousands of dollars per week!
- It's EASY with automatic code generation, just cut 'n' paste

Turn YOUR Web Site into BIG $$$ !

My New Grant

You make $10 for every sale that comes in with your ID. The people you brought in become your sub-affiliates. And you make an extra $10 on every sale made by every sub-affiliate you have. Many of the people you send our way will literally become a "WORKER" for you... Making YOU $10 each and every time they sell a copy of the mynewgrant Program!!!

You may sign up one person that has a high traffic website and immediately begin making an extra $200 (or more) a week just from that one person. That is why this plan is so powerful. I need you to help me find thousands of those sites... I will literally give you my business to do so. And you will make a profit from every customer, just like I do! This has been set up to be a WIN-WIN situation.

Think about it... I could pay you a flat $20 per sale. BUT, what if the people you signed up became sub-affiliates for the New Grant Affiliate Program and began signing up another 10, 20 or 100 people a week?

You would not make any of that money! And that's not fair, right? After all, you got them to sign up as resellers... Shouldn't you be making some of the money they are now making me? I sure think so...

Unlike typical Affiliate Programs, instead of waiting weeks or months for results. You will see big commissions within days of adding our links to your site...

All commissions will be paid on the 15th day of the month for the previous months business. You must accumulate a min. of 5 sales; for example $50 owed, before we will send you your commissions owed... The 5 sales of course are retroactive, so they will be forwarded to the following month. For example, one month you only sell 4 copies of the new Grant program. You will not lose those commissions. They will be forwarded to the next pay period.

We track your sales with browser cookies and with IP address identification up to one (1) year, unlike many affiliate programs, if a customer returns on his or her own, you will receive the commission for the sale...

You don't even need to incorporate a business to join this affiliate program. You are able to make money using your personal name. Anyone can join & start making CA$H!












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Click here for Commission Junction Guaranteed Hits to your web site! Free SubDomains

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