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Bats of Trinidad Bats can be found in almost every part of the world except where it is very, very hot or in the really cold areas and on some remote islands. You can find more species of bats (different kinds) where the weather is nice and warm. Those warm spots are near the equator and are called the "tropics" and "rain forests."
fruit bat Fruit-eating bats prefer ripe fruit. As they fly, they drop seeds which can grow into new trees. Bats that like to drink nectar, pick up pollen. By going from flower to flower, bats help in Pollination. Bats use echolocation and sounds from their prey to help locate their food.
Fishing bats grab little fish out of the water with their claws. Most vampire bats drink blood of birds. One kind of vampire bat also drinks the blood of other mammals like cattle. Studying this bat's saliva may someday help humans with heart problems. 70 Percent of bats eat insects. A Bat can eat up to 1,200 night flying insects in just one hour.
Bats under a Bridge Many bats find trees to be the perfect place to roost and spend time. Some bats actually live under big leaves and by using camouflage they can hide from harm and danger. Others roost under the bark of trees, while some just hang from the branches. Perhaps the place where most people think bats live is in caves. And a lots of bats do. They are the perfect place in which to raise their babies and to sleep during the day. At times bats may use houses or buildings as a roosting site. Even though these places are not as good as their natural habitats, these man-made structures do offer them protection. As the sun sets, they begin their night-flight,out to look for food. It's a beautiful sight to see.

No bats are blind and many can see very well. Insect-eating bats depend on sound and very good hearing to find food and to get around in the dark. So don't say, " blind as a bat" because it is not true!

While both bats and mice are mammals, bats are not rodents and are more closely related to primates and people.

Some mammals, like the flying squirrels can glide, but bats are the only mammals that can really fly. There are many different ways bats fly. Some can hover like hummingbirds while feeding on nectar, and a few flying foxes can soar in the air like eagles.

Bats are very helpful! They help control the insect population, re-seed cut forests, and pollinate plants. Bats also taught us about sonar. Bacteria in their guano is useful in improving soaps, making gasohol and producing antibiotics, besides being a fertilizer.

Vampire Bat
Desmodus rotundus
Physical Characteristics
These bats have no tail, their upper parts are dark grayish-brown with a paler underside. They have pointed ears, larger thumb and 20 teeth.

Size of average adult
length: 2.7 - 3.5 inches
weight: .5 - 1.8 ounces
Fly low, only about three feet off the ground. Feeding lasts as long as two hours and goes through four phases: selection of animal, licking site with tongue, shaving or shearing of hair, and biting off a circular piece of skin. Roost alone or in groups, social units are present in large groups.

sexual maturity: 9 - 10 months
gestation: 205 - 214 days
usually single births, feed on regurgitated blood at two months, forage for blood themselves at four months.

Habitat: Arid and humid regions of the tropics and subtropics.
Distribution: Northern Mexico to Central Chile, Argentina and Uruguay as well as on the islands of Margarita and Trinidad off northern Venezuela.

Bats are mammals.
They have fur or hair.
A baby bat is born live.
The babies nurse from their mom.
Bats have arms, hands and feet.
They are warm blooded.

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