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Our islands in the sun

Trinidad & Tobago map Trinidad and Tobago are the last two islands in the chain of islands that stretch through the Caribbean sea, from Cuba off Florida, to the South American continent.
Our National Flag National Coat of Arms National Anthem Our National Flag, The Coat of Arms and our National Anthem
Port of Spain, Our capital city The Red House Parliment Port of Spain is the Capital City of our Republic, located in the north eastern corner of the island of Trinidad, it is a city of many parks for our people to relax and enjoy themselves.
"The Red House" is the parliament building located in the center of "Port of Spain" our capital city and is the seat of government of out twin island state.
Maracas Beach Pigeon Point, Tobago Maracas Beach is one of our many wonderful week end leasure spots in Trinidad, as is Pigeon point in Tobago, as "trini's" {what we call ourselves} love a beach "lime"{to hang out}. We also enjoy a great day by the riverside too.
Bucco reef a carnival costume The Bucco reef in Tobago is an exciting day of fun and sight seeing the underwater world.
Carnival is the biggest festival on the island where ever one is able to partake in the merryment on the streets.
Caroni river ride The mangrove bird santuary Scarlet Ibis in flight Go for a slow boat ride down the Caroni river and explore the wonderful world of the Scarlet ibis,"Our National Bird" in the protected bird sacntuary.
The Pitch Lake La Brea Tar Pit The use of pitch from our La Brea pitch lake dates back some 400 years when Sir Walter Raleigh discovered the Pitch Lake and used the "Pitch" to caulk his ships. His description of the effectiveness of the material to meet his needs then are famous and are still used to describe our pitch today "Most Excellent Goode" The first documented usage of pitch from La Brea tar pits as a road surfacing material was on the streets of the Capital City of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain in 1815. The very first asphalt pavement was laid in front of the City Hall in Newark, New Jersey in 1870. Between 1871 - 1874 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington was paved with our pitch. It has been used in countries all over the world.

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