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As the day went by so slowly...
I'd sit and watch the clouds...
Wondering where you are my love...
Wanting to be with you now....

I loved you unconditionally...
With all my heart and soul...
Hoping and waiting for the day...
That I could hold you close....

But one day when I looked to the heavens...
My eyes saw a horrible sight...
There was no more beauty in the clouds...
The day had become dark as night....

As fear began to surround me...
I tried to hear your voice...
You were not there beside me...
Did you make a different choice?...

Now the skies are black...
With no sun able to shine through...
I sit alone and scared...
Wondering what to do....

My heart, it feels so empty...
As I begin to cry...
I will miss you so very much...
I guess this means Good-Bye.........


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