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Look into my eyes...
And tell me what you see...
Cold reflections staring back...
Or can you really see me...

They've cried the tears of joy...
And felt the bitter pain...
Of a relationship torn apart...
With both of us to blame...

Life is so uncertain...
And day by day we see...
That things can change within a second...
Like they've done between you and me...

But if you look closely...
I am sure it's hidden there...
Deep beneath the hurt and scars...
The love we use to share...

If our relationship is impossible...
That neither of us can change...
Then we must now say Good-bye...
And deal with all the pain...

My heart is very heavy...
And the pain, it cuts so deep...
We almost made it side by side...
When my heart was yours to keep...

So no matter where you go...
Or the things that you may do...
You'll always be within my heart...
Because I Did Love You...

Written 12/03/98

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