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To Divine Connection

"More Than A Store, A Way Of Life...."

How My Shop Came To Be

This was one of my greatest Gifts from God. It came at a point in my life when I just wished I could dissolve myself away. I had a well paying job, but my boss was abusive to me. I was in an abusive personal relationship. My 2 sons were on the brink of killing each other, as my oldest son carried abuse out to his younger brother. Then I became ill, as I tested positive for Lupus. The doctors continued the testing thinking perhaps even Leukemia was involved. I slept all the time, and it was not from depression according the their tests.

Sometimes You Have To Go To The Depths, To Reach The Heights....

Something had to change. Although I literally broke my heart in two, I sent my oldest son to live with his father in N.Y. It seemed all I did was cry. I had hit rock bottom. My whole life I had seen and talked to Angels, now is when i really needed their help the most. So, I asked GOD for help.

The Transformation Begins

I started to physically work with the Angelic energies GOD had sent to my side. I could see them all around. Then came the instructions. First I was to change the colors of my home, then the style of music I listened to. And finally, I was to read as much information on the Violet Flame as I could get my hands on. My Angels reassured me I was being rewired.

I would visualize myself as a little girl, standing before GOD, then sitting on his lap. Eventually, I started bringing my two sons with me to stand in front of GOD. When I was able to visulaize myself handing my oldest son over to GOD, while apologizing to GOD that I had thought I could be a better parent then GOD, then and only then did my relationship with my oldest son start to heal.


With GOD's help and the patience of the Angels (Thank you GOD!)I continued to read and to learn everything I could about cleaning chakras and achieving inner peace.

My youngest son became a learning partner to me, doing the Violet Flame prayers with me. His patience was a true Godsend as I changed our home environment, right down to listening to only Angelic-inspired music.

Then I quit my job. With GOD's help, I didn't worry about paying the bills, only my transformation to a better mental space. Unemployment was approved without a hitch. I tried to return to the work force, taking a demanding job for minimum pay. Illness returned. So, agian I left the work force, and agian unemployment came through!

"And Out Of The Ashes, She Rose... The Phoenix"

The next year was a time of purification. 18 out of 24 hours was spent communicating with my Angels, singing with them, and crying on their capable shoulders.

The next instruction was to open an inspiration gift store, with the main focus being on the Angels, so that others could be ministered too.

As Of Today

Today I have a clean bill of health, and feel better than I have for 38 years. On December 3, 1997, my sister Rosalie and I opened Divine Connection. The shop is located on Centere Street, in historic Fernandina Beach, FL. God blessed us with a small (500 sq. ft) store, with the best exposure on the street.

My oldest son came to visit on Easter, after being gone over a year. He asked if he could come home to live again. His words were "Mom, you look and feel so peaceful, and my brother does too. Will you please help me to achieve that also?" He is now at home and learning about the Violet Flame, as well as other spiritual aspects. His is starting to find his inner spiritual peace.

We've recently moved to a larger store across the street from our original site. Prayers are written into the walls of this store, and God and his Angels continue to reach out to others via Divine Connection. I love to witness the searching souls as they come into the store seeking the peace and higher vibrations it has to offer.

My heart continues to expand with Love. I wish everyone could feel the closeness with GOD that I feel, and I know they can. I am here to let people know that the Angels are here, and they are willing to be our coaches, teachers, support systems and shoulders to cry on. They want to help you reach your happiness and success. They cheer for us!

Get It Together, And Get With Your


Your Prayers Are Answered, Before A Feather Touches The Ground..."


What's Scheduled At The Store?

Those Who Have Helped Make My Site Pretty

If You Like The Song Playing "MISSY BLUE" You Can Buy The Full Length CD At Dreamsharer's Site.

Original music composed by Tom Williams III,

Copyright © 1996-98 Dreamsharer Music, Ltd.
Used With Permission.

My Links Of Love

The Divine Connection Bookstore & Gifts
Tina Michelle - Angel Interpreter &Guest Speaker
Celestial Sisters Psychic Fairs & Cyber Mall
Whispers On The Water Cruise

The Enchanted Egg Empor. - Incense, Potpourri, Visionary Art
Salina - Numerology/Nameology
