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Episode 33, "Love's Labor Lost"

Romance Towers Crossover III

Previously on Friends and Foes,

  • Kortni and Brandi were hot on the tracks of figuring out who kidnapped Jeff, and received a phone call from Devin saying he received pictures of Jeff, bloody and bruised.
  • Cameron prepped Amanda for trial. He called his friend Brody in Arcadia Springs and asked him to create a public profile for Amanda in "Flair" magazine.
  • Candice’s anxiety grew over the whereabouts of the envelope and her secret.
  • Opening arguments were given, and Lyndsay was called to the stand.


    The courtroom remains calm and motionless as Lyndsay makes her way to the witness stand. Lauren looks over her notes, as Lyndsay is sworn in and takes her seat.

    Lauren composes herself and stands up. She looks at Lyndsay and smiles.

    "Good morning, Miss Schofield," Lauren smiles.

    "Hello," Lyndsay replied with an uneasy reply.

    "Is this your first time up here on the witness stand in a trial?"


    "Well, just relax. It's not difficult. All you have to do is tell the truth and it will be over before you know it! Miss Schofield ... would you please state your relationship with the deceased?"

    "She was my friend," Lyndsay began. "She was a very good friend."

    "Tell us about her."

    "Josie was a good person. She was down-to-earth and fun and she wouldn't hurt a soul, unless she was pushed to the limit!"

    Cameron jumps out of his chair. "Objection!"

    The judge looks at Cameron, but without allowing him to speak any further he speaks. "I'll allow it, but tread lightly."

    "Thank you your honor," Lauren smiles at the judge and continues questioning Lyndsay, "When you say pushed to the limit ... would you explain that please?"

    "A little while back there was an accident. Alex hit Josie with his car and he and Taylor left her for dead. She was different ever since then. She was hell-bent on revenge, but she never wanted to hurt anybody."

    "So, when she found Taylor and Alex, is it safe to say that they could have talk their way out of the situation?"

    "Objection!" Cameron yells out again. "Your honor, Taylor Brookdale was sinking to the bottom of the ocean as a result of the dead girl! To say she could have been talked down is a farce!"


    "Your honor!" Cameron attempts to argue ...

    "I said overruled counselor!" the judge ordered as he turned to Lyndsay. "Answer the question."

    "Yeah, she probably could have been talked out of it."

    "Thank you. I have no further questions."

    ROLL OPENING CREDITS, "The Real Slim Shady" Eminem


    Nicholas Brendon as Alex Harrison

    Jonathon Taylor Thomas as Taylor Brookdale

    Jennifer Love Hewitt as Lyndsay Schofield

    Britney Spears as Candice Rogers

    Gillian Anderson as Kortni Hope

    Christina Aguilera as Amanda Friedman

    Also in this Episode:

    Sarah Michelle Gellar as Brandi Vandal

    Lauren walks back to her seat and sits. The judge looks at Cameron, who is already standing and ready to go. He motions for Cameron to proceed.

    "Were you there?" Cameron says angrily as he proceeds toward the witness stand.

    "Excuse me," Lyndsay questions.

    "You were shopping when this entire incident occurred, were you not?" Cameron asked, demanding an answer.

    "Yeah," Lyndsay replied hesitantly.

    "So, you weren't on that boat?"


    "Then how do you know what state of mind she was in at that time?"

    "I know my roommate!" Lynsday defended herself.

    "You said yourself she was acting different since the accident?"

    "She was ..."

    Cameron interrupts her. "Then exactly how can you know what state of mind she was in? If she was, in your own words, hell bent on revenge?"

    "She's not a killer!"

    "She left Taylor for dead! She left your boyfriend for dead, yet you still defend her ... why?"

    "Objection!" Lauren calls out.

    "Withdrawn," Cameron replies quietly. He begins to calm down. "You said yourself, she had been acting different. Isn't it possible that revenge got the best of her and she wasn't herself?"

    "I suppose."

    "Thank you," Cameron smiles and walks back to his seat. "No further questions."

    Cameron takes a seat and the judge asks Lyndsay to step down. She returns to her seat, where Taylor gives her a comforting hug.


    Kortni knocks on Devin’s door. He opens it, and looks stunned when he sees Kortni.

    "Ms. Hope! Please, come in."

    "Thanks Devin," Kortni says, walking inside the dorm and taking a seat on the couch, "I’m here to talk to you about Jeff."

    "Is there any progress?"

    "Yes, as a matter of fact."

    Devin’s eyes brighten up, "How so?"

    "Well," Kortni explains, "I’ve been connecting the dots a little and it all goes back to Scott Brookdale’s murder in 1984. Thanks to some information supplied to me by," Kortni hesitates, "a friend, we have a lead pointing to Robert Sullivan, who is the CEO of Sullivan Enterprises back in Colorado. We have reason to believe that Mr. Sullivan killed Scott Brookdale to benefit his company, which has since grown vastly. Things were quiet for a decade and some years, until Taylor Brookdale, his son, grew up and wanted to learn the truth about his fathers murder. His hypno-therapist, a Dr. Patricia Latte, told Taylor that he killed his father. But upon further investigation via old newspaper articles, Taylor grew to think that his father was killed during a home robbery. My theory is that both of these story’s are false. I believe that Sullivan killed Scott Brookdale, and paid off Dr. Latte to lie to Taylor to keep him from the truth. I also believe Mr. Sullivan was behind the attempted murders two years ago."

    "No, that was Brandi." Devin says, confused.

    "Wrong again. Brandi was being forced to abide by Sullivan’s scheme, or else she would be killed. She had to fake her insanity in order to keep from being thrown in jail."

    Devin starts to get angry. "How do YOU know?!"

    "Because," Kortni fears telling Devin, "Because I have been working with Brandi to try and solve this case!"

    Brandi walks into the doorway, and Devin’s mouth drops to the floor. Even though he had forgiven Brandi to her face long ago, repressed feelings of fear, shock, and anger resurface as he is reunited with his long-time foe.


    Taylor sits in the witness stand, awaiting whatever Lauren has to throw at him. Cameron leans forward, getting very nervous about this testimony. Amanda clutches the side of the desk. Lauren stands and approaches Taylor.

    "What was your relationship with Josie Lische?" she asks.

    "She was my girlfriend's room mate."

    "Is that all?"


    "Isn't it true that you helped your friend, Alex Harrison, bury her alive? He hit her with his car and the two of you left her for dead and disposed of the body?"

    "Objection your honor ... this is irrelevant!" Cameron says, jumping out of his seat.

    "I'm going to have to allow it, Mr. Banks." The judge moans.

    "We thought she was dead and we were scared," Taylor replies with attitude to her question.

    Cameron shoots Taylor a mean look and shakes his head, warning him to lose the attitude.

    "Oh, well that justifies it!" Lauren laughs. "I have no further questions your honor.

    "Counselor," the judge looks at Cameron, who remains seated.

    "You were underwater when the attack between Josie and Amanda took place, weren't you?" Cameron asks, standing up.

    "Yes. She stabbed me and I was sinking to the bottom of the ocean. If Amanda hadn't come along and interfered, I'd be dead," Taylor says, looking toward Lyndsay, who bows her head.

    "So, truth be told ... you don't know what happened in the fight between the two ladies, other than what you’ve heard, do you?"


    "Thank you. I have no further questions."

    As Cameron nears his seat, Lauren stands up. "I'd like to redirect, your honor," she says to the judge. He motions for her to proceed.

    "You mentioned before, that Josie was Lyndsay's roommate and best friend, correct?"


    "And Lyndsay is your girlfriend?"


    "Then what kind of person does that make you? Your friend kills your girlfriend's best friend and roommate and you help him bury the body?"

    "Objection your honor, this boy is not on trial here!" Cameron shouts.


    "I have nothing further."

    "You may step down," The judge says to Taylor.



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