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Episode 6, "Conspiracy Theory"

Previously, on Friends and Foes:

Tristan reveals that he, Brandi, and Stephanie have conspired together to kill.

Devin has a girlfriend that Taylor didn’t know about (Stephanie)

Taylor wants Stephanie out of the picture

Tristan suffocated Jeff.

A man kidnapped Alex, but their car had a horrible crash.

The wreckage has now flamed out. The cars are burned to a crisp. Workers are working to open the sides and receive the occupants of the car. They wreck down the cars, and struggle to pull out people. Sparks spray around spontaneously as the workers reach in to the car. They spray out all remaining fires with a fire extinguisher. The doctors on stand-by have stretchers, ready to take any survivor to the local hospital. The workers struggle, but manage to pull out three mutilated bodies.


ROLL OPENING CREDITS, "Brick" Ben Fold’s Five


Nicholas Brendon as Alex

James Van Der Beek as Jeff

Jonathon Taylor Thomas as Taylor

Leonardo DiCaprio as Devin

Guest Starring:

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Brandi

Amy Jo Johnson as Stephanie

Jared Leto as Tristan

Coming Soon:

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Claire Danes


Alex is sitting on his wheelchair outside of the car. He has survived the crash. He looks on as the firemen pull out the other dead victims.


Tristan hurries to Jeff’s room, acting as if he is in distress.

"Doctor! What’s happened? Did he die? No! Please! Say it ain’t so!" Tristan cries.

"Don’t worry, son, Jeff didn’t die." The doctor informs. Tristan seems to be disappointed, but he goes back into his saddened character.

"Oh, Thank You! But, what has happened to him?" Tristan asks.

"Unfortunately, Jeffery has gone into a coma. From this point on, we can do nothing to save him. His life is in his own hands."

Tristan turns away, sad at first, but morphs into a devious smile. Around the corner, Devin and Taylor come around the corner and greet Tristan.

"So, fill us in. What happened to Jeff?" Taylor asks.

"Well, it looks like he went into a coma from his terminal illness." Tristan boldly lies. "He is most likely going to die."


Alex rolls his wheelchair down an empty courtroom, obviously looking for the judge as Tristan did. He glances around briefly, but the court room is lifeless. He turns his wheelchair and is on his way out when Tristan appears.

"Hey, Tristan." Alex greets.

"Hey. I haven’t been able to tell you what happened to Brandi yet." Tristan breathes. Alex looks at him curiously and Tristan continues. "Any ways, it turns out that the verdict was not guilty by reason of insanity! And since she hadn’t shown her face around, I was kind of worried that she was having another psycho attack or something. So, I went to her house to do some investigating, and it turns out that she and her whole family have moved out of the country!" Tristan lies, with evil intent.

Alex is shocked. Tristan tries not to laugh or smile. He is true evil, deep in his heart, and has a strive to destroy.

Tristan thinks in his mind, "Brandi is still in Pine Valley. And you are going to die. Just wait."


Devin is watching a movie with Stephanie. She obviously is very uncomfortable being with him. Her thoughts are heard:

‘I hate this. I love you Devin. We’ve had a relationship for over 2 years. I can’t bear the lies and the deceit. I just want to come clean, to escape Brandi’s snare. But I can’t turn back for two reasons. One, Brandi will kill me. Literally. Two, I’m too far into the plan. I really am sorry Devin, but tonight is the night I break your heart.’

Stephanie shifts in her seat, and glances at Devin, who is deep into the movie. She takes a deep breath and looks at Devin. He notices her and looks back.

"What is it, Steph?" Devin asks, sensing that something is wrong. Stephanie is about to break up with him, but her heart doesn’t want to.

"I just want to go get some more popcorn." Stephanie lies at the spur of the moment. She gets up and walks out of the theatre to the lobby.

"Crap!" She yells at herself. "The more I hesitate to do this, the harder it’s gonna get. Screw it!" Stephanie yells, confused with mixed emotions. (OOOOH! Big words: Screw! Crap! Oh- the vulgarity!)

"I just want out! I want away with Devin, away with Brandi! Away with the whole stupid world!" Stephanie screams, and psychotically stomps out of the movie theatres straight into the parking lot. (Superior Acting: Amy Jo Johnson) As she walks toward her car, she blind-sightedly collides with someone. It is Taylor.

"Taylor, hi." Stephanie smiles, realizing that she’s in deep trouble.

"I thought you were on a date with Devin." Taylor smirks. "What, are you ditching him now?"

"Look, Taylor…" Stephanie tries to reason with him.

"No! You look!" Taylor snaps. "I don’t know what your trying to pull. I just found out yesterday that my best friend has a girlfriend that he hasn’t told me about, so I’m not very fond of you. But then you ditch him? What’s going on?"

"Shut up, Taylor. You’re being a " (GASP!) "idiot." Stephanie snaps back.

"No, I’m not. You have something evil up your sleeve and I want to know what you’ve got in store for my best friend." Taylor insists.

Stephanie (Oh Good God!) shoves him and begins jogging toward her car. He chases after her. As she opens her car door, Taylor takes a firm, steady hold on Stephanie’s arm. She gasps and gives Taylor a hard slap across the face.

"Listen, you moron. I’ll do whatever I please and there is nothing you can do to stop me. That includes screwing Devin up until there’s nothing left of him!" Stephanie angrily hops into her car and drives away.

Devin comes running out of the theatre, waving his arms. "Stephanie! Wait!" Devin calls out. Devin glances over and sees Taylor. He immediately starts making assumptions and jumping to conclusions.

"What did you do, Taylor?" Devin yells. The two stand in the deserted parking lot.

"Look, you have the wrong idea. I came here to see a movie and I saw Stephanie running out and she admitted to me that she was using you." Taylor tries to explain.

"Bull, Taylor. Get out of my face." Devin angrily turns away and starts toward his car.

"That’s what it all boils down to, huh? Best friends who have known each other for 8 years all down the drain for a stupid girl?" Taylor yells desperately. Devin turns around and faces Taylor.

"I love her. She loves me. Love is greater than friendship." Devin blurts out.

"I can’t believe you…"

"What are you going to do, Taylor?" Devin responds angrily. "Are you going to call me names?"

"Why didn’t you tell me about Stephanie? I am your best friend. I know more about you than your parents do. I know you from head to toe. Why was this an exception? We never kept secrets from each other until Little Miss Sunshine 99’ got between us."

"I don’t know, Taylor, but if you can’t accept her, then our friendship is done with." Devin gives Taylor an ultimatum. Taylor doesn’t hesitate to respond.

"I will never accept that" (now heres one:)" whore!" Taylor smirks as he gets into Devin’s face.

"You’ve made your choice." Devin says.



Next Week, On Friends and Foes:

We have reached the sweeps! In the last weeks before the season finale, hot events start building to lead up to one BIG BANG in the cliffhanger. Starting next week.

Will Taylor and Devin's friendship be torn apart by jealousy?

Stephanie is raped! Can a lie form from this to ruin Taylor and Devin’s lives?

Tristan vs. Jeff, Tristan will finally finish Jeff off.

Alex is attacked by a man with a mask, as he starts to discover the truth.

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