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The Official Euro Dance 5000 Biography

Welcome to the Official Euro Dance 5000 Biography. This will get you info on one of the great minds of our generation, Biv Wack. If you are weak of heart and don't think you can handle delving into the mystery which is Biv Wack turn back. But for those who can handle it I give you for the First time ever Euro Dance 5000 the official biography.


Biv Wack- Who Is He?

To get to Euro Dance 5000 we must first go to Biv Wack. Biv Wack was born on a barron glacier somewhere in the middle of the Antarctic Circle. Despite the odds against him he fought the wilderness, braved the cold, and by god he loved every minute of it. His fiends, the seals saw the raw talent of Biv Wack and decided to help him along the way, so they sank the Titanic. Biv Wack clang tenaciously to the bottom of one of the life boats until he finally reached New York. He then moved into a small apartment on 17th St., which is where he stayed until about 1982. Those years remain sketchy even to Biv Wack, but he must've been doin' somethin'. Historians believe that during this time of 70 years Biv Wack was making music to perform for himself to stay entertained and that is when he started making the wonderful music we all know and love today. The first recorded band of Biv Wack was a Punk-Rock band called "The Punks". The band broke up after their first album "We Are The Punks" and they all went their seperate ways. Biv Wack was tired of music he wanted to quit, he turned to the new drug "cold medecin". Tylenol, advil, even Vicks Vapo Rub, his life was slowly crumbling apart. But in 1985 he met someone very special in his life, M.C. Mix Master Hair as he is known now. Biv Wack turned off of cold medecin and invested himself back into music again. By 1987 he had a top 2000 religious album out called "Yeah I Saw God and He Was Wearing Dentures". By the year 1988 he was already seeking something more, he didn't want to have the good boy religious look he turned into a DIVA. He released an album called "Nice Girls Finish Last" it didn't make it. He was once again lost to what direction his career was going. M.C. Mix Master Hair had found a new band and he moved to L.A., Biv Wack again found himself alone. Then another person walked into Biv Wacks life, this man was Euro Dance 5000s original drummer who likes to be known simply as "Ferdinand". By 1991 Biv Wack and "Ferdinand" had established a new band called "Chicken Feed" An underground success with there first ever demo called "Field Trip To A Bee Hive", this song sampled off of a Magic School Bus album and defined the group as a Dance band at that point in time. Slowly plugging away at a musical success Biv Wack became more motivated than ever, he invested in a Winnebego and traveled the country with the Grateful Dead playing in the parking lot before shows on his small keyboard. Dead heads loved his sound, one said "Wow man farout sounds on that magical floating pigeon when does his record come out?". The band slowed down and kind of dis-banded and out the band on stand still until 1995, when their first big break came. They were called by the host of a public access show on WRRY Hammfeldam, Delaware. Euro Dance 5000 went there only to find out that the shoe had been canceled just 2 days before they went on. 1997- the year of change, Biv Wack buys an amplifier, shortly thereafter he buys his new keyboard(whom still plays in the band today). Then in October of 1998 Biv Wack performs in his first concert under the name of Euro Dance 5000 and thus Biv Wack shed his "Chicken Feed" skin and established a fan base. The concert is held at "The Basement" an underground club in Cazenovia. He performs with "Ferdinand" and Euro Dance is a success. Euro Dance 5000 performs 2 more shows as they were but after the second show things changed. "Ferdinand" became engulfed in his own success and soon there formed a fault line between the two. "Ferdinand" wanted to rename the band "Light Sockets" and wanted to go easy listening and get a harpist. Biv Wack said no. "Ferdinand left the band and left Euro Dance 5000 with no drummer. Biv Wack called up M.C. Mix Master Hair and he said "Yes" to drumming for Euro Dance 5000. That leaves us where we are today.