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The Enchanted Egg Emporium 

The Fairy Wreaths

How They Came To Be

In the woodlands of Southern Ohio, the Fairies dwell - their homes are among the mossy rock and fallen trees in the deepest thickets.

On moonlit nights, the Fairies come out to gather the grapevines that stretch between Earth and the treetops...into the starry skies they soar, trailing the vines.  Ever higher they fly, darting to catch the stardust for the magical wreaths they weave.

At the very last possible moment, just when the sun begins to peek over the hills, the Fairies carry their sparkling creations to the paths where humans go...there they carefully lay the magical wreaths.

Shimmering in the early morning light, these glowing rings await discovery...a beckoning open invitation to come join in the wonder and enchantment of the fairy realm.

Below you will find a series of photos from several of our
Fairy Wreath Collections. Each wreath comes with whimsical story from above!
If you are interested in Private Ownership or interested in becoming one of our distributors, please call:
or you may email me 

*Each wreath is handcrafted, therefore no two are alike.

The Angel Collection

Delights Inspired By The Celestial Ones. Pastels & Light Hearted. Each For A Specific Angelic Energy.

The Imperial Collection

With Rich Jewel Tones You Can Enter A New And Exciting Realm Of Mystery And Awakening. Looking To Connect To The Higher You? This Could Be It!

The Rainbow Collection

Inspired By "The Living Rainbow", Known As Chakras, Each Wreath Will Take You To A New Self Aware Place.

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