ETW FallFest98 Results

This was ETW's second show: - the first match was a rematch between the Intercontinental champ, RT & NEMOS. This was a great match which ended in a new Intercontinental champ was crowned in NEMOS after he kicked out of the stunner, deliver the nemos chin music to RT and finished him off with a nemos plex off the ladder for the 1.....2....3....
- The second match was for the ETW tag team championships. It was between The champs, the Old School Outlaws,vs the man they call BITTER & DOODLE. During this match, the old school outlaws were dominant until old school outlaw member, RT turned on his partner , the Tool Man and joined up with the man they call BITTER. They delivered the "Armaggedon" to both the Tool man & DOODLE and walked away with the belts making them vacant.
- the final match of ETW's Fall Fest was a Triple Threat match for the ETW heavyweight championship. It was between the champ, the man they call BITTER, the TOOL MAn, and NEMOS. In an unbelievable matchup, the Tool Man wins by first smashing bitter with the chair and then smashing nemos with the chair shot heard round the world for the pinfall to become the new ETW heavyweight Champion.

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