ETW's House show Results

October 24th- Broadway multiplex cinemas

~N-STINK debuted and sang the national anthem backwards. The fans didnt find the band funny and/or good.

~Sonic Spitzerly was defeated by former Led Zepplin member, Lionel Bitchie in a parking garage match.

~John Stockton was shown getting fucked up the ass on the titan tron. The man's face who was fucking him has yet to be revealed.

~Tom "Dimpleface" Ross came out with Time Teenay and they explained that the main event would be something the fans have never seen.... DOODLE vs. Lance Storm. Ther corporation for some reason got a huge pop.

~Main Event: DOODLE vs. Lance StOrM- after an exchange of many harsh words and slaps, the 2 stallions put in another 1hr and 20min classic. The match didnt leave the ring and there were no moves that required either of them to lift the other up. Many fans chanted- "use the Turnbuckle pads" and "play the railing, Lance" were heard.

~Jennifer Lopez defeated NEMOS in a ladder match to regain her Latino SeXyBABE title that she made up herself.

~Erin Gazzo came out and challenged TAZ to a barbed wire match. Taz refused to fight.

~Paul O'Neil returned home and was defeated by RT. Nothing special. Paul missed the world series game against the METS.

October 5th, 2000 - island in the middle of the south atlantic ocean... that is inhabited by dinosors
the national atheme was sung by mrs.Bott who messed up while she was picking her anus with a pencil. no body laughed.
1st match was Zaire vs. Somalia in a African spear throwing match. Zaire won.
jeff hardy has a bad back.
NEmos fought dr. dre in a who is gayer with etw match. Nemos won after nicky j interfered with a flaming torch.
Pie came out and did a amazing interview. Animal kept the crowd alive while telling a story about he and doodle riding there harley's into the desert. he said he gave doodle just enough gas to get into the desert. then aniaml left him there. 3 days later animal said he saw doodle coming back from the desert..witha harley in one arm and a dead Mrs. Hathaway in another
doodle then fought lance storm in a 20 min pie eatin contest. after the match they hugged and rubbed each others balls. the crowd cryed in emotion.
Peter max came out and gave a inspring interview for the jimmy fund. he said that his son has a rare disease and that he supports the jimmy fund. everyone gave money. max raise over $50000000000 turkish lera.
the corporation came out and played video games on the titantron while eating nachos. the crowd was very entertained.
the ladies man vs. carlton shitz vs. Rafi in a who has the larger cock match. it was a tie when all 3 cocks measured over 10 feet.
main event- aniaml vs. toolman. a well fought match. animal was distracted by maryann beckmann when she flashed her "shit". toolman rolled him up for the victory.
overall ok show

September 14, 2000 - Isla Nublar, of the Coast of Costa Rica

The national anthem was not sung, instead a bunch of people dressed like the Smashing Pumpkins came out and played a love song to Helen Hunt.

Doodle opened up the evening by coming out to the ring and challenging Lance Storm to a match later in the evening. He said he wanted a "No Countout Match". A fan ran into the ring during this and tried to pants doodle. Doodle started crying. The guards then got a hold of the fan and severely battered him with hard clubs. Several chants of :"Flash your penis at us you fuckin shitfaced ball-licker" and "Drop Em" were heard.

Ed Carbon, Chase Manhattane, and Sonic Spitzerly (all from Taproot), came out and challenged Barry Bonds, Jeff Kent, and Fransisco Cordova (all from the San Fransisco Giants) to a six man elimination match. During the match Bam Bam Biggelow tried to run down toi the ring to interfere, but slipped, and fell on his face, getting a wooden splint jabbed into his ballsac. As he got up, he fell backwards and got a wooden splint stuck in his ass. Chase Manhattane was eliminated when Sonic Spitzerly hit the snowplow on him. He then realized they were on the same side and got frustrated! Jeff Kent came from behind and hit the Scorpion Death Drop to eliminate Sonic. Ed Carbon eliminated Fransisco Cordova by throwing a grenade at him???? Barry Bonds pulled out his patented Jason Giambi signed bat and struck Ed Carbon in the head. Jeff Kent came over and hit the missile dropkick on Barry. Barry Bonds' eye popped out of his head. Jeff Kent made the cover on Barry and Ed Carbon to get the win. After the match he requested a trade to Seattle.

Brian Cox came out and played with his balls. He went up to an old lady in the audience and ate her.

Chris Jericho came out with a horse and a retarted guy. Chris Jericho made the horse kick the retard in the head and then left the ring. After the match?, the horse was sacrificed and so was the retard by the Undertaker. After that, Phat and Mowe came out and ate the horse and the retard.

A masked soccer player(will remain unnamed), ran out to the ring and twisted his ankle.

The Reaper came out and defeated Mowhawk. These are two new ETW stars. The Reaper won with his patented Buff Blockbuster. This was a 5-count match.

Bam Bam Biggelow came out and fought the maskedsoccer player, twisted ankle and all, in a wooden splint on a pole match. Since the soccer player was not able to climb to get it, or walk, Bam Bam hit the greetings from asbury park on him. As Bam Bam climbed, his fat ass tried to lean up and grab the splint but it fell, then he fell on it, severing a tendon in his ass. The Soccer player walked over and picked up the splint and stuck it in Bam Bam Biggelow's urethra.

Lance Storm came out and accepted Doodle's challenge to a "No Count out Match", but only if it could be a "Minimal contact match" too. A smiley face that had been drawn on Doodle's stomach with nipples for eyes came on the titantron and accepted the match. Doodle found this very amusing. Lance got a boner.

The animal was seen swimming with a flock of killer whales, he was on the back of one yelling, "Yayo silver", and "Blow Me". The fans did not enjoy this at all. There were chants of, "You're a fucking weirdo, go back to Japan."

RT came out and defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin in a whiskey drinking contest. After the match, footage was shown of RT just pouring the whiskey on his lap and not actually drinking it. The decision was reversed.

The Ultimate Warrior made his much anticipated return to ETW. He fought the Toolman. The Ultimate Warrior just ran around the ring like a jackass. The toolman tripped him. The warrior overracted and pretended to be knocked out. The toolman covered him. After the match, the Warrior layed there.

There was an operation in the ring to try and add real legs to Littal Jordan. The fans evjoyed this thoroughly. The surgery was unsuccessful. After this, Dr. Dre came out and hit a doctor in the head with brass knuckles.

Randy Moss came out with a group of doctors and had his braces removed. It was disgusting considering there was a camera on one of the instruments that the dentist put in Randy's mouth.

The creator of Napster came out and thanked Peter Max for speaking out about napster. Peter came out and gave the kid a hand job.

2Gether came out and performed the unedited version of their smash hit, "The Hardest part of Breaking Up with a whore,( is getting back your fuckin shit)".

Main Event:Doodle came out and so did Lance Storm. Since it was a minimal contact match and no countout, they just circled the ring and eventually Doodle went over and bitchslapped Lance. Lance got pissed and piledrove doodle off the top of the turnbuckle onto the outside, then Lance hit a samoan drop. Lance put doodle in a half crab. Lance Storm was eliminated because he made maximum contact. The fans loved it. After the match, Doodle and Lance went backstage to mate.

All in all, a terrific show.

September 13, 2000 - Nassua Colisuem

Whitey Ford sang the national anthem. Since he is so fucking old people chanted " your an old dirtbag", " go home fuckface"

Rob Zombie beat Gillberg to retain the US. As usual Rob showed off his pussy after the match.

Pearl Jam played a few old silverchair songs and then left.

Doodle deated Lance Storm. No surprise here, same shit. Big heel heat for Lance. Lance also got a large pop.

Sonic Spitzerly ate pizza out of a garbage can while they cleaned up from the last match. He shooved some slices down some little girl's throat ringside. Big pop for that. chants of " kill that bitch " were heard

Nemos defeated Bam Bam Bigelow. After the match, a big accident happened. Bam Bam slipped and got a wood splint up and in his ass. Alot of blood was dripping outta the big man's ass.

George W. Bush gave out condoms to old farts in the ringside area.

Main Event: Ron Dane defeated Michael Bolton in a ladder match for the world title. No moves were done in the match, just words were exchanged.

September 7, 2000 - Room 303

Actor Robin Willims sang the national anthem perfectly although he did get alot of heat from the whole incident with Lynard Skinard.

Rob Zombie returned and defeated Katie holmes to win the US belt! After the match Rob mooned the crowd and he had a pussy.

Green DAY played "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap." The fans kept chanting- "We want Staind"

Scary Spice of the Spice girls defeated the aNiMaL in a barbed wire match. AniMal destroyed his knee in the match.

Sonic Spitzerly defeated Craig Kilborne. This match saw deaftifying moves and of course, the usual Spitzerly antics!

DOODLE defeated Lance Storm in a 3 way match. The 3rd opponent (Larry Walker) refused to wrestle. The fans chanted "Larry is a fuckin pussy" through the entire match. They also chanted, "Play the railing DOODLE", and "Help him up Lance."

BAM BAM Bigelow made his triumphant return after the horrible wooden-splint accident to defeat Peter MAX. Peter is unusually large these days. After the match BAM BAM fell from the ring apron onto a wooden splint that was lying there. He split his ass open once again

Intermission: George W. Bush came out to wipe the blood up from the floor. Fans chanted "Live it up, putz!"

Pedro Martinez came out to the ring and threw a hard baseball at a little girl who was sitting ringside. The girl passed away later that night in the hospital.

Main Event: It was supposed to be NEMOS vs. TOOlman but it ended up being, Fred mcGriff vs. Lionheart Chris Jericho. This match saw interference from almost all of the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team. The fans chanted "This match fucking sucks" through the first half of the match. Through the 2nd helf they chanted, "This match fucking sucks."

all in all not an eleborate show!

September 2, 2000 - Costa Rica Palace 5

The Event started at about 10:30 A.M.- the national anthem was not sung. Chumbawamba Played "i get knocked down, but i get up again. You aint never gonna keep me down" in front of a crowd of over 565,000. The fans loved it. Some chants of "Fuck Chumbawamba" were heard.

Taproot's Sonic Spitzerly returned only to face WWF Superstar "the Big Show". The big show won after a choke slam landed Sonic halfway off the outside ring apron on his back.

Katie Holmes defeated Derek Bell to regain the US belt in a Brawl-for-all match. Katie wore unusually large boxing gloves.

Lance Storm Defeated DOODLE. After the match Lance stayed in the ring and begged the corporation to give DOODLE another try, But this time it would be a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match! Time Tenay agreed and the 2 fought again. DOODLE won. No tables, ladders, or chairs were used. The fans kept chanting "Slow it up, Lance" and "Keep it from him, DOODLE".

NEMOS finally showed up to a show and defeated LA Laker- Travis Knight in a cage match. Travis was hurt very badly in the match. He fell from the cage awkwardly on his leg.

The aNiMaL was shown on the titan tron playing video games with ICP member- Shaggy.

BAM BAM BIGELOW returned and was defeated by Costa Rica's own, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Bam BAm lost when steve hit him with the stunner. On the way to the back BAM BAM took a spill and landed on his backside. He split his ass open again on a wooden splint that was lying there.

Main Event: Al Gore defeated Jorge Posada in an iron man match. Jorge got distracted when Fit Finley came down and started fondling his tits. Posada then started fondling his own tits. Gore hit him with his pattented roundhouse kick to get the win.


September 1, 2000 - A Small region outside of Mexico.

The national anthem was sung by the cast of "Charmed".

The animal was seen backstage reading poestry aloud to a group of children.

Ja Rule came out and Performed the entire Binaural album.

Pat Reegan came out and jacked off in the middle of the ring.

Dr. Dre defeated Doodle to win the ETW Heavyweight championship. After the match Doodle defeated Lance Storm.

MAIN EVENT:Lance Storm came out and spoke for about an hour on how Doodle should get another shot. THE CORPORATION came out and the fans went crazy. THE CORPORATION came out and gave Doodle another shot. Doodle came out and fought Dr. Dre again. Dr. Dre again won. The ring remained empty for about 26 minutes, then THE CORPORATION came out and gave Doodle another shot, if he could beat Lance Storm 3 times. Doodle defeated Lance Storm. Then Doodle defeated Lance Storm again, then he won again to fight the fat doctor again. He lost, just kidding. He won and regained the Heavyweight title.

August 31, 2000 - Yale college

Michael Jackson sang the national anthem almost perfectly.

Katie Holmes defeated Larry Walker in a - "who has less hair on their cunt" match to retain the US belt.

RT defeated DRDRE to win the NWO championship. The fans were not surpisingly not into this match. Throughout the 30 min. match there were over 600 boring chants. Tomatoes, eggs, and kitchenware were also thrown.

Van Halen came out and signed autographs for about 2 1/2 hours.

Vince McMahon came out and did his shpeil on Nirvana again. The fans were very into this.

The aNiMal made his triamphunt return to the east New England area. Fans surprisingly love him in this area. He called out Michele Maoine and kidnapped her.

Redman defeated Method Man in a 3 count match. Nothing special- Redman pinned Method man for the 3 count.

Doodle defeated Lance Storm

Main Event- BeetleJuice defeated Batman in a falls count anywhere match. It took the crowd about an hour to get into this match. Beetlejuice won after a death valley Driver landed Batman on his fatass.

August 30, 2000 - New Mexico

B.B. King and Eric Clapton came out and had sloppy sex in the ring while the national anthem played.

Katie Holmes defeated Sonic Spitzerly and Chase Manhattan from Taproot in a handicapped match to regain the U.S. Title.

Dr. Dre showed up and called out Nemos. They had a grueling match in which Nemos hit the Nemos Country Plunge for the victory.

Doodle defeated Lance Storm in a stinkface match, however when doodle rubbed his behind in Lance Storm's face, Lance stuck out his tongue and started Licking his ass. Doodle was turned on and they exchanged ass lickings for about an hour.

Michael J. Fox came out and spoke about Parkensen's disease. Everyone in the arena started crying.

The Cast of Real World Seattle came out and argued.

Mad About You star Paul Reiser defeated Bam Bam Biggelow in a weapons match. During the match, Bam Bam got his areola stuck on a nail...when he pulled it out, the areola ripped off. He was seen back stage gluing it back on while receiving head from Serena Williams.

Tiger Woods came out and fondeled his member for about a half hour.

Main Event: There was no match, however an old tape of Doodle fighting Dr. Dre to regain his contract in ETW was shown.

Terrible Show!

August 29, 2000 - PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel New Jersey

Sevendust was supossed to play the national anthem but instead they played Waffle. Many chants of "we want neil", "sevendust sucks alot", and "id rather be in chyna" were heard.

Owen Manchester from sevendust beat da Toolman in a streetfight. The fans loved every minute of it although they couldnt see it cause it was in the street 3 blocks from the arena.

Katie Holmes took off her panties.

Doodle beat Lance Storm in another iron man match. This time it went for 1hour and 48minutes. After the match they went in the back to make babies.

Owen Manchester from sevendust performed an acoustic version of Waffle without any percussion. Fans chanted, " we want percussion" .


August 28, 2000 - Nassau Coliseum

Pennywise performed their usual hour & a half set. The set list was as followed:
Unknown Road
Brain Stew
I disapear
Do Right
The real Slim Shady
Bro Hymm Tribute featuring Axl Rose and Axl Rotten.

Intermission: ETW officials started piling the dirt into the arena for the mountain climbing match.

Katie Holmes defeated Sonic Spitzerly in the mountain climbing match to win the ETW US belt. She reached the top of the mountain and cheered "I'm at the top of the world BABY" Sonic Spitzerly fell from the mountain and landed ass-upside-down on the announcers table.

The dirt remained in the arena.
Main EVent- DOODLE defeated Lance Storm in a Shootfight. There was not 1 boring chant during the match. Afterwards, DOODLE and Lance Buttfucked in the backstage area.


August 25, 2000 - Mexico City

The national anthem was sung by latin pop sensation Enrique Iglesias.

Sonic Spitzerly defeated Andre the Giant in a 2 out of 3 falls match to regain the U.S. Title. After the match they reburied Andre the Giant's corpse.

Doodle defeated Lance Storm in an "I Quit" Match. After the match, they hugged and kissed.

Vince McMahon came out and showed everyone how to hold up a cinder block using just your wang.

Chip and Dale defeated Mickey and Minnie. After the match Chip and Dale smoked up in the middle of the ring.

Main Event: Da Klown defeated Goldberg and Scott Steiner in a handicapped match.

Biggest pops: Vince holding up the cinder block, Doodle, Lance Storm, Chip and Dale smoking up.

Biggest boos:Lance Storm, Doodle, Da Klown, Scott Steiner.

Great Show!

August 22, 2000 - Penn Station

A distugesting version of the national anthem was sung by the nine inch nails. Alot of vulgarity was added along with words of graphic nature. Alot of fans throw up.

Doodle beat the living shit of of Lance Storm in a kiss my fat ass match. But Lance won cause Doodle sucked Lance's ass for fun.

Pepsi beat Coke in the ever so popular SODA match. There were alot of runnins including Dale and Andrew Beachmann. Chants of " White-Trash" were heard throughout the arena.

Taproot's Sonic Spitzerly defeated HAK in a barbwire match. HAK suffered a torn spleen and bruised cunt.

Vince McMahon came out and made fun of Nirvana for about 3 hours.

There was a brief advertisement for the Jimmy Fund, some guy came around and collected money.Many chants of "Fuck Jimmy " were heard throughout the arena.

The boys from Limp Bizkit performed their platinum hit, Amazing GRace.

Lauryn Hill had butt-sex with Pras. Wyclef interferred with a dildo in hand.

Main Event Death MAtch- Tino Martinez beat Yogi Berra after ripping Yogi's heart from within his body. Tino then raped Yogi and asked him who his daddy was. The fans loved this. Chants of "Go TINO, and HIt him BIG CAT" were heard.
All in all, a shitty show.

August 21, 2000 - The Cell

The national anthem was sung by Rob Thomas, he was naked.

Sonic the Hedgehog raced Knuckles around the arena, and beat him in a photo finish. The fans could not even seee them because they raced outside the stadium.

There was a 6-man elimination tag match, Adam Sandler, Bruce Willis, Rodney Hampton, and Madonna were eliminated, leaving just Doodle and Lance Storm, Doodle won...eventually!! The fans did not sit down or put down their signs.

Taproot's Sonic Spitzerly defeated Bam Bam Biggelow to win the U.S. title. Bam Bam Biggelow got part of his scrotum stuck on a nail, then it tore open, and both his balls fell out onto the ringside area.

Vince McMahon came out and wished everyone a Happy Father's Day even though it was the middle of August. No one liked this.

Phat and Mowe defeated Harlem Heat to win the WCW tag team titles!!!

There was a brief advertisement for the Jimmy Fund, some guy came around and collected money. It raised approxamitely $11.83!

The Undertaker w/Kane defeated Chris w/Andre. There were several "Defense" and "Let's Go Rockies" chants during this match.

David Letterman had OPEN HEART SURGERY in the middle of the ring. The fans were into this. The surgery was a complete failure and David died on the spot. The fans were also into this! Time of death: 18:20.

Main Event Rematch: Doodle vs. Lance Storm. The match started off really slow. The fans loved it. Doodle won via pinfall. He won with a Vertical Suplex. The match did not leave the ring. Both Superstars came out to the same Entrance Music. The fans had mixed emotions about this. There was only one boring chant. That guy was ejected from the stadium. Before and After the match, Doodle and Lance shook hands. All their matches are exactly the same.

Noted Signs: Happy Father's Day, I'm a Space Cowboy, I BELIEVE, Now is the time, Doodle sucks, Lance Storm rules, Doodle rules, Lance Storm sucks, the animal is gay, Rage Sucks, Nemos isn't god at baseball, Where the hell are the Oddities, Doodle rules, Doodle Sucks, Lance Storm sucks, Lance Storm rules, We came to see Bam Bam, Get well Steve, Johnny Mnemonic.
All in all, a mediocre show.

August 19th, 2000- Mount Sinai

The National Anthem was sung by Pantera. They played Revolution is my name mixed in with the anthem. This was not good at all.

Sonic Spitzerly defeated Craig Kilborne after he hit him with a turkey leg.

Larry Walker vs. Curt Hennig- Larry Walker refused to fight. Hennig won by countout.

Joe Montana defeated Riddick BOWE in an evening gown match. Joe montana stripped riddic to the nude. Riddick had 2 penis's and 3 vagina's. The fans were disgusted.

Part of the movie, "the CELL" was shown on the titan tron"

Lance Storm defeated DOODLE in a 60 minute submission match. The ref reversed the decision and awarded DOODLE with the win. The fans were very in to this match. *note- Dick Vytale was sitting ringside for this match

Reese from ravens flock fought a chimpanzee. The match ended when Reese ate the Chimpanzee.

Peter MAX defeated the aNimAl in an inferno match. The aNimaL coughed and peed up alot of blood during the match but was not taken to the hospital.

Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin to win the US belt. Steve split his ass open on a wood splint.

Turk Wendell came out to the ring and payed a little boy at ringside to eat his shit. The boy did it and recieved 15 dollars.

RAGE defeated RT in a waepons match. RAGE used playing cards to get the win.

Maska Killah defeated the t00lman in a falls count anywhere match. During the match Maskah took off his face and it was actually Chris Junjulas.

Main Event: Emmit Smith defeated Troy Aikman in a guitar on a pole match. After the match 2 fans stampeded the ring and fucked Troy in his ass. Officials stood there and watched.

All in all a great show

August 18, 2000 - Mickey's House

The National Anthem was not sung, Oasis sang " O'Canada "

Pat Reegan came out and jacked off in the middle of the ring.

All in all a short show.

August 17, 2000 - Veterans Field

The National Anthem was sung by Bush...but they played "Machinehead", not the national anthem.

The first match was not good, Rage defeated A Perfect Circle in a ladder, tables, and chairs match. After the match A Perfect Circle played "Judith", which was not good either.

Pedro Martinez defeated his older brother, Ramon Martinez...Pedro made his older brother submit after grabbing his balls and not letting go.
Pedro had 11K, 2ER, 0BB, and 4 hits in 8 2/3 IP

Dr. Dre smoked a bong repeatedly for about 15 minutes. The fans didn't like it.

Doodle defeated Lance Storm...again!

The Space Cowboys defeated the girls of Coyote Ugly in a nudity match. Afterwards, Donald Sutherland stuck his prick in Tyra's Fuckhole.

Phat and Mowe entertained the crowd by eating turkey in the middle of the ring for about 4 hours.

Riven, the sequel to Myst defeated The Mask and Sylvester.

El Chico came out into the ring and whacked off for about 20 minutes, but did not cum...the crowd loved it.

Peter Max defeated The Toolman in a ladder match, it ended with a pinfall, the ladder did not come into play. For more on this match, click here

All in all not a good show.

August 15th- Conseco Fieldhouse Grounds

Magic Johnson sang the national anthem with his butthole due to tumors in his face from the HIV virus.

the aNiMaL fought MARK from Blink-182 in a falls count anywhere match. They took it outside the arena. THE camara-man refused to follow because Blink 182 is a girly band and the animal sucks.

6 Members of Slipknot fought the MASK, Terry, Willie Randolph, Wolmack, Tom Ross, and Beetlejuice in a 6 man tag team elimination match. The 6 members of SlIpknoT won.

Derek Bell struck out at todays met game.

Intermission: The band LIT performed the entire VAn Halen 1 album. The crowd really disliked the performance, and half the attandence left.

Dr.DRE came out and amused the crowd with a clown outfit.

DOODLE defeated Lance Storm.

Riven the sequel to MYST defeated Dr.DRE to win the US belt.

Terry "Hulk" Hogan came out to permote his new movie entitled, "Edguardo Veldez's Voyage From Cuba"

Stone COLD Steve Austin defeated Riven the sequel to MYST to win the US. title.

Carlos SaNtAnA appeared on the titan tron and spoke about political issues as he played guitar. The fans didnt like this at all.

Peter MAX defeated NEMOS in a hell in a cell match after Carson Daly fell from the cell.

The aNiMaL was caught fingering his anus backstage while listening to "Stellar" by Incubus. The crowd found it sexy in a weird way.

Sisqo and Shaggy from the insane clown posse defeated the TOOLman in a handicap match.

Dale Beckmann w/ Fieldy defeated Phat and Mowe in a table match. Phat and mowe after the match, got some food at Wendy's.

Lori came out and challenged SHAMU, the founder of seaworld to a whos heavier contest. Sham was a no-show.

MAIN EVENT: Lawrence Taylor defeated BAM BAM Bigelow. Bam Bam split open his ass on a wood splint and was taken to the hospital.

NO SHOWS: RT, RAGE, Tim TENAY, Rena Mero, Michael Flately, Paul Bunyan, BAT GUY, Maska Killah, Cesar Chavez jr., Prince William, the goo-goo-dolls, Silvester, Dick van Dyke, Nans Peter Gruber.

August 16th - Mozambique

The national anthem was sung by Sonic Spitzerly from Taproot.

Singapore defeated Poland in a "Who is the dirtiest, poorest, and most disgusting place on earth."

The Knicks 2000 playoff team came out and had the biggest fucking orgy in the middle of the ring. Camby has a really huge cock!!!!!!

Now that's what I call Music Volume 4 defeated Shadow Warrior in a "who sucks more at what they do match."

Peter Max came out and rubbed petroleum jelly on his man-gina until he fornicated everywhere...even on the fans.

Doodle Defeated Lance Storm. Lance Storm got a huge pop. Doodle did not.

Edge and Christian beat the living shit out of a whole bunch of livestock. The livestock pissed and moaned while they got horribly slaughtered and destroyed.

Kevin Bacon defeated Nemos in a inferno match.

Jorge Posado fondled his tits for about 2 and 1/2 hours while Tino Martinez blew some kid in the front row. The kid cummed.

No shows included: Rage, Rt, toolman, animal, dr. dre, madness, justin time, the mask, 311, gary sheffield and his crazy bat, van halen, scsa, jeff van gundy, jeff saliture, jeff hammonds, jeff cirilo, jeff cento, jeff rightous, jeff guns, and jeff nelson.

August 5th- RPI FIELDHOUSE, London, england

1. Judas Ascariot defeated Mary Magdeline

2. Paul Bunyan w/Jennifer Aniston defeated Babe Ruth w/ Babe the blue OX

3. Rob Sneider defeated Sonic Spitzerly from Taproot in a submission match.

4. Sherman Douglas defeated Alicia Silverstone

5. Sir Anthony Hopkins w/ Pearl JAm performed "Whiplash" by Metallica

6. Eminem defeated Kevin NASH in a powerbomb match.

7. Simon and Garfunkle defeated Tom Hanks & Stewart Fickle from 311.

8. Clint Eastwood defeated Donald Sutherland in a "who's a worst astronaut" match.

9. Main Event: DOODLE defeated Lance Storm

NO-SHOWS: RT, aNiMaL, TOOLman, NEMOS, DrDRE, RAGE, Peter MAX, Maskah KIllah, the MASK, TIME Tenay, Tom ROSS, Silvester, JVD, the BRM, the Lord of Darkness, Mark Madness.

All in all not a good show.

August 20, 2000 - Pebble Beach

A horny penguin came out and sang the national anthem.

Doodle defeated Lance Storm in an Iron Man was a draw so they added another 2 hours. Doodle made the only cover of the match at 82:30. There were no boring chants.

Larry Walker came out to the ring and stuck a bat up his ass while choking the bishop.

Michael Douglas and Bruce Smith teamed up against the Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian...Edge and Christian won!!! Nothin' funny nor cool happened the entire match.

Doodle won a bikini contest. He beat Rage, Nemos, and his meat.

A great show.