ETW JingleBrawl 98 Results

This show just like every other ETW show was unbelievable.
- the first matchup of Jingle Brawl 98' was a match between RT and the Man they Call BITTER.(a battle of the newly formed INsIdErs) It was to become the #1 contender for NEMOS' Intercontinental championship belt and the winner would be awarded a shot at NEMOS at the next show entitled SNOWFEST. If you remember from Fall Fest, BITTER and RT had formed some what of a unity but nevertheless they fight it out in a great match. In this match, RT was not himself. He fell off the ladder many times and was finally put away by BITTER via the BITTER bomb.
- The next match was for the ETW heavyweight championship. It saw the champ, the TOOL man vs NEMOS in a ladder match. The TOOL man dominated this match and climbed the ETW ladder to retrieve his belt with help from newly signed, Dr. Dre who apparently is NEMOS' brother and hates NEMOS for some odd family reason. The TOOL man reagained his belt.
- The next match was for the vacant ETW tag team championships. It was between the InsIdErS & the Tool Man & Dr. Dre. In a bloody battle, the InSiDeRs came out on top to become the new ETW tag team champions via "Armaggedon".
- The final match was a brother vs brother , non title match between NEMOS and Dr. Dre. In a really extreme great matchup, NEMOS comes out on top via NEMOS chin music followed by the Nemos plex. After the match however, the TOOL man, Dr.DRe & RT started beating the shit out of NEMOS. There semmed to be no way out for NEMOS until from out of the bushes comes the aNiMaL!? who clears the ring and helps NEMOS to his feet. They form NEMOS 3.14 and end JINGLE BRAWL with a bang.
- LAter on in the post game show, the ANIMAL and NEMOS have an interview in which the animal states that DOODLE, who was not at Jingle brawl 98 because of being sent back to the ETW powerplant by the ETW committee with help from the Tool man is going to also be a member of NEMOS 3.14 when he returns. The animal says that he is going to take over ETW and first destroy the tool man.

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