BSB vs. N'Sync

Am I the only person who is completly sick of this whole BSB vs. N'Sync thing? Stop it already! I'd hate to tell you guys this but BSB and N'Sync are almost exactly the same. Get over it and lets move the fuck on! No matter how much you don't want to admit it they are. Don't belive me? Let's take a look....
1. Both groups have 5 white guys.
2. Both groups dance and sing pop songs.
3. Both groups fanbases are young girls and immature tennyboppers (hence why this whole thing has gotten as big as it has)
4. Both groups were signed with the help of Lou Pearlman and managed by Donna and Johnny Wright.
5. Both have the young, baby one-Justin & Nick, Both have the one who is clearly the most talented, singing wise anyway-Brian & JC. Both have the low, sexy talkers-Kevin & Lance.

When someone says "BSB is better" or "N'Sync is better", fine, that's your opinion. But when you say stuff like "BSB Sucks" or "N'Sync Sucks"...that's just stupid. Yeah, ok, it's good to defend what you like I guess but not to the point some of these girls take it to. Going on TRL saying that shit just makes you look like a dumbass and is one of the main reasons fans of boybands get made fun of so much. It's fans like that who give fans like me a bad name. Do you really think that saying things like that will help anything? No, it won't. Before I started liking N'Sync, I'd see TRL and see girls saying stuff like "BSB sucks, N'Sync is so much better, etc.." and that would piss me off and make me hate N'Sync. And I'm sure it's the same for most N'Sync fans who hear BSB fans say stuff like that. If you love them so much, why would you do something to make other people hate them?? That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard of. Just because you like one group, doesn't mean you have to hate the other. I'm not saying you can't have a favorite group out of the 2, you can. I do. But you can still give the other group a little respect. Instead of fighting I think all the N'Sync and Backstreet Boys fans should all get together and put all this energy and built-up anger towards something more worth our time. Like putting a stop to the sluts who've gone through all of our boys.....INNOSENSE!

If you have anything to say about this topic...put it in the guestbook. I will try to read what everyone says when I have time.

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