What the fuck?!?

*Why is Lance's tounge purple?*
You're sitting there watching a BSB/N'Sync video..You're all gitty and shit 'cause Justin was/is in a wife-beater or AJ's did/doing one of his many pelvic moves then all of a sudden you think "What the fuck?!?"...This is where all of that is going to go! All the stuff that makes me think "What the fuck?!?" Not every thing on here is N'Sync/BSB related but you can read it anyway. It'll be fun, I swear...Get a big group of friends over, gather around the computer, read the sentence then on the count of 3, all together, say.."What the fuck?!?" It's very entertaining...

*Brian is going out with Leighanne.
*They lie to us about having girlfriends. (Do they think we're dumb and won't find out?)
*Brittney Spears has a record deal.
*They compare Boyzone to BSB, N'Sync, 98 Degrees, etc. (Has anyone even heard of these guys?)
*Brian wore that sperm hat on the Arthur Ashe Kids Day thing.
*Justin wears those damn hats too. (Didn't you see Brian, Justin? You guys look like sperm-heads!)
*Brittney Spears wears mid-drifts. (You aren't Gwen Stefani...Stop it.)
*Jeff from 98 degrees bothers to put on a shirt.
*Someone out there has dreams of having sex with Chris. (ewww..)
*Ryan Phillippe walks around without a shirt in every movie he's in. (Not that I mind....)
*Guys never scream and cry over girl-groups. (Wouldn't that be the funniest thing you've ever seen?)
*Guys look so damn good in baseball caps and girls, most anyway, look dumb. *Nick and Justin are going to record solo albums. (why ruin what you've got?) *Leighanne Wallace is actually in a movie ("Wild America"...try not to throw anything at the tv) *I'm up at mid-night thinking of these stupid things.