The Franciscan Crown or Virgin's Joys, is an special rosary click here to see the text. It is a rosary, meditating Virgin Mary´s seven joys.


The Sacrament:
It is the devotion of all Christian, the body and the blood of Jesus Our Lord, in the Eucharistic celebration . Also to give It to sicks and prisoners so that the Eucharistic's Ministers , weekly dedicated to these tasks, to diffuse the Gospel and to give the Holy Sacrament.

Exhibition of the Sacred Sacrament:
It is a maximum exhibition in the Custody, on the Major Altar, it is revered to the Sacrament with a special solemnity, an privilege of the Secular Franciscan Orders.

The 40 Hours:

The Solemnity of Forty Hours
The  solemnity of FORTY HOURS  practiced in several Churches, the Sentence of Forty Hours beginning the Thursday, before Pentecost's day, the Brothers and Sisters take turns for  leading  the hours, being alternated the Rosary's prayer, the Triage to the Sacred  Trinity, songs, petitions, sentences and to the final   it takes place the meditation guided by the Priest, to become trained and to reaffirm us in the  God´s love. The day finish with Afternoon's pray, All Saints' Litanies, the Sacred Sacrament adoration,  solemnly exposed. ThePentecost's day: with adoration, Afternoon´s pray with Gregorian song: "Veni Creator Spiritus", in Latin.   Forty  Hours pray is fervours homage  of the faithful ones to the Lord, the prayer is an incense of love that rejoices rejoices Him.

Gregorian song
Veni Cretor Spiritus, Minds tuorum visita

Implesu perna gratia Quaetu creasti pectora.
Qui diceris Paraclitus, Altissimi donum gave, Fonsvivus, ignis, faces,

Et spiritualis unctio.
Your septi formis munere, Digitus paternae dexterae, Jurite promus sum Patris, Sermone ditans guttura.
Accende lumen sensibus, Infuses amorem cordibus, Infirma nostri corporis Virtute firmans perpeti.
Hostem repel the longius, Pacemque donates protinus: Ductore sicte pravio, Vitemus omne noxium.
Pertescimus gives Patrem, Noscemus atque Filium, et that utris that Spiritum Credemus omni tempore.
Do Patri sit glory, Et Filio, qui to mortuis Surrexit, ac Paraclito, In saeculorum saecula.Amen


Love Jesus' name

It is a devotion to the name that is the first. The biggest and the most beautiful that it is pronounced in the earth, in the sky... (Fil.2, 9-10). Joseph and Mary completed the legal prescriptions, contained in the Old Testament for the Jewish, strictly. The first one for the children was the circumcision, in the same act used to impose the boy's name, communicated by the angel to Mary and Joseph, they called Him Jesus that means: "Yavé is salvation", later he will be called "The one Anointed": that in Greek language means: " Christ "and in Hebrew "The Messiah." For that reason those first Christian, when recognising in Jesus to King Liberator and Saviour announced by the prophets, began to call it Messiah or The Christ, anointed for heaven's sake Father like King and Saviour of all us.

The Immaculate Conception:
The Virgin in her invocation of the Immaculate Conception celebrates it the  8 of December. First she was  declared  MARY she is MOTHER OF GOD, after the  Council  de Nicea and Constantinople. In the Council of Letrán, 649 B.C., they established Mary Mother of God, Saint and always Virgin and  Inmaculated." Francis loved Mary and he is reflected in his GREETING TO THE  VIRGIN  MARY, it consecrates it Employer and Lawyer of  all his family (Cfr. 2C 198). But  was Franciscan  an Juan Duns Scottus who  in the famous disputes the Sorbona (13O4), it defended in such a way the Franciscan  opinion that the University promised, from now on and forever defend it.

The shield of arms of Caracas from 1766 is fringed by  the following inscription: "BIRD SACRED MARY WITHOUT SIN CONNECTED FROM  EL FIRST INSTANT OF THEIR NATURAL BEING." The Church  de  San Francisco of Caracas was dedicated to the Immaculate Conception and the altarpiece  of the Chapel of The Wounds of San Francisco of the  OFS, it is finished off in the highest with an image in relief of the Immaculate  Conception, probably work of Juan Pedro López.
Pious IX, Franciscan of Third Order, proclaims dogma of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION by means of the Bull "INEFABILIS DEUS", the 8 of  December 1854, and he sent a rose of gold to the General Father of the  Franciscans as a reconoucement from the Church to the children of  Saint Francis for his perseverance and courage in to defend and to ALWAYS spread  the beautiful mystery of the PURE AND IMMACULATE VIRGIN. Taken from "The Gospel of the Virgin  (Marians Lectures)  by P.Cp. Félix of Vengamián, 1983.

Our Lady of the Angels.
The Virgin's invocation is associated to the Porciúncula and to the Plenary Indulgence that one obtains every year August 2.The Benedictines gave Francis and his followers the use of this Portiuncula or Little Portion chapel. Annual rent-insisted on by Francis-was a basket of fish.

The small Chapel that was given to Saint Francis for the Minor Friars, it was dedicated to the Virgin's invocation as Saint Mary of the Angels, it was called of old (1160). Porciúncula to be a piece or small portion, depended on Monte Subasio's Abbey, Francis expressed that this place was blessed of more abundant grace that he knew that the Virgin loved with special love this church among all the built ones in her honour in the world for revelation of God: "you never abandon this place... it is truly sacred and habitation of God... Here He illuminated the heart of their poor with the light of the wisdom; here He lit our wills with the fire of His love. Here the one that prays with devote heart will obtain what he asks...Sing requests to the Lord. with voices of joy and commendation." (Cel.1,Cap.VII)

Mary is specially dear for Saint Francis, Mary in his sentences he named Her: Mother of God, Saint Lady. Saint and Sacred Reigns, Lady of the world, lawyer of its Order, Blessed Mother, the poor Lady, perpetual Virgin, daughter and slave of the Tallest King, Handcuff of the Sacred Spirit.

The Alive Manger. The birth of Jesus.
Was Saint Francis who made the first alive manger in the city of Greccio, in the Christmas Eve 1223. For Saint Francis it was: "The Party of The Parties", of great importance and very dear for him, it was the Nativity of Our Lord, and that scene that he read in the Bible wanted to show it to all reviving those moments in a similar scenario, gathering the characters represented by simple people and it stops simple people, so that it was recorded in its hearts as him it imagined it.

In Catholic countries the Christmas crib (Fr. crèche, It. presepe, Sp. nacimiento, Ger. Krippe) is the symbol of the celebration rather than the Christmas tree. It is usually a miniature replica of the stable where Christ was born, with statues of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the Wise Men, and some animals gathered about the manger in which lies the Infant Jesus. St. Francis of Assisi is said to have started the custom when he arranged a stable with real persons and animals as actors. Since that time the crib has been a familiar sight in both churches and homes throughout the Christian world.

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Updated: Revisadas 10-04-2020