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 Harlan, KY's Own, Homegrown, All Purpose Science Fiction Convention
Odyssey Con 2001

Warhammer models on display

Spidey and some fans

Chris Bargo Art

Heather meets the Wallcrawler

Warhammer Battles

Curt meets Billy Idol? :)

OdysseyCon would like to especially thank its generous 
sponsors at Columbia Games who provided over $100 in 
games and accessories to our giveaway prize program. 

Columbia Games makes great role-playing supplements 
for D&D's new d20 system and their block army strategy 
game, Wizard Kings, was a big hit at the convention. 

Cal Stengel and Grant Dalgliesh are the folks in the 
know at Columbia Games and they helped make the whole 
prize thing possible. Check out their site at:
Or give e'm a call or fax 

The journey to new worlds has taken off!  In Harlan, KY, on May 5th, Odyssey Con 2001 blasted off a pop culture celebration of science fiction, fantasy, comics, toys, gaming and all the related genres of excitement, entertainment and enlightenment that makes our planet a more interesting and extraordinary place.  And by all accounts of those who attended, it was a successful beginning and a sign of greater things to come.
A big thanks goes out to all those who made it possible, and especially for the exceptional efforts of John Middleton, Bud Smith, Mike Collins, George Wren, Daron Patton and all those who helped out.
And a special thanks to our guest speaker, Harlan author of "Hey, It Could Happen",
Mark L. Ford, who gave a very interesting and entertaining talk to the crowd and added immeasurably to the quality of our get-together.
From the many hours of Warhammer battles and the Magic the Gathering Tournament to the great talent displayed by the Art Contest and model builders and the guys who dressed in costume, everyone added to a good time and a good momentum for next year.  If you missed out this time, don't let it happen again, but we'll be good to you anyway and let you take a peek at some of what you missed:


Handcrafted fantasy was on display.

Upperdeck Sports Cards gave away goodies like cool shirts and hats.

 GI Joe stood ready to defend.

A gathering of crime fighters.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Collectibles of all kinds were on display.

"Beam us up, Scotty."

Daron awards prizes from Columbia Games
Many prizes were given including contributions from

The many worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs and Tarzan.

The Universe of toys was almost endless.

Pat, John, Jen & George
...and after every thing is said and done, there is just no place like home..