Toxic Chemicals In Baby Products

As reported on FoxNews on March 17, 2009 - The Products you are putting on your baby such as Baby Shampoo have chemicals including formaldahyde . . . maybe there is only a small amount, but who knows what amount is a "safe" amount ????

This article is one of the most interesting (and disturbing) articles I've seen lately on the subject of toxic chemicals in products meant for children. It clearly and credibly shows why we should all be very careful when choosing a personal care products brand.
Click HERE to view this Article

For further reading, you might consider looking at this report. It is a very eye-opening analysis of the issues involved regarding chemicals and children:
Click HERE to view this report

If the products meant for babies have toxic chemicals ... What about the products you and I use????


Did you know ...

"Of chemicals commonly found in homes, 150 have been linked to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological abnormalities."--Consumer Product Safety Commission
"Asthma was once a very rare disease...the asthma rate has tripled in the last twenty years" ... Dr. Doris Rapp, "Is This Your Child's World?"

Many of the products that we use everyday in our homes are not only NOT "environmentally responsible" but may be actually UNSAFE and TOXIC and can harm our families and children as well as our planet!

"Most poisonings happen slowly ... over a long period of time ... by daily exposures ... household products are among the most toxic substances we encounter (emphasis added)... More children under four die of accidental poisonings at home than they are accidentially killed with guns at home."

I’d love to share with you information about a company which offers better, SAFER products for you, your kids, and the environment, and these products are more economical than commercial brands you purchase at your local stores and delivered right to your front door through a shop-from-home service.


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OR CALL DEB at 262-325-0638

This is for Information ONLY.
NO Hype.
NO Risk.
NO Obligation.

In order to buy their products you must be invited. Contact me above and I will not only "show you around" the website, but explain how the website works.

Their products are wonderful and they have an empty bottle money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to loose by trying their products.

And they have almost 400 great products to choose from including ....

Better, SAFER and More Economical Products for Your Home and Personal Use.

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1"Let's Stop Poisoning our Children" by Richard M. Barry.(C)200