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Card Reveiw: Witten - The Jawa Leader

Submitted by: Tagge575

What can I say, this guy in a Tatooine/Alien deck or Jabba's Palace deck would be a god. Lets say you have 4 Jawa's scattered around the board and Witten in Jawa Camp, well that just make's your Jawa's power 3. Now all you need to do is get Jawa Pack down and get it going and you could have a Jawa of Power 3, and forfeit (a lot). Then just slap down a card or two to make your Jawa's a warrior, Put on a couple of Tatooine Utility Belts and you have a army of pesky rodents on steroids.

Better yet, if you have Wittens personal sancrawler, and Witten on it, no you have a tank for your Jawa army.

A must in every deck.