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Useless Card Reveiw #1: Advosze

Submitted by: Grand Admiral Rogue 1

Hello. This is the first edition of my Useless Card Review Series of articles. In these, I will take a card that is considered useless and show how it can be quite useful. If anyone has any requests, please e-mail me at

The card today is Advosze. His picture is at the bottom of this article. He doesn't look too happy, and his lore says he is a pessimist. Well, In many decks these days, you just might want to include this gloomy fellow.

Let's start with some of his characteristics. First, he is a non-unique alien, these days, a plus. Next, to set himself apart from his other dense counterparts, he is ability 2. One of his very interesting characteristics is his piloting skills. He has a bad Deploy-Forfeit ratio, caused by his high deploy of 3. Also, he is anti-social, you can only have one per site or ship. His endearing quality, however, is his special ability, he activates one force each time you deploy a green card.

You may think, "One force. So what?" Let me put it this way. Decipher has been gracious enough to try to revitalize the green cards. There are many good weapons and devices that you can use now, both for ground and space. The TIE-swarm decks using Defenders are pretty popular right now. They usually have laser cannons, devices here and there, and, most importantly, Intruder Missiles. Intruder Missiles deploy for free, and are recycled into your used pile after being fired.

What do you think? For 9 force, you deployed a medium-sized fleet (armed to the teeth), decimated an unsuspecting Rebel Fleet, and moved on to fight another battle. Your Advosze paid for himself twice over in his first turn in existence! Impressive, most impressive. All this was for only 9 force! You probably activate more on your fourth turn! Have I made my point yet?

From now on, when you have a deck that has 4 or more green cards in, consider adding in at least one of this ugly little guy. He can really pay off. Thank you for reading. See you next time.

Advosze is sold by Star Cards R Us for $0.10 each.