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Useless Card Reveiw #2: Mining Droids

Submitted by: Grand Admiral Rogue 1

Hello. This is the second edition of my Useless Card Review Series of articles. In these, I will take a card that is considered useless and show how it can be quite useful. If anyone has any requests, please e-mail me at

The card today is actually two cards, the mining droids. There are two mining droids, LIN-V8K (Light) and LIN-V8M (Dark). These droids have no power, and a deploy of two. Luckily, their forfeit is 4, but their special ability is what takes the cake. They can lay AND diffuse mines.

Mining droids have been looked over since the start of the game. Basicaly, they could only lay timer mines. The new mining droid rules in Hoth didn't do much to boost them either, even though there were now minefields and two new mines. These poor little guys need to be rescued.

The main good thing about mines is a phychological warfare. Since you can lay duds in minefields, your opponent might think you are bluffing. However, if you aren't, he will loose a bunch of people. They can go crazy trying to decide if you are bluffing or not. There is also the box-in strategy. What do you do when there are minefields surrounding your opponent's main army? Go in and lay a timer mine or two. They cannot battle your droid, so you are safe.

What do you think? For 5 force and a few turns, you destroyed a huge opponent's army, with almost no risk to yourself! All the cards you lost went to Crash Site Memorial to be used again. If you played dark, then insead of Crash Site Memorial, you could use Advosze (remember him from #1?). He could pay for the whole party! With Spaceport Speeders and Droid Merchants, you can get even more benifit.

From now on, when you think you will play a ground deck, consider adding in some Mines and Mining Droids. They can realy pay off. Belive me, I've done it myself. DO try this at home, and see how you do! Thank you for reading. See you next time.

The mining droids are sold by Star Cards R Us for $0.05 each.