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GeoStroke 可作繁,簡體電子通信
GeoStroke's Potential Users Population
GeoStroke Features

* 十鍵處理中文
中國百家姓Chinese Surnames (Big-5 n GB)
4-digit GeoStroke (GB n Big-5)

Big-5 n English

全球萬維網路 中文電子郵件發收 及 線上交談 方法

For simplified Chinese, please see other site.


(A) (例: cwin3.1 中文繁體字版)

依繁體字面設碼發出,或 依簡體字面設碼發出










(B) (例: cwin3.2 中文簡體字版)











1.繁體字 與 簡體字 之輸入方法完全相同.
4.兩岸現用之輸入法,沒有一種能有此功能.可讓海內外 十二億餘炎黃子孫皆可使用,互通訊息.
5.聯合國規定 中, 英, 法, 西, 俄 為法定語言.華語現漸成為商業 與文化之主要媒介,則華語文不久將成為僅次於英語文之 世界性通用語文.

是以,中文輸入法必須 "簡捷實用",適合大多數人和 "一般通用設備".
勿須使用刻有特別輸入符號的鍵盤,任何電腦 不需作絲毫改變,均可作為中文電腦使用.

認圖設碼 10 鍵輸入法 (GeoStroke) 適合此項要求.


Why GeoStroke Chinese Input System
is easier?
為何 認圖(見字)設碼中文 輸入系統 較易?

GeoStroke, a digitized-geometrical-stroke Chinese character (漢字) Input System,
using only 10 number keys of a standard keyboard
for fast and volume data entry. 5 minutes to learn.

Software and hardware products bundled with GeoStroke will enjoy additional intellectural property protection from the US and PRC governments in the market places.
A standard computer loaded with an operation system for Chinese* and GeoStroke can be sold as a Chinese computer without any hardware modification.
* or Japanese, or Korean

GeoStroke is a common* input system to the Oriental languages, it can open new markets for computer products in the Orient.

* common to:

Hanzi (漢字) [traditional (繁), simplified (簡), & cursive writing (行書)],
Kanji (漢字), Kata kana (片假名), Hira Gana (平假名), and
Hanja (漢字), Hanguel (韓元).

Users Population*:

1.2 Billion (approx.) population in China,
200 Millions (approx.) popution in Japan,
120 Millions (approx.) population in Korea,
23 Millions (approx.) population in Taiwan,
38 Millions (approx.) Overseas Chinese, and
x Million(s) and increasing every day
Chinese-speaking population worldwide.

The largest Intellectual Group

* most markets in these regions are basically maiden
due to the current user-unfriendly input systems.
(For example, currently about one percent (1%) of China population
is using computer while her learnt population is in several-hundred millions.)

Which software and/or hardware should bundled with


in order to have wider market potential?

(Beta copy is now available for evaluation, send e-mail to
可用中文繁體字 或 英文來信.)


1. Chinese Operation Systems, such as

Microsoft Windows, cwin3.1, 3.2, cwin95, 97
Apple System 7,

2. Various application software prepared for Chinese, Japanese, or Korean Operation System, such as

Lotus 123,
Data-base softwares,

3. Internet Browsers prepared for various Oriental markets:

............ ,


1. Personal Computer with STANDARD KEYBOARD can load in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean Operation System and GeoStroke in addition to the standard English OS, such as

Desk top,

to sell as English / Chinese, Japanese, or Korean DUAL* LANGUAGE computers without any hardware change.
A completely NEW PRODUCT without development costs, and sales are not limited to those countries!
This opens up great new opportunittes to PC manufacturers and software developers worldwide.

2. Large computers with STANDARD KEYBOARD can load in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean Operation System and GeoStroke in addition to the standard English OS, such as


to sell as English / Chinese, Japanese, or Korean DUAL* LANGUAGE computers without any hardware change.

Existing PC with Chinese Operation System
(Traditional fonts or Simplified fonts)
in China and Taiwan:

Computers* currently used in China mainland & Taiwan Islands should add GeoStroke to the existing OS in order to make the Chinese computer friendly ( easy to learn and use ) to other users, stop to waste the precious human resource:

Apple Computer,
.............. ,

* Approximate 7 million PC's now in use, the rate of annual growth is


because of the unfriendliness of Chinese Input Systems.

4.7 million (approx.) 簡體字 PC's in China mainland in 1998 Population: 1,200,000,000

2.0 million (approx.) 繁體字 PC's on Taiwan islands in 1998 Population: 23,000,000

PC's are used in offices majorly, printer is very expensive and not commonly used by individual users.

Very few people can communicate in Chinese (漢字) on internet on both shores, since most users are "read-only-man (ROM)"!

These conditions will be greatly improved when the user-friendly Chinese Input System GeoStroke becomes widely popular.

TM-4 n SM-4 (cWin 3.x 簡體及繁體) are now available for office/individual users worldwide.


何處去購買 GeoStroke?

Send e-mail and costs for Disk and Manual.

e-mail address:

可用中文繁體字 或 英文來信.


甲. 國內 現裝用 cwin 95, 或 97 (中文)者, 添裝 cwin 3.1 (繁體) 或 3.2 (簡體) 及 GeoStroke TM-4 即可多得一種易學,易用的中文輸入法.
原裝用 cwin 3.x 者, 祇須添裝 GeoStroke TM-4 即可.

乙. 海外 僑胞現用英文 window 95 或 98 者, 只須添裝 cwin 3.1 或 3.2 (中文) 及 GeoStroke TM-4 即可將現有之英文電腦, 變成中,英兩用電腦.勿須作任何硬體改變.

大家應及時普遍使用 易學易用 的"高效能中文輸入法",成為 能讀, 能寫 的全能使用者,以減少寶貴的人力資源浪費, 同心合力創造出更多的財富和進步和樂的社會.



A.Chinese (中文):

Chinese character (Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja 漢字):

Most Chinese Input Methods assign radicals (字根) or phonic-symbols (注音符號) to English Alphabets, number, and symbols key buttons on a QWERTY big keyboard. Users are forced to remember these 26 to 46 arbitrary relations. Users need to master these arbitrary relations, and pick 1 to 9 of them from the complicate key board to call out a Chinese character.

If a user does not know how to pick
the right keys (radicals or phonic symbols) and
to put
them in a right sequence,
then, he or she can not call out
the wanted Chinese character
from a computer.

Users are stunted on computers very often. This is a common phenomenon.

This creates the following problems:

1. Unfriendly:

(Difficult to learn and use)

The wanted character shows no indication of which keys to pick and in what sequence to type.

Thus, intensive learning and exercising are needed to master the big keyboard.
This is why most learnt Chinese do not know how to use a Chinese computer.

2. Costy:

(Chinese computer is different from the standard computer.)

The radicals / phonic-symbols must be engraved on each key button, otherwise, users' fingers do not know where to go. This is why Chinese (漢字) can not be processed on a standard keyboard when these input systems are used.
Thus, all Chinese* computers need expensive specially-engraved keyboards. *Japanese and Korean computers too.

3. Speed:

(Need more than 26 keys to operate, and they are positioned in an odd sequence, unfamiliar to the majority of Chinese.)
Number keys are positioned in a logical sequence, 10-key is much easier to manage, users can work much faster.

4. Uncertainty:

(Every character is different.)

In radical/phonic systems, character input codes are 1 to 9* alphabets(key strokes), neither a fixed number nor in a fixed sequence. People are uncertain at every entry.

Every Chinese character is different, there are 13,060 for traditional and some 9,000 for simplified in a Chinese computer. How can an ordinary people handle it? This is why radical/phonic input system failed to become popular, and most folks stay away from Chinese computers. They simply make them look fool!

Besides, the traditional Chinese Input System is quite different from the simplified Chinese Input System, people need to learn both.

* In western languages, words often have more than 25 alphabets (key strokes)!
Thus, the number of key strokes in Chinese Input System is not a problem, the important thing is ease to find the wanted key quickly without hesitation.

5. Dialect:

(Written language is the same, but dialects are totally different in different areas in China.)
The majority of Chinese do not speak Beijing dialect*.The input method of phonetic conversion (Zuyin or Pinyin 注音 及 拼音) seriously limits the use of computers in China. Besides, the phonetic symbols (注音符號 及 英文字母) are too foreign to Chinese general public, especially in small cities and country-sides of remote areas.
* Japan and Korea also have this kind of dialect problem.

6. Complexity:

(Both radicals and phonic symbols input methods are too difficult.)
The methods are too complicate, difficult to learn and use. They require several months' training and practice before one can put them to use on a symbol-ladden big keyboard.

B. Japanese (日文):

On Japanese computers, KANA - KANJI conversion is currently executed phonetically on a big QWERTY keyboard.
See section A for problems.
By using 10 number keys (10-keypad), Geostroke (J) can provide an additional digital alternative way to type Kanji. With GeoStroke (J) added to the existing* Japanese operation system,

7,075 Kanji (漢字) can be called out easily by 10-keypad, instead of using QWERTY big keyboard.
49 Kata Kana (片假名) can be called out by 10-keypad too if so wished.
48 Hira Gana (平假名) can also be called by 10-keypad if so wished.

* using QWERTY big keyboard to type Kana.

C. Korean (韓文):

On Korean computers, HANGUEL - HANJA conversion is currently executed phonetically on a big QWERTY keyboard.
See section A for problems.
By using 10 number keys (10-keypad), GeoStroke (K) can provide an additional digital alternative way to type Hanja. With GeoStroke (K) added to the existing* Korean operation system,

4,888 Hanja (漢字) can be called out by 10-keypad, instead of using QWERTY big keyboard.
2,352 Hanguel (韓元) words can also be called out by Hanguel 10-keypad if so wished.

* using QWERTY big keyboard to type Hanguel.


GeoStroke 認圖(見字)設碼漢字輸入法概述:

Input System is a basic tool for people's daily living, it should be simple and straightforward, easy to learn and use.
There is an urgent and huge demand of Chinese (漢字) software with a simple and easy common input method in the Orient, a very interesting markets opening!
GeoStroke is

scientific, and

it uses 10-keypad to input all three languages.

The above disadvantages of radical / phonic systems are all GeoStroke's advantages.
GeoStroke applies to traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese both, for Chinese there is only one simple method to learn, one software to use, and one hardware to buy.
Every Chinese character does provide

clear informations

to GeoStroke users about


to convert a specific geometrical stroke at a selected location to a corresponding Arabic number (or a Chinese number),


number key button to depress,


it is located (number keys are positioned logically on the QWERTY keyboard and 10-keypad), and


it should be depressed (according to a fixed z-sequence) as an Input Code (Geometrical Stroke)
for quick data entry.

User relies on nothing but on what he / she sees or thinks of the character (漢字).

The geometrical similarity

between the stroke of a character and the trace of an Arabic number (or a Chinese number) tells him / her how to convert a specific geometrical stroke at a selected location to a corresponding number code instantly, no intensive remembering is required. No reference book is needed.
GeoStroke is simple and scientific, It takes only 5 minutes to learn, and anybody who knows a little bit of Chinese can learn.
With GeoStroke added to the existing Chinese* operation system, GeoStroke provides an

easy digital alternative way

to input Chinese characters on existing computers equipped with radical / phonic input systems. GeoStroke does not compete with them for the use of the special-symbol-ladden QWERTY big keyboard, it uses the small 10-key pad by itself.
(*or Japanese, or Korean)

Thus, users can have a choice, and enjoy the convenience.


Common Questions about GeoStroke:

I. Concerning the same code covering "multiple" Chinese characters:

In TM-8 professional version, very few Chinese characters have the same code.
The special-design software can pin-point accurately the wanted character.
GeoStroke's A.I. also makes "finding a character easy".
No scrolling is needed.
GeoStroke's A.I. makes job enjoyable.

In TM-4 general public version, only a handful popular code-combinations cover multiple characters. They may need limited scrolling. About 5,000 daily-used characters have been specially processed by using Chinese classic literature works such as

紅樓夢,西廂記,水滸傳,老殘遊記,隋唐演義,清宮十三朝,百家姓,... 等.

Popular characters are mostly listed in the first showing,

Scrolling to search for a wanted character is minimum,

and no character is difficult to find.

The special-design software moves the character forward each time when it is used. The character is automatically moved forward by 10 positions approximately.Thus, the most frequently-used characters are positioned in the most-front roll in each case.

Scrolling is not needed in most cases.
GeoStroke's A.I. makes data entry easy, quick, and error-free.
Professionals who are choosing to use TM-4 can personalize his / her GeoStroke. It is extremely convenient for their own fields of work. Such as


* Chinese versions

II. Concerning the "number" of key strokes per character:

GeoStroke: GeoStroke has fixed number of key strokes in a fixed Z-sequence on a small-area 10-keypad for each Chinese character. Users can response quickly on internet.

For general public:

4 key strokes, Z-sequence. (Frame code only, the special-design software brings the frequently-used character forward, no scrolling is needed in most cases.

Besides, GeoStroke's A.I. provides great flexibility to user to prevent making common entry mistakes, greatly improving efficiency.) [A.I.: Artificial Intelligence]

For professionals:

8 key strokes, Zz-sequence. (Frame and Identification codes both, the wanted character is being pin-pointed accurately.
GeoStroke's A.I. helps user enter data error-free, making the job every easy.)


While in radical and phonic-symbol input systems, the number of key strokes (Input Codes) of each character varies. A user is uncertain most of the time when looking at a Chinese character, hesitation happens frequently.
The crowded special-symbol-ladden QWERTY keyboard and the complexity of the input method confuse users, and make users, even the data-entry experts, unable to response fast on the net.
This is why most users, except those data-entry professionals, can only use the Chinese computer to read, but unable to communicate back in Chinese. They are so-called Chinese computer half-way illiterate. This is a very sad situation.

III. Whole-sale entry:

When individual-character input is easy with GeoStroke, whole-sale entry of the frequently-used phrases are not necessary, such as

錦繡中華, 萬里長江, 英雄氣短, 見義勇為,一見鍾情, .... 等


China has now approximate 7 million PC's in use, the rate of annual growth is tiny because of the unfriendliness of Chinese Input Systems.

4.7 million (approx.) 簡體字 PC's in China mainland in 1998(Population: 1,200,000,000 approx.)
2.0 million (approx.) 繁體字 PC's on Taiwan islands in 1998 (Population: 23,000,000 approx.)


甲. 國內現裝用 cwin 95, 或 97 (中文)者, 添裝 cwin 3.1 (繁體) 或 3.2 (簡體) 及 GeoStroke TM-4 即可多得一種易學,易用的中文輸入法.

原裝用 cwin 3.x 者, 祇須添裝 GeoStroke TM-4 即可.

新電腦中如無 GeoStroke, 加裝 TM-4 即可.
乙. 海外僑胞現用英文 window 95 或 98 者, 只須添裝 cwin 3.1 或 3.2 (中文) 及 GeoStroke TM-4 即可將現有之英文電腦, 變成中,英兩用電腦.勿須作任何硬體改變.

大家應及時普遍使用 易學易用 的 "高效能中文輸入法",成為 能讀, 能寫 的全能使用者,以減少寶貴的人力資源的浪費, 同心合力創造出更多的財富和進步和樂的社會.

