(Chinese text in Big5 codes)
GeoStroke: Hard Stroke 硬筆畫___供輸入 漢字, 日文片假名 (Kata Kana),
Soft Stroke 柔軟筆畫___供輸入 漢字行書 及 日文平假名 (Fira Gana) 用
GeoBlock: 中文 繁體 與 簡體 漢字通用
及 韓元 (Hanguel) 用
7: The corner of a box with stroke(s) inside, or a pointing-outward angle.
(七. "7" 為內有筆畫方塊之 "角", 或 "向外指之尖,拐角".)
9: Any stroke ends with a "hook" in any direction. If a cursive stroke, in clock-wise direction.
(九. "9" 為末帶 "銳鉤" 之筆畫, 任何 "方向"
之鉤. 若為柔軟筆畫, 為 "順" 時針方向者.)
6: Any "round" corner or angle. If a cursive stroke, in counter clock-wise direction.
(六. "6" 為 "圓角". 若為柔軟筆畫, 為 "反" 時針方向者.)
0: The corner of a empty box. If a cursive stroke, a closed loop.
(○. "0" 為內無筆畫 "空" 方塊之 "角", 或 "空" 圓圈, 封口之柔軟筆畫.)
5: A gradually-widening stroke ending up a sharp point, starting from left to lower-right.
(五. "5" 為 "長點", 或由左向右下斜之
上細下寬帶尖筆畫 "捺".)
3: A short "gradually-widening stroke with a round end", starting from left to lower-right, or a
shrinking-to-a-point tick stroke, starting from lower-left to right.
(三. "3" 為 "短點", 或由左向右上斜之下鈍上
尖筆畫 "挑", "提").
2: A horizontal stroke.
(二. "2" 為 "橫" 畫.)
1: A vertical stroke.
(一. "1" 為 "豎" 畫.)
4: A sharping stroke, from right to lower-left.
(四. "4" 為 "撇", 或由右向左下斜之上鈍下尖
8: A cross stroke, in any fashion.
(八. "8" 為 "相交跨" 之筆畫, 正交 或 斜交.
(注意: 基本筆畫之 "幾何形狀" 均各與其對應阿拉伯數目字中之部份 "顯著線條" 者相似, 參見阿
拉伯 "大數目字" 十鍵盤圖.
所以,一見便知, 不用 口訣 或 強記, 使用人可在機上作立時反應.
在電腦網路上使用尤稱便利. 使用人可以不用看稿,
由腦中 "所得" 直接打出, 書寫電子
文件, 或作線上手談.)
1. At the top of a character, if two-stroke "cross" or "angle" is (are) found
at the center, count twice. If the "cross" or "angle" is found at the
upper-left corner or upper-right corner, each count once.
(一. 在漢字 "頂" 端, 若有複數筆畫 (例如 "交跨",
"成角",...等), 應取用
中央 或 兩角 上之" 複數" 筆畫. 例如 "索", "希", "草", "林", "俞", "餘",
"困", "服", "脖", "奴", "關", "軍", ...... 等.)
2. At the bottom of a character, take the single stroke at the lower-left side or at the low-right
side, each count once. If at the center, count twice.
(二. 在漢字 "底" 端, 下兩邊原則上各取用一個 "單一" 筆畫.
例如 "聿", "韓", "奴", "數", "戎", ... 等.)
3. At any side of a character, if one independent stroke (or cross, angle) is found, count twice,
once for each end,
(三. 在漢字之任何一邊上, 如果只有一個 "獨
立" 筆畫, 此一筆畫 [單, 或 複] 應該被使用兩次, 作為該 "邊" 之 "左, 右" 或 "上, 下" 兩個
位置的設碼筆畫. 例如 "惟", "立", "叫", "卜", "冬", "索", "雪", "由", "甲", "戶", "這", "于", "希", "小",
"吃", "台", "如", "呈", "刈,..等.)
4. A long stroke can be sectionized into three, use only two ends for upper corner and lower
side respectively.
(四. 貫通全字之長筆畫 (橫, 直, 或 斜), 可首尾分段
使用. 例如 "到", "旦", "亂", "者", "八", ......等.)
5. The coding sequence is as following:
(五. 取碼順序為:
1. 單體字: 力, 弓, ... .
"力", "弓" 之本身.
2. 雙體字: 音, 李, ... .
"音": 下方之 "日". "李": 下方之 "子".
3. 三體字: 胡, 諳, ... .
"胡": 右位之 "月". "諳" 右下位之 "日".
4. 四體字: 韶, 龠, ... .
"韶": 右下之 "口". "龠": 中上位之 "-".
5. 五體字: 囊, 侃, ... .
"囊:: 中位左方之 "口". "侃": 右下方中位之 "|".
6. 六個單體及以上: 漆, 獸, ... .
"漆": 右邊中位之 "人". "獸": 右邊之 "犬".
詳見 GeoStroke 之出版物.
八: 倉頡 HO, 大易
五筆 WTY, 認圖 4545 或 8,
18, 拼音 BA.
同樣依四碼法取碼, 依序為 7749.
通常, "月" 字在 "謂" 中, 左下角寫作 "|", 不作 "/",
故其內涵碼 (ID code) 為 7719.
More examples:
告 48000000
盜 39227722
疑 69452945
如 80800000
數 02884288
認圖 (見字) 法簡單直接, 一組碼一個字, 任何電腦 "字"
不需去查字典, 翻參攷資料, 被掛在機上手足無措!
(繁體: 13,062 個, 簡體: 9,000 餘個.)
而且, 在認圖設碼輸入法 (GeoStroke) 內,
無須先步出中文輸入法, 才能打英文.
* 詳見專業版使用說明書.