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The Healing Practice Of

Psychophysical Integration

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What Is Trager?

Trager is an approach to psychophysical integration using light, gentle, nonintrusive movements to facilitate the release of deepseated physical and mental pattersn; patterns such as those that develop through poor posture, injuries, emotional traumas, stresses of daily living and poor movement habits.

Trager is performed in two different modes.

The first mode called table work, involves the client lying on a table and being guided through movements such as rocking, traction, compression, and taking joints through the range of motion.
The second method is Mentastics exercises. This involves teaching the client to creatively explore self-healing through movements initially taught to them which later can be expanded uopn their own. Both modes facilitate lasting neuromuscular reeducation, integration and effortlessness.

Successful Treatments Of Conditions

The following conditions have been successfully treated with the Trager approach: Musculoskeletal injuries, such as from athletics, motor vehicle accidents, surgery, poor posture and musculoskeletal back pain; the secondary effects of spasm, rigidity, spasticity, and stiffness from neuromuscular disorders such as polio, cerbral palsy, Parkinson's disease, muscular dystrophy, rehabilitation after stroke and multiple sclerosis; conditions that have a stress component such as tension headaches and irritable bowel syndrome. It has also been useful in helping improve althletic performance in world class athletes in numerous sports and in the treatment of sexual and physical abuse to decrease pain and help the client become more comfortable in their body once again.

Contraindications To Trager

Several contraindications include fresh injury such as torn muscles, ligaments, tendons and fractures. Relative contraindications include metastitic cancer and nerve impingements such as ruptured discs, with the exception of the patient being cleared by their physician and working with an experienced practitioner. Care must be taken when a client is on anticoagulation medication but in the absence of severe carotid artery disease, even neck movements are not necessarily contrindicted. Certain of the movements are fcontraindictaed in pregnacy and pregnant women are recommended to work with a practioner experienced in this area. Also, Trager is less likely to be effective when the client is not comfortable with this modalit or if one is not interested in taking responsibility for their own health. This is problematic as the, Mentastics exercises are very important to helping the person to maintain and improve their health on their own and between visits.

The Practitioners

The Practitioners are trained through a certification program of the, Trager Institute of Mill Valley California. Continuing education and yearly re-evaluation are required for recertification.

Trager may be covered by insurance, including medicare. It may be coded as CPT Code 97112 - Neuromuscular Re-education.

Email Me For More Information

Or Feel Free To Call Me Directly

1 - 614 - 470 - 2388

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