"Hey Elizabeth, come here for a second," Omar said talking to one of his students.

"What do you want now?" Elizabeth responded while walking over to him. "You torture me with a 2 hour jazz class in 90 degree weather then you ask me to go over to you on the other side of the room? What's wrong with you?" she asked teasingly as she walked over to where Omar was packing his stuff to go home.

"Oh poor little Elizabeth. Anyway, I have a friend who was looking for a dancer about your age to star in a music video," he said.

"You're not asking me to be in it are you?" she said.

"Yes, I am. Would you?" he said.

"Of course. Who's your friend?" she asked.

"Oh, his name is Johnny and he works a with a music group called 'N Sync I think it is," he said.

"'N Sync as in, there's one of them named Joey Fatone?" she said.

"Yeah, you're not some obsessed fan are you?" he asked nervously.

"No, it's just Joey is from Brooklyn and went to my high school," Elizabeth said not telling the whole truth.

"Well, you'd be leaving in a couple of days--" he began.

"Leaving? As in it's being taped somewhere else? Where?" she asked.

"In Orlando. Now, as I was saying--" he began once again.

"Oh that'll work out great cause Sara lives down there and I can stay for a couple of months," she interrupted.

"Can I finish now?" he asked sarcastically.

"Yup, go right ahead," she said matter-of-factly.

"You'd be leaving in a couple of days for Orlando then you would stay there while they shot the video which be about 2-3 days. Sound good?" he said.

"Yup. Do you know what type of dancing it would be? Just so that I know what to bring," she asked.

"He said some type of ballet. Some might be on pointe and some on flat. He doesn't know yet," he responded.

"Ok, I'll bring both. Well, I have to go now. Will you or Johnny call me with more info?" she questioned.

"Yeah, I'll have him call you tomorrow," he said.

"Ok, well, bye! Oh, and thanx for picking me!" she said.

"You're being awfully polite today. It's kinda scary," he said teasingly.

"Oh, shutup, you know I'm polite to everyone," she said.

"But me, anyway, I thought you had to go?" he said.

"I do! Bye!" she yelled as she walked out the door. She drove home thinking about how it would be to see Joey again. They had been best friends all her life despite the 4 year age difference. Well, that is, until they lost touch after he moved to Florida. She didn't care though. She knew he was living his dream of entertaining people, he was after all, all over MTV.

"I just wish he knew how I felt about him at the time," Elizabeth said to herself as she arrived at her apartment.


"Guys! Johnny's on the phone!" Jc said to Justin, Joey, Chris, and Lance as he put it on speaker phone. A round of "Hi Johnny"'s went around the group as they all gathered around the phone.

"Hi guys. You know how we were looking for the ballet dancer for the "The Girl Who has Everything" video? Well, one of my friends is a dance teacher and said he found us a perfect girl. Her name is Elizabeth and she's 18," Johnny said.

"Where is she from?" Joey asked.

"Brooklyn. She said you went to her high school. Anyway, she's gonna be flying down on Saturday. Joey, is it ok if she stays with you while we shoot? It would only be a couple of days," Johnny said.

"You're gonna trust Joey enough to let a girl stay at his house for a couple of days. Overnight?" Chris said skeptically.

"Shutup, I'll behave," Joey said defiantly.

"I think he can handle it. The reason I'm asking him is because he might know her and it would be easier to welcome her if she knew somebody. And even they don't each other they're both from Brooklyn so they'll have something to talk about," Johnny said. "Well, sorry to cut this conversation short but I have to go, Joey, I'll give you more info later. Bye!"

"So, Joey you know this Elizabeth chick?" Justin asked.

"Maybe," he responded to busy thinking about what it would be like to see her again. He hoped she wasn't mad at him for leaving.

* * * * *