Chapter 2

The plans had been worked out between Johnny and Elizabeth and Johnny and Joey. Elizabeth was now on a plane heading to Orlando...

"Please fasten your seat belts we will be landing shortly," the pilot said as his voice came over the intercom. Elizabeth put the book she was reading away and buckled her seat belt awaiting the landing.

At the airport--

Elizabeth had gotten all of her stuff from baggage claim and was waiting for her ride to come. Johnny was supposed to be picking her up and bringing her to Joey's house.

"Excuse me, are you Elizabeth Smith?" someone asked her.

"Um, yes, may I help you?" she asked warily.

"Actually yes, I'm Johnny Write," he said while shaking her hand.

"Oh, hi. I'm sorry. I didn't know who you were," she said.

"Don't worry about it. Why don't we head over to my car while we chat. Here let me take that," he said referring to her suitcase.

"Oh, no, that's ok, I got it," she responded.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Positive. Let's go," she said.

"Ok, so, Elizabeth, how long have you been dancing?" he asked her.

"Practically my whole life. Since I was...3 actually," she said.

"Wow. And you stuck with it. How long have you known Omar?" he asked while the walked through the parking lot.

"Since I was 14 actually. He started by taking classes at my studio and then rose to a teacher. I actually help him teach a class since there's only like a 2 year difference in our ages," she responded.

"Cool. Well, this is my car. Why don't we put all of your stuff in the trunk and we'll head off to Joey's," he said while putting her suitcase and backpack in the trunk.

"Ok, let's go!" she said.

They chatted throughout the 20 minute ride about miscellaneous stuff. Then they finally arrived to what must of been his house...

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