At Joey's house...

They (Justin, Joey, JC, Lance and Chris) were all sitting around his family room talking.

"So, Joey, what does this chick look like?" Justin asked from his spot on the couch.

"Don't you even dare," Joey said in a warning tone.

"What!? I just asked what she looked like!" Justin exclaimed.

"You know you're gonna hit on her the moment she comes," Joey replied.

"No, I won't," he whined. "Besides, why would you care if I did or not?" he said hinting at the other guys.

"Why, Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr., do you have a crush on an 18 year old?" Chris said teasingly.

"No, I don't," he protested.

"Yes you do," Justin said.

"Anyways, what is she like personality wise?" JC said changing the subject.

"She's very sweet when she wants to be. She'll probably be shy around you guys today but after she meets you she'll be less shy and more open," Joey said.

"Oh, ok, " JC responded.

"Speaking of Elizabeth, I think she's here," Joey said speaking of the car that pulled into his driveway and the girl who was getting suitcases from the trunk. He got up and went outside to help her. "Would you like some help?" he asked her.

Elizabeth turned around to see Joey smiling at her. She smiled back. "No, I think I can manage," she responded.

"Well, at least let me give you a hug," he said as he walked over and gave her a big bear hug. As he did this he noticed that she tensed up but brushed it from his mind.

"Could you show me where my room is?" she asked quietly.

"Yup, follow me," he said as he led her inside.

"Before I show you your room let me introduce you. Guys, this is Elizabeth, Elizabeth these are the guys. The one with the dreads is Chris, the one with the platinum curls is Justin, the serious one is JC, and that, thing over there is Lance," he said.

"Um, nice to meet to meet you," Elizabeth said before Joey led her to her room. She put her suitcases on her bed and walked back out to the family room.

"So, Elizabeth, how do you know Joey?" Lance asked.

"Well, our parents were friends so there were a lot of barbecues and stuff so we became friends," Elizabeth said. They continued to talk until about 10 when everyone started to leave.

"So, nothings new with you?" Joey asked Elizabeth after everyone had left.

"Nope," she responded.

"How's your family?" he asked.

"Everyone's fine. Speaking of family would you mind if I used your phone to call my dad?" she asked.

"No, go right ahead. It's right over there," he said pointing to the phone on the table next to the couch.

"Thanx," she said. Elizabeth dialed her parents number.

"Hello?" said the familiar voice of her 12 year old brother.

"Hey, is dad there?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yeah, why are you calling?" he questioned.

"Why do you care? Give him the phone," she said.

"Fine," he covered up the mouth piece and yelled for his father.

"Hello?" said a deep male voice.

"Hey daddy," Elizabeth said.

"Hey Elizabeth, anything wrong?" he asked.

"No, I was just calling to let you know I got here in one piece. And also to give you the number of where I'll be staying for a couple of days in case something happens," Elizabeth reassured her father.

"Oh, ok, where are you staying again?" he asked.

"Joey's. Now the number is 555-0963," she told him.

"Ok, put Joey on the phone, I want to talk to him," her father asked.

"Ok, hey Joe, my dad wants to talk to you," Elizabeth said while handing him the phone. The two talked and then they hung up. "Well, I'm gonna go to bed," Elizabeth said.

"Ok, we were all gonna hang out at Justin's tomorrow, is that ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, what time?" she responded.

"Whenever we get there," he said.

"Ok, well, goodnight," she said. Elizabeth headed to her room and changed into her pajamas. She laid down on her bed and quickly fell asleep.

Meanwhile Joey was sitting in his room wide awake thinking about Elizabeth. 'Why is she being so shy around me? I can understand about her being that way around the other guys butt around me? She's known me her whole life. She's hiding something. I don't know what but she is and it's eating her up. Why isn't she telling me?' he thought until he too fell asleep.

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