"For the last time, you look fantastic! Can we go now?" Zoe pleaded as her friend Ayla threw one last curl in her hair.

"Keep your pants on girlie. I want to look nice. It's our first night in Orlando."

"I know it's our first night in Orlando. I also know that you look fabulous. You look so good, in fact, that I am staying home because I'm not worthy to be walking next to a goddess like you!"

"Oh, shut UP!" Ayla yelled, as a pillow went flying precariously close to Zoe's head.

Zoe and Ayla had just moved to Florida a week before. Ayla had been asked to come down to Orlando for a modeling gig and Zoe tagged along. She was hoping that some of the buzz from the entertainment industry would rub off on her and she could score a record deal.

"I'm ready now!" Ayla announced as she buckled her strappy high heel. "Let's go clubbin'!"


"How long is it going to take to get in this place!" Zoe complained while she and Ayla waited in what seemed to be a never ending line of people. "It's one of the few clubs that we can actually get into and it's taking forever!"

"I know how you're feeling, hun," Ayla replied. "I'm also not seeing any hot guys around here and I'm becoming a little more disappointed with every passing moment."

"Well, there's a couple hotties over there," Zoe whispered in her ear and pointed to the left. She directed Ayla's attention to two blondes just entering the club.

"Great," Ayla sighed. "By the time we get in there, they'll be married."

As the girls finally entered the club, they were crushed into a throng of people.

"What are we going to do now?" Ayla screamed over the blare of the bass music coming from the speakers.

"Find some hot guys and dance till we drop!" Zoe yelled back as a crowd separated her from Ayla. Zoe looked around and spotting a good-looking, dark-haired man, asked him to dance. A few hours later Zoe seated herself at a booth and began visually searching the room for Ayla. It was crowded and dark; Zoe didn't achieve much. Leaning her head against her hand she rested a minute before going back out on the floor to continue her Ayla-hunt.

"Missing something, ma'am?" a voice rose over the din. Zoe looked up to see one of the blond men that had been at the beginning of the line earlier that evening.

"Oh, no...well, actually, I've lost my friend. I can't find her anywhere in this chaos."

"Maybe I could help. What does she look like?"

"Um, she's a tall blond with gorgeous curly hair and she's wearing a black leather jacket with a white shirt underneath it."

"Hey, I know the girl you're talking about. I was dancing with her earlier. I think she's right over there," the young man said, gesturing to the right of the room where Ayla was standing, exhaustedly, against the wall.

"Thanks," Zoe replied as she stood to go to Ayla. "By the way, what's your name?"

"Lance," the man called over his shoulder as he turned and walked away.

Zoe made her way through the crowd and over to where Ayla stood.

"You ready to go home?" Zoe asked. "It's three in the morning."

"Yeah," Ayla sighed. "Besides, there was this guy just a minute ago who was giving me a hard time and I don't really feel like being here anymore. Who was that you were talking to?"

"Oh, his name was Lance. He said he danced with you earlier."

"Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you, Zoe, that was Lance. As in the Lance. The only Lance."

"You mean, Lance Bass?"

"No, I mean Lance Codfish. Who else would I be talking about? Lance and Justin were here tonight."

"Really? Justin was here and I missed him? Oh, life is too cruel!" Zoe cried as they walked through the parking lot to the car. "Can't we please go back in so I can find him?"

"No, because they're walking out the door right now."

Zoe was about to turn around when she felt a hand clamp down on her mouth. Ayla screamed and Justin and Lance turned to see what the problem was.


"Zoe!!" Ayla yelled as Zoe was dragged backward.

"Stop screaming right now!" A gruff voice yelled at Ayla. "You stop squirming too or this situation is going to get a little messy," the man hissed in Zoe's ear.

Zoe looked around as Justin and Lance approached. Ayla was shaking with fear and Justin had his hand out as if to stop the man from doing anything.

"Stay back, little boy!" The man spat through clenched teeth. "You wouldn't want to see her pretty little head roll off her shoulders now would you?"

It was only then that Zoe realized the man had a gun to her head. Oh God, she thought. He's really going to kill me. What did I do?? What's going on? Her eyes flicked from Justin to Lance, finally resting on Ayla. This cannot be happening! Zoe's mind screamed. Think of something!!

Zoe eyes turned to the gun at her temple. It's only a water gun! She thought to herself excitedly. It's one of those really expense ones that Kyle always wanted because it looked so real! Zoe reacted quickly after the realization. She slowly lowered her hand away from the one that was placed over her mouth. With both arms, she elbowed the man in his rib cage and, grabbing the arm that had dropped around her shoulders, flipped him straight over her head. The man went down with a loud grunt and Zoe kicked him in the side.

"I suggest you get the hell out of here before I kick your ass some more and call the cops!" Zoe shook with fear and rage. The man attempted to get up but the crowd that had formed around the scene held him as police came and hauled him away. As he was loaded into the squad car, Ayla rushed over to Zoe just as she was about to collapse.

"Zoe, are you o.k.? Are you hurt? It'll be o.k." Ayla cried over and over as she pulled Zoe closer. The crowd had started to dissapate when Ayla heard a soft voice.

"Is she going to be all right?"

"I don't know.....I think so....I hope so....." Ayla cried hysterically, looking up into the concerned face of Lance.

"Ayla," Zoe said, pulling away. "I think you're more traumatized than I am. I'll be o.k. I promise." Zoe replied with false bravado as she stood and brushed the dirt from her pants. Zoe watched as Lance helped Ayla to her feet.

"I think you're bleeding," a voice whispered from behind her. Zoe turned and looked straight into the face of Justin Timberlake.

"I, I am?" Zoe asked.

Justin reached up and touched her lip. "Yeah, and it looks nice and swollen too. That's not going to tickle in the morning," he said, pulling his hand away.

Zoe gave a humorless laugh. "Well, I guess I better go and take care of it. I think I better take care of Ayla too. She's a little distressed."

"Yeah, I kinda noticed that. I think Lance has got her pretty calmed down though."

"Oh?" Zoe turned and looked at her friend. Ayla was sitting on the hood of Zoe's Explorer while Lance wiped away her last few tears.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Well, you didn't give me much of a choice now did you?" Zoe replied, directing her focus back to Justin.

"Funny," he said with a crooked smile. "No, seriously, where did you learn how to do that?"

"Do what?"

"Where did you learn how to flip someone like that? That's the coolest thing I've seen since Mortal Kombat."

"When you've got younger brothers who like to fight, you sort of develop an instinct for it, I guess. It worked then, I figured it would probably work now."

"Oh," Justin mused, followed by an awkward silence. "So, what are you guys here for, anyway?"

"Well, most people come here to dance, but we just came to look at the walls."

"Nice try, smartie," Justin replied. "I meant in Orlando."

"How did you know we weren't from Orlando?"

"You've got a Michigan license plate on your car," Justin said, gesturing to the burgandy Explorer.

"And how did you know that was our car?"

"Um, well," Justin stammered, looking around the sky and ground. "Well, we saw you guys get out of it earlier," he finished, slightly blushing.

"Oh," Zoe gave an amused smirk. "We just moved down here a week ago. Ayla's got a job and I've lined up some work, so it was beneficial to our career advancement that we journey here."

"Thank you, Obi Wan," Justin retorted with another grin. "So what do you guys do?"

"Well, Ayla's a model and I'm between jobs at the moment," Zoe sighed.

"You're not a model too?"

"Not on your life. I don't have what it takes."

"From what I can see you've got a pretty good start."

"Oooo, you're good," Zoe laughed "Did I mention that flattery will get you everywhere with me?"

"Honestly, what do you do?" Justin asked again.

"Persistent, aren't we? Well, if you really must know, I'm attempting to start a singing career. I've got some jobs...."

"You sing?" Justin interrupted curiously.

"Yes, I do. Is that surprising?"

"No, but it's exciting. Where do you sing at?"

"Well, I'm playing this piano bar tomorrow night. I think it's called "The Ivory Lounge." Nothing big, just something to help get me publicity."

"What time..."

"Zoe, are you ready to leave?" Ayla called from behind her. Lance walked over to where Justin was standing, a triumphant smile plastered on his face.

"Yeah, sure. I better go take care of this lip before tomorrow night. Or rather tonight," Zoe groaned, her eyes returning to Justin, who was looking questioningly at an ecstatic Lance. "Thanks for the conversation. I guess I'll see you around," she said as she started to walk away.

"Wait," Justin called after her. "What time are you playing tomorrow?"

"Seven," Zoe replied and walked off with a wave.

"Seven," Justin repeated to himself as he waved back. He turned to Lance, who was still grinning from ear to ear. "What are you so happy for?" Justin asked.

"I got their number."

Coming Around Full Circle
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