"How have you been, darling?" Zoe asked as she embraced the svelte figure that walked through her and Ayla's apartment door.

"I've been wonderful," Lydia replied as she hugged Zoe and Ayla in turn.

"Well come in and sit down! We've got a lot to talk about," Ayla said, taking her hand and dragging her to a seat in the living room.

"You guys have got a nice place here," Lydia commented, gazing around the room.

"Yeah, it's our shack on the hill, but we call it home," Zoe sighed, shaking her head in mock shame.

All three of the girls laughed. Lydia had come down to visit for a couple of days in mid-January. She took a break from college to stop by. The friends hadn't been together in quite some time and they had a massive amount of catching up to do.

"So," Ayla said, starting the conversation. "How is Jeff?"

"He's fine. He left two days ago. He'll be back again in two months. It's been nice to be with him again."

"Are you guys together now or what? And don't give me the we're just friends line again because from the look on your face, you're obviously more than that," Zoe chided.

"Well, I don't know about together but we're definetly more than friends," Lydia replied with a sly look.

Ayla's mouth dropped open. "Lydia....."

Zoe, slowly and carefully, set her coffee cup down. "Lydia," she whispered in shock. "Did you sleep with him?"

"Geez Zoe. Don't be tactful or anything. As a matter of, I'm not going to tell you. You can assume what you want. But did you really expect me to be a virgin forever? It's not like you can sit here and tell me you haven't done Justin," Lydia challenged.

"No, I can't. But you never mentioned anything........."

"Well, the next time I see him again, I'll call you and let you know exactly what's going on o.k.?"

"No, that's fine," Zoe said, shaking her head. "As long as you're happy, I don't want to know details."

"I have to say, I'm with Zoe on that one," Ayla said.

"Good, cuz I wasn't gonna tell you anyway," Lydia replied, sticking her tongue out. Zoe chucked a pillow at her head. Lydia returned the gift and soon the girls found themselves in the middle of a gigantic pillow fight. Giggling and throwing pillows, they screamed and hollered about nothing in particular, except how much they missed each other. They were interrupted by the ringing telephone.

"I'll get it!" Lydia cried, as she ducked from the aim of Ayla's pillow. "Hello," she yelled into the reciever.

"Um, hi. Is Zoe there?" a voice questioned. Lydia turned and looked at Zoe. Her hair was messy and her clothes were rumpled.

"Maybe," Lydia laughed. "Depends on who's asking."

"This is Justin."

"Oh, Justin. As in Justin Timberlake? I didn't realize Zoe knew anyone so famous."

"Lydia is that Justin? Would you give me the phone?" Zoe pleaded, walking towards Lydia.

"Lydia, is that you?" Justin asked from the other end of the line.

"The one and only. How've you been sweetie?"

"I've been great. How about you? What are you doing in Florida?"

"I just came down to visit these retards. I've been great. Actually things have never been better."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that," Justin replied. "How's Jeff?"

"He's fine. Back in the military, as usual. He's being all he can be," she sighed.

Justin laughed. "You sound so proud."

"Oh, of course I am," Lydia said sarcastically. "If World War III starts, I'll be completely safe because the person I love is running around killing people."

"If you don't give me that phone, I'm going to start my own World War III," Zoe threatened with a grin.

"Sounds like you better give up the phone," Justin cautioned. "I've been in some of those wars and they're not pretty."

Lydia laughed. "All right. It was nice talking to you Justin. Eventually we'll get to hang out again."

"Yeah, whenever I get back. See ya later Lydia."

"Bye," Lydia said as she handed the phone to Zoe.

"So how have the boys been?" Lydia asked Ayla.

"They've been great so far. Touring with them was the best. It was so nice to spend time with them and see them have fun, doing what they love to do."

"I can imagine," Lydia nodded. "They put on great shows."

"Do they ever!" Ayla chuckled.

"Anything new happening with you and Lance?"

"Well, not really. He's been acting weird lately. The day before we left them on the tour he was asking me all these questions about our future. At first, I was worried that he might be thinking about leaving me and that scared me senseless. Now, whenever he calls, he's always so happy. Not that I'm complaining. I hate fighting with him. It's always about something pointless."

"I know what you mean," Lydia agreed. "It's the same way with me and Jeff. The only good thing is that nine times out of ten, I win the fight."

"Well that always helps," Ayla grinned. Both girls looked up as Zoe sat down with them again.

"How's everything going?" Ayla asked.

"Oh, just fine," Zoe sighed unenthusiastically.

"What's wrong hun?" Lydia asked.

"Nothing really. It's just lately Justin has been acting really weird. Like he's got something on his mind. He's giving me one of those psycho feelings."

"It's not a bad one, is it?" Ayla questioned.

"No, it's not bad. It's exciting, nervous even. He always seems so happy when he talks to me now."

"Ayla was just saying the same thing about Lance," Lydia countered. "Has Justin been asking you about your future together too?" she teased.

"Actually, he asked me how I felt about marriage."

Lydia looked at her sharply. "He asked you to marry him?"

"No, no. He asked me what I thought about marriage as an idea. If it was something I wanted to do or not. He didn't ask me to marry him."

"Do you think he might?" Ayla piped in.

Zoe thought for a second, then shook her head, laughing. "No, that's ridiculous. We both have so much to do. I don't think he's seriously considered it. Do you think Lance has thought about asking you?"

"Well, the thought did cross my mind," Ayla replied. "I don't think he would have talked to me about it if he didn't have any reason."

"She's right you know," Lydia agreed. "I don't think Justin or Lance would ask you guys those specific questions if they didn't have something to back it up on."

"What about Jeff?" Zoe countered. "You guys have talked about marriage."

"Yeah, but not seriously," Lydia responded. "Besides, he's in the military. He's here one day and gone for six months. I don't know if I could handle something like that."

"Funny, I think we're all in a similar situation," Zoe whispered. "Maybe not the same in detail but definetly similar in context."

Lydia and Ayla smiled at her. "Maybe you're right," Lydia sighed. The girls spent the rest of the afternoon talking before they went to watch Ayla in her latest fashion show.


"Johnny, we've gotta talk to you."

"What's up guys?" he ask the two toeheads that were approaching him.

"Well," Lance started. "We've got an important question to ask."

"Ask away. You guys don't have to worry about asking me anything," Johnny responded.

"The question isn't directed toward you," Justin informed him. "It's actually for two very special people but we need to know how we're going to deal with it."

Johnny stared at the two boys, now utterly confused. "Would you both please stop playing these word games and just tell me what it is you came to tell me?"

"O.k. Johnny. Here's the deal. I want to ask Ayla to marry me," Lance stated, looking him straight in the eyes.

Johnny stared back, his jaw around his ankles.

"And I want to ask Zoe," Justin added, while Johnny's jaw went through the bottom of the bus.

"But everyone thinks you guys are single," he said, finally regaining his composure.

"That's our problem," Lance replied. "If word gets out that we've proposed to these girls, things could get bad. We wanted to know if we should keep it under wraps or if we can tell the interviewer whose bound to ask us if we have girlfriends today."

"What do the other guys think?"

"They support us," Justin said. "They want us to do this but they're worried about the press too. That's why we came to you. They said if you o.k. it they'd go along with it too. Whatever you choose to do."

"Well," Johnny sighed, weighing his thoughts carefully. "You guys have been around for six years. You've got a pretty solid fan base. It's not the same as it was three years ago when you were still building in popularity," he paused, then made a decision. "If you are seriously ready to marry these girls, then tell whoever you want. As long as you're happy, your fans should be able to deal. The ones that are worth it anyway."

"YEAH!" Justin yelped, high-fiving Lance. "Thanks Johnny. You're the Man." He slapped Johnny on the back.

"We really appreciate this Johnny," Lance replied a little more calmly than Justin.

"I know, I know. Unfortunately you guys are growing up. You've sort of been like my own sons these past six years and it's killing me to see you grow up. I'm invited to the weddings aren't I?"

"Man, we've saved you a front row seat," Justin said with his crooked smile.

"Absolutely," Lance agreed.

"All right. You'd better go let the rest of the guys know what's going on," he commanded as the two boys sprinted towards the back of the bus.

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