"You can see her now," the doctor said calmly. The five men and Ayla walked slowly down the corridor. Ayla had been checked over and released, the bump on her head treated and the gash on her side bandaged. The doctors worked for a half an hour to stabilize Zoe. It had been the longest half hour of Justin's life.

Before they entered the room, the doctor warned them. "She's in a coma. It's not deep and she should come around in the next few hours. The truama to her head wasn't severe but we still have to watch for slight brain damage. Talk to her. Let her know you're there. It's very possible she can hear you."

"Thanks doctor," J.C. whispered as the group entered the room. The sight of their friend made Ayla cry and Justin groan. Her head was covered in bandages and her closed eyes were still. Justin moved slowly toward her and pulled a chair next to her bed. He took her hand and squeezed it gently.

"Hey Nightingale," was all he managed to choke out. Hot tears began to slide down his face. Ayla extracted herself from Lance's arms and rubbed Justin's back. All in the room were silent as they grasped what had happened to one of their closest friends. Justin wiped his tears away roughly and shook his head. He looked over to the other side of the bed where her left hand lay placidly.

"Where's her ring?" he demanded suddenly. "Where's her engagement ring? he shouted a little louder.

"I've got it," Joey responded quietly, moving over to Justin. "The paramedics gave it to me for safe keeping before they put her on the stretcher."

"Thanks Joey," Justin calmed down, taking the ring and placing it on Zoe's finger again. Changing his mind, he took the ring back off and put it in his pocket.

"Justin, what are you doing?" Chris asked curiously.

"I'm not going to do that to her," he replied.

"Not going to do what to her?" Lance questioned.

"I'm not going to have her marry me if she doesn't want to," Justin answered.

"Justin, she already said yes," J.C. stated, slightly confused. "Why would she change her mind?"

"Well, let's see. Someone I trusted tried to kill her and I didn't believe her when she told me how she felt. I should have listened to her. I should have trusted that instinct. You would think I understand that by now. God, why did I ask her to be a part of this craziness? Am I the biggest fool on the planet? What's wrong with..."

"Justin, STOP!!" Ayla cried. "This is NOT your fault. She loves you. Why are you beating yourself up over this? You couldn't have known. Zoe didn't even know. So I'm telling you to stop torturing yourself. This is not healthy and you're not going to help her get better if you're killing yourself."

Ayla stopped as Zoe moved. Justin jumped and grasped her hand again. He and the others watched as Zoe's eyes started to flutter slightly. Her hands and arms moved and her mouth opened a small amount.

"Go get the doctor," Chris said as Lance ran out the door.

"Hey babe," Justin said, leaning closer to Zoe. She stared up at him vacantly for a moment. Slowly, her mouth formed a small smile.

"Hey," her voice crackled. She reached up and gently stroked the side of Justin's face. Attempting to turn her head towards the others, she winced and gasped.

"Shit, that hurts," she cursed in a whisper.

"Don't move darling. The doctor will come in and let us know what's going to happen. How are you feeling?" Justin asked.

"Like I've been hit by a Mack truck," Zoe replied, her voice slightly stronger. The others laughed quietly.

"You had us scared for a while there hunny," Ayla said, brushing a piece of Zoe's hair away from her mouth. "Thought you were planning on leaving us or something."

Zoe smiled again as the doctor walked in the room.

"Ah, she's awake," the doctor smiled. She began checking Zoe over carefully. Zoe winced as the doctor started to remove the bandages from around her head. Zoe bit her lower lip and squeezed Justin's hand to keep from screaming out. She wasn't about to let them know how much pain she was in. As the doctor removed the bandage, Zoe sighed.

"So, when can I get out of here?" she asked hopefully.

"Well, not anytime soon, would be my guess," the doctor replied. "The truama to your head wasn't severe but it's bad enough to warrant a couple days in the hospital for observation."

"Oh no! I hate hospitals. I'm getting out of here tomorrow morning. I will not stay here any longer than is necessary."

The doctor looked at her sharply. "Miss, I know you don't think you need to, but keeping you here is the only thing that will make you better."

"She's right, Zoe," Ayla chimed in. "There's nothing wrong with keeping you here for a couple extra days. Just to be safe."

"Ayla, I have to get home. I've got another gig in three days and I'm not going to miss it because I'm stuck in some hospital in France."

"Could I talk to her alone for a minute?" Justin asked quietly as he looked around the room. The doctor nodded and the others followed her lead out the door. As soon as they left, Justin focused his attention on Zoe.

"They're right you know," he said calmly, bracing himself for her explosive response.

"I know that. But I hate hospitals and I refuse to stay in them if I'm concious. Now that I am, I can go home. You've got a show to put on tomorrow night and I'm not going to be the reason it doesn't go on."

Justin sighed. "I'm not letting you win this one Zoe. You are going to stay here as long as it takes for you to get better. And I'm not leaving until I walk out the door with you."

"Well then, pack your bags because no matter what the doctor says, I'm leaving here tomorrow."

"Why are you being so stubborn about this? It won't kill you to rest for a while. You're always on the go; always doing something. If being in the hospital is the only time off you get, then, by God, you're going to get it."

Zoe leaned her head gently back against the pillow. It was throbbing from the argument but she wasn't going to tell Justin.

"I'm a tough girl, Justin. I can take pain. This is nothing. I've got important things to do and...." she paused as she glanced down to her left hand. "Where's my ring?"

The question caught Justin off gaurd. He looked at her thoughtfully. "After all this, you still want it?"

Now, Zoe looked at him quizzically. "Why wouldn't I want it back Justin? What happened wasn't your fault. I love you and I still plan on marrying you. Obviously you still feel the same or you wouldn't be sitting here having this argument with me, would you?"

He laughed. "No, I guess not," was his reply as he slipped the ring back on her finger.

The doctor came back into the room. Closing the door behind her, she walked toward the bed and shook her head.

"I know I shouldn't be doing this but I'm giving you an ultimatum. If you can prove to me by tomorrow morning that you're feeling o.k. I'll let you go. But if not, you stay in the hospital for two more days."

"Thanks doctor," Zoe smiled. "I really appreciate this." The doctor shook her head again as she left the room.

"Do you have that kind of control over me too?" Justin asked with his crooked grin.

"How do you think I got the proposal?" Zoe countered. Justin laughed as he leaned up to kiss her gently.

"Get some sleep. If I know you, you'll be out of here by seven a.m. sharp. You'll need your rest if you're going to make the plane ride home."

"You're right," Zoe sighed.

"For once," Justin said, as he watched her close her eyes and drift off to sleep.


"Ayla, this isn't funny. I can't find my Lucky jeans and I need them for tonight. I'm playing a jazz club and they'll look cute with my sweater. Did you borrow them?"

"Zoe, I told you before. I have no clue where your pants are. I don't wear them."

"Ugh," Zoe groaned as she dug through her closet once more. "Here they are!!" she cried, finding them on the bottom of a large pile of shirts. "I'll just run an iron over them right quick."

Her head still throbbed slightly from the attack, but otherwise, she was in good working order. The gig at the club went well and she got home exhausted.

"Good show tonight?" Ayla asked as Zoe flopped herself into the living room chair.

"Oh, great. No problems. My head feels like it's about to explode off my shoulders but no problems at all."

"You should have stayed at that hospital longer."

"Ayla, don't start. I'm not getting into that again. What day are the boys coming home?" Zoe asked, quickly changing the subject.

"March 11," Ayla said, matter-of-factly.

"March 11," Zoe repeated with a smile.


A month later...

"Is she expecting us?" Justin asked Zoe. They had flown back to Michigan to tell Zoe's and Ayla's families that they were engaged. Before they went home, they both wanted to go to Lydia's house.

"I don't think so," Ayla answered him. "I hope she's not busy."

"She'll be home," Zoe assured her. She walked up and knocked on the apartment door. Lydia opened the door and screamed.

"JESUS CHRIST!!! What are you guys doing here?" She grabbed Ayla, who was closest to her and hugged her tightly. Next came Lance, then Justin, and finally Zoe. Zoe pulled away quickly and stepped back.

"May we come in?" Lance asked.

Lydia looked at Zoe's strange expression. "Yeah, sure," she replied, opening her door wide. Lydia's hair was pulled back and she was wearing running pants and a sweatshirt.

"You look great," Ayla complimented.

"Oh, please," Lydia shrugged, ignoring her. She couldn't stop looking at Zoe. "Have a seat everyone. I'll go put some coffee on."

Lance, Justin, and Ayla sat down while Zoe stayed standing. "I think I'll go help her," she said, following Lydia to the kitchen. She stood behind her friend and watched her quietly for a minute.

"Is something wrong?" Lydia asked, turning and facing Zoe.

"I was just wondering why you didn't bother to tell me," Zoe whispered quietly. "You don't think I can't tell? she questioned.

Lydia's eyes got wide. Then she smiled ruefully. "I can't hide anything from you can I?"

"No, you can't. You're my best friend. Why didn't you tell me?" Zoe asked again, tears starting to form in her eyes. "Is it Jeff's?"

"Yes," Lydia replied, nodding her head slowly.

"Does he know?"

"No," Lydia said, her voice finally breaking. "Zoe, I'm so scared. The doctor's say everything's fine but I can't do this by myself. I don't know how I'm going to tell Jeff that I'm a month and a half pregnant. It's not something you can just write in a letter, you know?"

Zoe pulled her friend close and hugged her tight. "We'll help you in any way we can. You know that. But you have to tell Jeff. He deserves to know. When does he come home?"

"Tomorrow," Lydia said against Zoe's chest. "I thought we had been careful. I thought we did everything just right," she sighed as she wiped away her tears.

"Well, if you don't want to tell him I will. I think it should come from you but if it's too much..."

"No, I'll tell him. But will you be there when I do? I could use your support."

"If you think it'll help."

"I do," Lydia said confidently. She brushed away her last stray tear. "Let's go be social o.k.?" she said as she and Zoe grabbed the cups of coffee and walked into the living room.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" Lydia asked as she and Zoe sat down.

"Well," Ayla said slowly. "We've got some big news."

Lydia gazed around the group. "All of you?"

"Yup," Justin replied. "Are you going to be busy around the twenty seventh of September?"

Lydia was now completely confused. "I don't think so."

"Good," Zoe smiled. "Would you be my maid of honor?"

Lydia's jaw went slack. "Are you serious?" she whispered. "You and Justin are getting married?" Zoe nodded as Justin grinned proudly.

"Ayla and I haven't set a date yet, but we'd like it if you could be there," Lance stated. Lydia spun around to look at the couple.

"You guys are getting married too?? Why didn't anyone TELL ME!!!??"

"We wanted it to be a suprise," Ayla said impishly.

"I think we got the desired effect," Justin observed as Lydia leaned back in her chair, shocked.

"This is so great!!!" she cried finally, jumping up to hug her four friends.

"Thank you, bean. You know, I hate to get a caffine buzz and run, but our families don't even know yet so we'd best be on our way," Zoe said.

"Oh, o.k. Can I call you tomorrow?" Lydia asked.

"Of course. Can I let certain special people know?" Zoe countered, glancing at their other three friends.

Lydia sighed, then made up her mind. "Yeah, they'll have to know sometime. This is craziness."

"You're absolutely right. I love you," Zoe said, hugging her friend again.

"I love you too," came the expected response, quietly muted with tears. The foursome left Lydia, then went their separate ways to tell their families about the engagements.
