"Uuuugggg," Zoe moaned as she reached across her bed to the phone. It had been ringing for the last fifteen minutes before she had actually mustered up the energy to reach for it.

"Hello," she said groggily, as she heard a click and a dial tone. "Fine, I didn't want to talk to you anyway," she mumbled sleepily. The clock read one in the afternoon. Shit, I have to sing in six hours, Zoe thought nervously. I'm so unprepared. She glanced at Ayla, who was still sound asleep in the bed next to Zoe's. I won't wake her quite yet, Zoe decided as she got up and stumbled into the shower.


"Ayla, I'm so nervous!!!" Zoe exclaimed, wringing her hands. "What if I miss a note?"

"Honey, you've rehearsed these songs so many times, I think I could get up there and sing them with you," Ayla joked. "You'll do great. Besides, I'll be sitting right at the front table where you can see me."

"O.k. I love you, hun."

"I love you too, kid. You're gonna knock their socks off," Ayla said, as she hugged Zoe and walked through the backstage door to the lounge.

I hope she's right, Zoe prayed.


"Come on, Lance! We're going to be late!"

"Justin, would you stop having a hernia for two seconds while I fix this tie? This place she's singing at is pretty ritzy......we can't just walk in the door wearing a t-shirt and jeans."

"I know, I know," Justin replied, fidgeting with his own tie. "I feel like a penguin in this."

"You kind of look like one," Lance said with a wicked grin.

"As if you can talk," Justin retorted.

"Hey, aren't we going to be late?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, let's go. Do you think Ayla will be there too?" Justin asked as they walked to the car.

"I hope so," Lance sighed with a whimsical look on his face.


"I've had times"

"When the days never end"

"And tomorrow is an eternity away"

"I look in your eyes"

"To find the goodness I lost"

"So long ago...."

Zoe's voice opened the song quietly, then soared as she entered the chorus.

"Will you be there?"

"To hold me while I cry"

"Will you be there?"

"As I slowly die inside"

"Will you be there?"

Zoe searched the room, her eyes falling on Ayla. She gave a small smile of encouragement. Zoe gave a little grin back as she scanned the rest of the room. Her heart jumped in her throat as she looked at the door. Justin and Lance walked through the room, wearing tuxedos and looking through the audience. Zoe followed their gaze as they spotted Ayla and made their way over to the table. God, he is so beautiful, Zoe thought as Justin moved gracefully between slowly waltzing couples. No, concentrate on the song Zoe, she chided herself as she finished the last verse. She gave a slight bow as the audience clapped. One more to go, she thought. Knock their socks off.

"I was a wayward child"

"With the weight of the world that I held deep inside"

"Life was a winding road"

"And I learned many things little ones shouldn't know"

"And closed my eyes"

"Steadied my feet on the ground"

"Raised my head to the skies"

"How's she doing?"

"Fabulous. I'm so glad you guys could make it," Ayla exclaimed, responding to Lance's question.

"Is it all right if we sit with you?" Justin asked politely.

"That's just fine with me," Ayla said, her focus returning to Zoe as her voice crescendoed to the chorus. Ayla knew this was one of Zoe's favorite songs and one that she was especially nervous to sing in public.

Justin watched Zoe as she let go a volley of eighth notes. She's really great, he thought to himself. No, I take that back......she's absolutely amazing. Lance watched his friend's intent gaze.

"She really has a lot of talent," Lance commented nonchalantly, waiting for anyone to respond.

"She's got more than talent........she's amazing!" Justin exclaimed, blushing as Ayla raised an eyebrow to his outburst. "How many songs is she going to sing?" Justin asked to cover himself.

"This is the last one," Ayla replied. "You guys were a little late."

Zoe's voice whispered the final words of the song as the audience erupted into thunderous applause. She blushed deep crimson, whispered a thank you into the microphone, and quickly made her way off the stage and over to the table where Ayla sat with Justin and Lance. Here goes nothing, she sighed with a shake of her head.

Both men stood as she approached. Lance took her hand and kissed the top playfully. "That was a beautiful show," he said in a low bass voice.

"Oh, are too kind," she blushed as she pulled her hand away from him. Justin just smiled as he pulled out a chair for her to sit. "Ooooo, a gentleman. Thank you kindly, sir," Zoe sighed as Justin pushed her chair in.

"Zoe, you were great!" Ayla exclaimed, grabbing Zoe's hand. "And you doubted yourself?!? They're gonna be begging to sign you a record deal now."

"Only in my dreams," Zoe laughed at Ayla's overexaggeration. She looked at Justin and Lance. "Thanks for coming though, you guys. It means a lot to me."

"No, problem. It was our pleasure," Justin managed to choke out. She looks gorgeous.

"How come you didn't tell us you could sing like that?" Lance asked, aware of his friend's slight loss for words.

"Well, I really don't know you guys. Besides, I've only recently worked up the guts to do this kind of stuff. You wouldn't have found me dead on a stage a year ago."

"Why not?" Justin asked curiously.

"Well, I make that have a severe problem called stage fright. I'm amazed I didn't pass out up there."

"I thought you were amazing," Justin said, staring Zoe directly in the eyes.

"Thank you....."

"Ayla," Lance said, diverting his focus to Zoe's friend now that Justin had found his voice again. "I called your house this morning about fifty times, but no one picked up the phone."

"Honey, I was asleep until about 2:30 this afternoon. When I'm asleep, there is nothing that can get through my unconciousness."

Lance chuckled. "That's amusing. I'm exactly the same way. If it's completely dark, I'm out for good. There could be a herd of elephants running over me and I would never notice."

"Let me tell you how true that is. By the way, you look very nice tonight."

"Thank you," Lance said, a light blush tingling his cheeks. "You look beautiful as well."

"Thanks. So, do you guys want to go out and do something tonight?" Ayla asked, hoping to change the subject off of herself.

"I'd love to. However, it may be difficult getting those two apart. It looks like there is some serious conversation going on," Lance observed, pointing in the vicinity of their friends. Justin and Zoe were concentrating on each others words intently, one voicing an opinion as soon as the other had politely stopped talking.

"Maybe we should just stay here then. We can still order a late dinner and dance."

"Sounds good to me. Speaking of which, may I have this dance," he asked, standing up and offering Ayla his hand.

"Why of course," Ayla replied as they made their way to the dance floor.

"Would you look at that," Justin stated, interrupting the comment he was about to make to gesture towards the dance floor. Zoe watched as Lance wrapped his arms around Ayla's waist and they began dancing slowly.

"Hmm, I'm glad they're having fun," she said with a small smile.

"Are you having fun?" Justin asked quietly.

"Yes, actually, I am. It's been a long time since I've been able to have a decent conversation. And it's even better because I'm having it with you.

Justin beamed. "Just let me know if you want to change the subject or anything."

"Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk. It's a nice night out tonight and I could use some fresh air and space."

Justin gave a winning smile. "Sounds like a great idea," he said as he stood and offered Zoe his arm. "Shall we?"

"Yes, I believe we shall," Zoe laughed as they walked toward the door.

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