"Are you sure you don't want to go out with us?"

"Ayla, I'm positive. You guys have fun. I'm having an inspired day and I need to be alone for a while. I need some time to think."

"O.k. Zoe. But if you get bored sitting by yourself, you know where to find us," Ayla replied as she walked out the door with her friend Catalina.

Zoe sat down in the overstuffed armchair of their apartment, her legs dangling over the arm of the chair. Her hair was pulled back in a messy clip and she had replaced her contacts with glasses. Armed with a pencil and notebook, she scribbled away bits of lyrics and poetry, utterly forgetting the time. It wasn't until she heard a knock on the door that Zoe looked up and away from her writing.

"Ayla, did you lock yourself out?" Zoe sighed as she moved toward the door. "I told you not to forget your keys," she repremanded as she swung open the door. "Oh! J-Justin," Zoe exclaimed.

"Hi," Justin said with a crooked smile. "I don't think I have any keys to forget. Mind if I come in?"

"No, not at all," Zoe said, opening the door wider to let him through. "I wasn't expecting anybody. What time is it?"

"Oh, about two thirty in the morning, would be my best guess."

"What are you doing at my apartment at two thirty in the morning?"

"To see you, why else? What are you still doing awake?"

"I...I was....writing," Zoe blushed. She had been writing for about four hours straight. "Do you want to sit down? Have something to drink?"

"No, that's o.k. I wasn't going to stay very long anyway. Just wanted to stop by and say goodnight. Is this what you were writing?" Justin asked as he picked up her notebook.

"Yes," Zoe replied, quickly taking the book from him. "No offense, but it's not something I let most people read. It's pretty private."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to intrude."

"It's o.k. Really. I just get kind of touchy when it comes to my writing."

"Will you let me read it sometime?"


"O.k., I can take a maybe," Justin winked. "I guess I better get home and get some sleep. See ya later," he said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and walking to the door.

"Bye," Zoe whispered to the already closed door. Please don't tell me I just dreamed that......


About two weeks later....

"Where are you off too?"

"Oh, no where. Lance asked me to go to the beach this afternoon. I thought it would be fun," Ayla replied, intently packing her beach bag.

"Ah, so that's what the new bikini's for. I see. I thought you bought it for me," Zoe joked playfully.

"Please," Ayla said, throwing her one of the raised eyebrows. "If you were wearing this, Justin would be on you in a heartbeat."

"Yeah, too bad he's busy playing basketball with Chris today. I think I may suprise him and go watch."

"There's a good idea," Ayla exclaimed. "Well, I'm off. Don't wait up too late," she chuckled mischieviously and walked out the door. I hope you know what you're getting into girlie.


"Hey there."

Ayla looked up from where she was laying on the beach, soaking up the sun. Lance stood above her wearing a wifebeater and forest green swimtrunks. Damn, he's hot, Ayla sighed as she stood to greet him. He gave her a hug and laid his towel out next to hers.

"Have you been here long?" he asked, hoping that he hadn't kept her waiting.

"Only about five minutes," she remarked.

"That's good. So, you up for a day of fun in the sun?"

"You bet. What did you have in mind?" she asked. "By the way, what's up with this beach? There's no one here."

"Yeah, this part of the beach is privately owned. I got us the use of it, for a little while anyway." Lance grinned. "See those over there?"

Ayla looked to the left. Moored at the dock were two jet skies. She looked back at Lance.

"Beat ya to 'em," she cried as she stood and broke into a run.

"No way!" Lance exclaimed, following close on her heels. God, she's gorgeous. That swimsuit is amazing.

The next few hours they spent by themselves, jet ski racing, swimming, and playing beach volleyball. As the sun got lower in the sky they stopped and watched the sunset.

"That is so beautiful," Ayla breathed, mesmerized by the display of purples, blues, and oranges in the sky.

"Yeah, it is," Lance replied. "But I can think of something better."

"And what would that be?" Ayla asked, turning towards him.

Instead of answering, he gently placed his hand on her cheek. Pulling her closer, he pressed his lips to hers. After a few moments, they slowly pulled apart.

"That," Lance whispered.


At the basketball game that same afternoon.....

Zoe pulled the Explorer up into the parking lot. Justin had told her earlier about the park he and the guys use to play hoops whenever they get the chance. She cut the engine and glanced around, just in time to see Justin practically fly over Chris's head and slam dunk the ball. She got out of the car clapping.

"Nice basket," she called out.

Justin turned towards the voice. "Zoe!" he exclaimed, a wide smile slowly spreading across his face. He ran over to her and picked her up in a monstrous bear hug right off the ground. "I didn't think you were coming."

"Well, I'm just full of suprises, aren't I?" she grinned, wiping the sweat off of his forehead. "Don't let me interrupt you," she said. "I came to see a basketball game!"

"You came to the wrong place then, cuz all you're gonna see here is Justin giving me flying lessons," Chris panted exhaustedly. "He's kicking my ass!"

"Remember Chris, you are an old man!" Justin laughed, sticking his tongue out.

"Watch it there, buddy," Chris warned as he tackled Justin to the ground.

"Let me know when you guys decide to play some ball. In the meantime, I'm gonna go sit on the bench," Zoe said as she made her way to the park's bleachers. Chris and Justin stopped wrestling and went back to the court. Zoe watched five games as Justin won four of them. Finally, Chris fell down next to her on the bleacher.

"Stick a fork in me, I'm done!" he cried, wiping the sweat from his eyes.

"Oh, poor baby," Zoe cooed. "Do you want your mama?"

"Why don't you play him and see what he does to you!"

"Maybe I will," Zoe retorted, looking to Justin. "Do you mind if you play someone who's never touched a basketball before in her life?"

"Let's go," Justin said, offering her the ball.

"This I have to see," Chris stated, seating himself on the bleachers.

Zoe and Justin started to play ball. Justin took an early lead and Zoe thought it was over. She could tell Justin was getting really cocky and let him think she was giving up. Suddenly, she stole the ball and proceeded to win the first game.

"Beginners luck!!" Justin cried.

"Probably," Zoe said calmly, wiping her face on his shirt. "Up for another one?"

"You bet."

Losing the next three games, Zoe decided she had had enough humiliation for one day.

"I'm with Chris on this one," Zoe moaned, laying down on the court.

"Giving up so soon," Justin teased, kneeling down beside her.

"Justin, I'm headed home man," Chris called as he walked to his car. "I'll see ya later, and try not to kill her o.k.?"

"See ya," Justin yelled back to his friend. He turned his attention back to Zoe. "So?"

"So what?"

"So are you going to get off the ground and talk to me or am I going to have to pick you up myself?"

"I'm not moving. I've picked my final resting place," Zoe sighed, crossing her arms in mock death over her chest.

"Well if that's the way you're going to be...." Justin trailed off as he quickly stood up and in one motion, scooped Zoe off the ground and into his arms.


"Now how could I hurt myself," Justin asked, putting Zoe down next to him on the bleachers. "You don't weigh anything."

"In my dreams," Zoe laughed.

"Well then, maybe you're dreaming," Justin said, wiping the sweat from her face with the bottom of his already sweaty shirt.

"You think so?" Zoe asked, looking straight into his eyes.

"No," he responded, slowly leaning towards her. "Cause if you were dreaming, you wouldn't feel this." He leaned in and pressed his lips gently into hers. Zoe reached up and softly stroked the side of his face. "Now do you think you're dreaming?" he asked, after a few moments.

"No way," she whispered back, kissing him again.

Coming Around Full Circle

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