Christmas day was spent like any other normal day on a tour. If you can call any of those days normal. The guys had rehearsal, then soundcheck after that. The girls left the hotel early to avoid any hassle with crazy fans. They had to play the airheaded groupie role for the next week. According to all the teenybopper magazines, all the guys were still "single and ready to mingle." Everyone agreed that keeping up that appearance would be appropriate. Ayla and Zoe went to wait in line with all the other fans. They had backstage passes but didn't feel like using them. Having to pretend that they've never met their closest friends was not their favorite activity. It wasn't one of Lance, Justin, or the rest of the groups' favorites either.

"I can't believe we have to wait in this line with a bunch of twelve year olds," Ayla whispered in Zoe's ear as to not offend the young ones nearby.

"It's not that bad," Zoe countered. "There are some older girls here."

"Hey, you guys look familiar," a voice announced from behind them. The girls turned to see a pretty brunette with big blue eyes listening to their conversation.

"Do we know you?" Zoe asked politely.

"Um, no, but I think I saw you earlier. We're you staying in the same hotel as *NSYNC?"

Ayla and Zoe glanced at each other. They had made an agreement that if anyone asked, they did know the guys but only from a few, discreet run-ins.

"Yes, we were," Ayla answered her.

"Oh, my god. That is so cool. Do you know them?" the girl questioned again.

"Well, we've met them briefly," Ayla responded, trying to keep her cool. "What's your name?"

"My name's Rebecca. How did you meet them? I would just die. Do you know them really well?"

Zoe tried to supress a chuckle at the girl's twenty questions. "It's nice to meet you Rebecca. We don't know them very well, but we've met them a few different times."

"What are they like? Please, tell me. I know I probably sound like a complete idiot but they seem like the nicest guys in the world."

"They are very sweet," Ayla replied, attempting to keep a straight face. "Are you here with anyone?"

"Yeah," Rebecca answered. "My friend Molli and I are huge fans."

"Well, how about this," Ayla said. "Since we've met them a few times already we'll give you and your friend these backstage passes." She tugged on the chain that held the pass around her neck.

Rebecca's eyes bulged almost completely out of her head. "Are you serious?" she whispered, the look of disbelief not leaving her face.

"Absolutely," Zoe said with a smile. She and Ayla pulled the chains off and handed them to the girls. Rebecca's shaking hands reached up and took the gift. "Merry Christmas," Zoe said warmly.

"Thank you so much," Rebecca replied hoarsely, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "What are your names?" she asked before turning to leave.

"Zoe and Ayla," Ayla told her.

"I'm going to tell them about you when I meet them. They deserve hundreds of fans like you guys," she said, as she moved to grab her friend Molli and rush to the backstage entrance.

"That was wonderful of you, Ayla," Zoe told her friend.

"It was the least I could do. It's not like we've only got one chance to see them like she does."

Zoe laughed and shook her head. "If only she knew how true that statement was."

When the girls entered the arena they rushed the stage, laughing like hormonally-challenged teenagers. Pressing themselves against the iron grate in front, they grasped a spot and didn't move. The opening group came and went without much fanfare. The lights dimmed and five hood-cloaked men walked slowly across the stage. Zoe and Ayla screamed and smiled at each other. They knew exactly how tonight was going to go, but it still brought the same pumping adreline to see five amazing entertainers perform. During the show, J.C. announced that they would be doing mostly songs from the Christmas album, seeing as how it was Christmas day and all. As they began the opening to "O Holy Night" Zoe began to cry. She had heard this song live so many times and yet, every time she heard it, it made her weep. The night went on without a hitch, except for the one or two fans who managed to rush the stage. They were quickly hauled away by the groups' fantastic security. Zoe and Ayla left the show early to go wait by the bus for the guys to come out. They would be hitting the road right after the show so they could make it to the next town on time. As Ayla clapped her hands together to keep them warm, her and Zoe's conversation was interrupted by a shout.


Zoe and Ayla spun around to see Rebecca and Molli rushing towards them.

"Are you guys waiting for them to come out to the bus?" Molli asked excitedly.

"Um, yeah, you could say that," Ayla mumbled, not sure what they were about to get into.

"Would you mind if we waited with you?" Rebecca pleaded innocently. "We met them and they were so nice and we told them about you and they smiled and said they wished they could have met you too. We'll introduce you guys again if you want."

Ayla grinned slightly at the young girl's unawareness. "That would be nice. But I don't think it will be necessary."

"Why?" Molli inquired curiously. "Do you think they remember you?"

Zoe, not being able to help herself, laughed out loud. Recovering she said, "I'm sure they remember us."

All four girls turned as a side door of the arena opened. Out rushed the five guys and their ever-present bodygaurds. Justin, Lance, and Joey stopped as the others climbed aboard the bus.

"You ladies ready?" Justin asked, looking to Zoe and Ayla.

"Ready as we'll ever be," Ayla replied, walking on the bus with Lance.

"Come on Joey. Let's go," Zoe said, linking arms with the two men. She turned back to Rebecca and Molli, who were standing like statues in disbelief and amazement. "It was nice to meet you girls," she called out as she climbed up the steps. Justin and Joey turned to wave as the bus pulled out and left the young girls, staring in shock.


"Justin, what's wrong?" Zoe asked two days later. They were sitting on the couch in the front of the bus, completely alone, with the exception of the nearby driver. The others were in the back, hollering about someone beating someone else's score in "Bashido Blade II."

"Nothing. I'm just thinking," he replied quietly, looking out the window.

"Do you want to tell me about it?" Zoe offered. She knew that Justin often got in bummer ruts when he had something on his mind that was hard to deal with. "What's bothering you?" she pressed again.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong."

"Justin, you can't sit here, looking out the window with a contemplative look on your face and seriously tell me that nothing's wrong."

"I think I just did."

Zoe paused for a moment. She didn't want the next thing she said to be an angry statement that could possibly start their own World War III. She took a deep breath and began again.

"Look, I know something's bothering you and I really wish you would talk to me about it. If you don't want to, that's fine but please don't start with the attitude thing again."

"It's not an attitude thing, Zoe. I've been thinking about something now for quite a while and I want to talk to you about it. I'm just not sure how to phrase it so you won't misunderstand."

"Try me."

Justin sighed, then took a deep breath. He turned to look Zoe straight in the eyes. " you think about.........marriage?"

Zoe stared at him for a moment, trying to register what he just asked. "What do you mean, what do I think about it? What do I think about marriage in general or what do I think about marriage at this particular moment in time?"

"Why not try marriage in general first?" Justin offered.

"Well," Zoe started slowly, then paused. "I think that marriage is a very wonderful experience. It's something that I definetly want to do at some point in time. Being a child of divorce, I know that I want to be very careful and not..." she stopped to consider her next words,"...make the wrong choice. I don't want my children to go through what I went through........Does that help at all?"

"Yeah," Justin said with a small smile. "Now, what do you think about marriage at this point in time?"

"Um, I guess, I really don't know. I think I'm kind of young to get married. But then again, I don't think age has anything to do with maturity. If I was asked and I felt it was right.......well, I guess I'd do it then."

Justin leaned back against his seat. "That's what I wanted to know."

Zoe gave him a curious look. "Why did you ask me about that Justin? It's not exactly a topic that comes out of the blue."

"I was just curious, I guess," he deadpanned. "I've been thinking about our future lately and I just wanted to know how you felt."

"Our future? Are you worried about us, Justin? Is there something else bothering you?"

"No, nothing at all. With you, I've got no worries. I'm entirely confident in our relationship. You're not having doubts, are you?"

"Not a chance," Zoe replied. She leaned her head against his shoulder. "You're my rock, Justin. As much as I'm an independent person, I really love depending on you."

He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. "That's good," he whispered, as they drifted off to sleep.


"Ayla, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Of course, Lance. What's up?"

"Nothing, I was just wondering about something."

"And what would that be?"

"Well," he paused, attempting to find the right words. "What do you think about us? I mean, how do you feel about what we have?"

"I'm not sure I'm following you, hun. I love you if that's what you're doubting. I don't see how you could be but....."

"No, no. I don't doubt that you love me. I know that. But how do you feel about us? Do you think we have something good?"

"No," Ayla said simply. "I think we have something amazing that most couples would be jealous of. I think that we are almost as close to perfect together as two people can get. Why do you ask?"

"I wanted to know how you felt," he replied. "I guess I've never flat out asked you before and I've been thinking a lot about how we are togther recently. Maybe....."

"Maybe what?"

"Maybe, I was kind of worried about losing you," he filled in lamely, not wanting to give away his intentions quite yet.

Ayla placed her hand on Lance's cheek and gave him a quick kiss. "James, you don't have to worry about losing me. I don't plan on going anywhere for a long time."

Lance smiled. "I know. It's just that tomorrow, you and Zoe are going back to Florida while we go overseas to tour Europe. I won't be able to talk to you everyday and I'm going to miss you terribly and I'm not looking forward to it."

Ayla gave him a sympathetic smile. "I'm going to miss you too, but I'll see you in Feburary. We're coming out for Valentine's Day."

Lance's smile got wider. "That'll be fun."

"It better be," Ayla warned. She hugged him close as they sat in the empty back of the bus. Everyone else was eating lunch in the front so she decided to take advantage of the short period of privacy.

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