A couple of months had passed since Marisol had left Florida. She had only kept in touch with Natalie, Christina, and her aunt and uncle. She was feeling better than ever with a new job, a new haircut, and she had picked up dancing again after quitting ice skating. As Marisol drove home after a long day at work, she thought about Justin and about how much she missed him. She turned on the radio and heard "I Drive Myself Crazy" starting. She let out a sigh and turned it off. She wasn't in the mood to hear Justin's melodic voice today, it would just make her miss him even more.

She climbed the stairs to the apartment that she shared with her friends Theresa and Malexi. She ran in just in time to answer the phone.

"Hello ?"
"Hi, is Marisol there ?"
"This is Marisol, who's this ?"
"Marisol its me, Christina"
"Hey Christina. Congratulations on the single."
"Thanks. Listen I need a big favor from you, You see in the video we have only male dancers, but now my chreographer thinks its better if we added some girls. There's three guys and we need two girls."Christina said quickly.
"Well, you're in luck. My friend Malexi and I are dancers. You see I used to do it on the side when I was younger and I just picked it up, we could do it if you want. When are you gonna be here ?"Marisol asked.
"We're gonna be in California in two days. I trust you, so I'm gonna get my manager to draw up the papers and everything if you want to." Christina said.
"I'd love to. Thanks so much Christina." Marisol said.
"No thank you." Christina replied

They talked for another half hour before hanging up. Marisol smiled to herself as she realized that her life was starting to get back on track.


Justin Timberlake looked out the window and took another long sigh. JC sat across from him. "You're thinking about Marisol again huh ?" He asked. "Is it that obvious ?"Justin said looking at his friend. "Justin, as a friend I'm telling you to be patient. Its only been three months." JC said. "That's easy for you to say. You have Natalie."Justin said. "Are you talking about little me ?" Natalie said walking in and sitting next to JC. She looked at Justin's facial expression and frowned. "Look Justin, Marisol misses you very much but you have to give her some time. "Natalie said.

"You've talked to her ? When? how?" Justin asked. Natalie and JC exchanged looks and Natalie smirked and pulled out her laptop from one of the bunks. She opened her mail files until she came upon Marisol's latest e-mail. The three crowded around the screen and read the letter.

Hey Natalie!
¿Que pasa mama? Nothin much over here! After much delay I've quit ice skating. It just doesn't bring me the same adrenaline rush as it did when we were 12 and 13. How are the guys ? Tell them that I love em and miss em all terribly. How's " Cutie" (Justin)doing ? I hope he's good. I know I should've told him that I was leaving, but he would've just tried to stop me and I needed this time to myself. Natalie I came to this realization that I will never stop loving him. He will always be that guy that any future boyfriends might be sized up to and he will always be my first and only love. The problem is that I can't love him now. I can't just jump from relationship to relationship. I could never hurt him like that. I know you're thinking that I hurt him enough when I left without telling him, but its better than not being ready to fall in love again so soon and not truly loving him with my heart and soul. Well anyway, that's all for now. I love ya girl and tell that great boyfriend of yours that I said hello! Smiley and Rezzy send their love!
- Sunny

Justin smiled and looked at Natalie and JC. "Where's our next stop again ?"Justin asked their driver. "Good old California." The driver answered. Natalie's eyes widened in shock and she excused herself to the bathroom.

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